___________ ______-~ H Mt~~j1~p. This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclified ::. & Co. :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN,, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.0, Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock 0200,000 Surplus $00000 Resources $2,800,000° A General 1Bankinsg Business Transacted tUrrCEs: Chas. E. Hiscock, Preo.; W. 0. Hdarritane, Vice Pros.: M. J. Fritz, Cashier TBHE1FARMERS AND MECHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREEHTS Capital $50,000 Surpius and iProfits $10,00 Geserai Banking Business. 3 percent paid us TIis o dOSvinsoDeposits. Safety De- psosit Hoses to sent at 12.00 and upwards R. Ksmpr, Pres. it. G. PsoETTYAs, Vice-Pres. 1t. A. WILLo,iatsohierF T. STOWS, Asst. (jeman:4M-iCdCan$Sixin~j4ank Commerala..land FIRST NYATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICHs. E. D. KINNE., HAiRISON SOULE Fres. Vice-Pros. S. WV. CLAtRKSON, Cashier. Capital.,Oi100,000OSrplus'anodiProfits . $005.000 STATE SAVINGS BANK Capital 050.000 iSurplus 75.000 Rlesourtc's Si,250,000 Win. .. Booth, Pres. Win. Arnold. Vice Fees. C. J. Waltz,. Cashier The loircoiro tfonouaoloalt onttl.y loiS .250 mieimbers cenrolledt. Vale ;recently receied a gift of $ioo.- 000 for usc of thec forestry school. OLtD TOWN CANOES Scnd postal for "Canoe" catalog to1 S. S. Scott. 702 S.lii. Pltone 6;3. MtIClIGA.N CE'NTRgAI, \VEEI-i END FARE TO Dt)BTIOIT ANtD RETU'IRN $i.oo (Goodi going oat alltirainstridys ant Saitirdays. Returning onl alt trains lcas" jug Detroit tot latcr thtan midnight of tce followving Sundiay. Consult aget foot partictilars. 108-14-20-26 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING "moic ana ]Drama MI'SS110 NT 001V,1.1.001. tAI11.51 NI iss "tora Craneo'Hut otof theoSchool of huittitfactilty' oill gisteti osng recitaol ihis afiteotontat :4l:15 intohoc atiolitoorittit, ~of tte ligit Schtol. Thetreceital is ati- nootitetias tilt extrai ttimblert otte se- rtes atnol till loe fret to rte iptblic. M\is Hun ititoili sinog;0seerotl arias at o mel-'ll littler, andl tte proogramll romniso'stoo bo mt~ot intetrssing. M'oiss Itoot hats ai 1o00 trailtoooice eof ratre richnessoandolbeoaitte,l andoi it seildomlheotrtttblolocooial diones. C H. 01.0.' '"PTe olf," bylot Etgeote \Volter, aol thtor of '"Paiin toFutll'"oandl"Thte1Easiest Way"' will be'thet offerinog oiltileNeot Whlil tey lohetre text Tutesoday, NIaoholo Spring styles in low shoes are: nio vready for your inspection. Tran and 1,z kItitenand Lace, for Men aunt Womn $3.50 to $5.UU Get fitted by our rulesstmasnd notice the satisfaction of perfect ten iliand sidthi. Walk-Ov r Shot o # 11p nS __________________________________________ The piece' loos 11tl adaooices'sfuol hlfi All 51100cr in this oluni usittilbejut cogedoeoffiourNeothsorlo'101hlot paid for in adveitc. Office houtirs :togt1011101tosltft'lt'Solo'I i-2 :301 7-5:30 p. MI'1.11It 100 oo .1to 0100115to ts',00t10010tootose ' ties'. WVA.NTE7D "Thot \otllf"lhs Ito'ottwit thella-oo iaitlusooto avto e Iiltolv.Thel'heot isto Wteod-Agentls. Thtree to tite lDol- FrettolCdian, wohl ~l 0 otunder0takest a'i ott rtsdaily, advertisinog, i Oiselinog too groo- doltt 5 011100whortttted'andtooltt'- ers, Cameto, iarsvelttittos, lo. wsh- ed co teodeatltof hltthfs I itter. Ileit d qulickl.-"Camueo," Dtroit, NIicht 120 1 min toIIthepestonol f a Sctctel irooe, ____________________________________ whlott's'.tltooo tto gel toldl of Iila NO'TICElt's the ogoolotpoil 0wh otloeots set lis A'aic-Frtitiies 11101Class 'Te'.ms! 001woma tt110110lot.ern i iet. theoh'lot Before placinlg yout order footBoise tro sceslitl carry01n0000lterooff0in a1figlot. Bail stipplies get ottt speciail Rate'.. 'ald10in 1t' lototoog tkills lis rivitoo It 0 Cuoshinog's Pharmlacy. sIon If sesationa100011u011.1 Teeatst0issaidtoo _________________________________________ be_ om000001oledamtoot010extcelloe'. MISCELLANEOUS 00111 inwil haoese n oobl (. C. Maoedel will takelour pSitc501tturinI lt lothis yea01 SPRING HATSadCP 00011r h otoe. iTtelpotot'473 J. ino-toE. CHIROPODY ('ortst unottnso, inoin'og tntils. I t'al edl 1110 cuedt. Eersititog oahbsoloteoly' antoiselptic. Offce hoorts: 9-12 ,a. 11,r- PI. 10., 7-8 I.Vit. ASits': J. F~olesy,920 Huro I ots street, EFad W\. I do. Ponoo 0189 J, if 'Telephoooe andtexprtess tervice totnibles t QolarrylDruig Co., 10 keep tGillert". IOtsegot and11assosrtedlChoocolotes Ots tteli aos Johnon's, fresho fromtt heico ndyot a- o bles.of THlE PALAIS ROYALkI, 209 F.. Iib- 1rt,.i showling the latest designos ion foio c\- or.A fll ineof erosiot threadolito Mantlove' ando D. MI. C., ilso flosstestoo all it ot' sewcolosandotshoatoes. Caill tnto see, if '0llott't'Ot'10 0iots s oil oatNeboraska ttoo s ttotationaot letamatlit'frt'ieronity. 'I'llt'!t'hica'otI 'oooottie clubl toill pe seto B'ooerardShots's comedytls'''oto Soot cr caon'T'll,.'' Mrs. Ruossell .Saget'aloots enttedttVois- saole(.lle'get still $oioxxfootanewdo0 t it or. PTi' otto S o 5000liraryttes OttfiSl otte is toirsva. 'lT'e onotlraoctor it ready lot loegito not:anditolhot' lotiloogshloutld lot 'toady ioo til tall of 10)12. 'V'ale' Univesity's ltp001ropold loo ta-oo dium wil seat'o oo00oterso. It otill tosti oearels $4000000, most of whlitt it is hoped01 tootlot' raisedl lotitsllitt' bouttolt HATS CAPs Get Your Nex igSi WADHMS 121-123 Sooth Moim Street Easter Tailoring we'll take your order for se delivery and gel the clothes out on time-Miade in our own shops and mae right. Wagner & Co. Stat. Street Tailors rt I ,< "Victrolas: VICTOR TALKING MACHINES And a Choice Line of Records UniAve rsity Music House Press. Building Maynard St. We are always pleased to demonstrate the .Superior Qualities of the Victor Goods All Studoilts whose name0s are given in the Students'tDii'cetoryic oill receive '0011, a coipy of the IIAV FESTIVALan ANNOUNCEMENT Studlents whose names ateinot in the dlirectoiy or whose ad- diresse'. hase e h a nged may get the copy inteiided or otthemi by calling at the School of Music in abouta week. WE FrenchDr Cle an A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suits Pressed, 25c Trousers, f 0c REPAIRING Fullet & O'Coomll Taitors. 619 E. Wiliam St. i 3- TO NIG H CHNSERSAURANT Fancy "Chop 5 lytt and American Dio Cl opt and Steaks It all Hours II K1ING LOO 314 S. hi I+- UPS'TAIRS ..