THE MICHIGAN DAiLY CHECKS On the Bank of ,Success-that's what well tailored clothes are. A man is taken now- a-days at his "face value." May we not show you the newest Checks and Pencil Stripes as well as Plain Suitings and Over- coatings, to wxhich D~ame Fashion has affixed her royal seal of approval this Spring. Swell Suits and Overcoats to order, $20.00 -EFashions latest whispers-do lend an ear to then - - -- J. Karl Malcolm, 118 E. Liberty UNIVERSITY NEWUS Aieciini of Nlinii xiihi I ihrcti Friday nightxiatiC :,;o.i. 11iimberihi (,n Sccixxxtiii le iii lciOx tei 110- IC nesdi,lM H-Ch 22, at 8 piii. li ii T110 AIxri issu {f 11 Ri ew xxx t(}5 ress t (ii, n tm Prif. Johni.ix hai~irlieofteLm*:i ix_ Al.ixxj i xxiO T .iF\N li ?IM Nl ii NS ii i~il Slii S Ti'lii 1 M ,New Wvhitney Theatre TONIGHT The Century's Greatest Dramatic Sensation FREDERIC THOMPSON PRESENTS V ~.-wr nRIFT DORIS MITCHELL txid i oLht i t of Ida} -. ii{ luixix ix. Ad msAlibri Sackietx. Cxxrriestirr. illiiamx (l. i i i , °r ] i ,[zi e M I cxi ' aiill, xxid Alxx xice ly. XIS MON'THS AT HUDSON THEATRE, NEW YORK CALL AND),SEE THE 711 -. UT *veraity Ave. Granger' ." 0ho f Dancing 11 c e" lixitermxi begins 'ixiivxyoui do Clas ,to ax t 4;,Oxxti x Fuesday andThursday Eveig,7:100 for Parlixul ix a A i l-, yworPIxxxi 46-Office hours 101to 12 a. a., 2 to 4p. a BAILEY &%:EDMUd.. ND.Se Ldies' Hair tDressing, Shampooing x'xxis iii'n Aomniin Waser Shampoos aSpecilt~y. AllI xii ciix ilit i i i i xii x toolsansd tow'elssterilidbefore usinsg Liberty St. Asn Arbl F igsiQuiYixiiniversiy Aix'. id m ice-)ridentxii. adxiii dl1 se rx'ixvxa \\"xii , ix 'p iy ei i ll extPrkies:335 , 50e, 75i., $1 .00, $1,50. xx-iii be madei in i cc xliii Iii ]llii ext Saura click. ,\ x )ex iixxiii ) xxxidi i teva'r o e '1 arc eanesly livted \illhe ondcle Ca' 13t oadw v at 54th St, 01 voc,\ 11sipp i s n ii- to ipt xxxanidatexinii ied nde I xiixixlii5xxi iii x KECPTI Cxxix xxii xixxxxi pr ipoed ireidentx i ll ead 11eici conii ng ofii fxixl tert o sbxit:' C t'xxx eiamxvi lxxxiii iixx xxiiiutom Im I- xai c d thxix rcedncof i xsixiiil Ideal ixtescoii ss inix )aciingslftcet 0(( scholastic xtixi'oiiii sfi fie ,?l ew, mi ixiC rolof.i ixixixixi:eti iein eil) tdenxMixigdc xit ivixxix xxii iii xii xx ixxixixx xx i .Trasnsien en, aiiiii i i'iieigiahle fthsvtrsAll Q Thei matei electvxiv ion OJNII)e hed iHI MA Lxxx xii lxi ii Sxliixl Liiii Harry P. S asorts, oix vii'y xwiil p'. J. Biestgl SPRING SURELY _MUST Bi' _____________ IN O UR \MIDST ATLi ASI ' ~ ~ g Diiiyou xxe hixxi-th lxl manx in ii lix ligiht ovcvcoatl xliv, at xliv lxuxivfxligh nxooni, bolxyi shd ouxxi onixxiiexxi quiking~i mxushii f thiei campxusxilawxii, andxsxi ox i ngii it dliowxn, icixixiupxxsxxmetxinxg xciii xiv Antix goldiexi?? Wevsxwxivmxiaconic ixxck withx nmuxixog-- gexi shovis nd xan air xif tviumph.xix It'i xii lxxvecxnouxghitolxiccexlirstivxinxx, blxxto N UT'tAOOD pick theliv rstildxindelionxx;xi, thatxisiian xcit vovrihy if i imxvxtality. Xxxii he lxad iickvdthx i rs t lidaixndeilionxx! i'sivuex hat lix growixig no vr xioeiof tiiiblowixi lxiiofxxBrand the tixnxici but i iit aslh ii rstxii!2 for 25c OF MODERN AMERICAN LIFE Seats Now S oilIng Paieceand Caim Nerves- arc the result of an evenly nourished body. Most foods only supply one kind of nourishment to oe-part of the body. Whole wheat contains every "" e feInt necessary to build up and ,trenr hFen brain, muscles, bone and d nervouvs system. is the most easily digested, mostR0 easily assimilated, most easily " .'-" prep ared form of whlole wheat. It is ready-coo '1and ready 4 - to serve. tUnliket ordmnary i t_~ flour and other forms of xwheat, Shredded Whe'at hads lost n one of its nourishitixidualitiesmi preparation. Maxde onily by The Shredded Wheat Company Niagara Falls, N. Y. ~ ~ ~if Va l b e rIan d NEW YORK andi 53d S".iEleivtid BY A COLLEGE MAN [ege Men Always Welcome al lterms for College Teams ILocation. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park Modern, Absolutely Fireproo it Rates, $2.50, with Bath. and Up. xutsidc Rooms. Send for Booklet. kNAGEME;NT OF th HtlImiperial. ,ham, forvimervly withiHoiel 'Woodwarud Jo A. TRUBY FOR High-Grade Confections Pure Ice Cream 116 o. Main Phones 166 Typewriting and Shorthand xvw iii ers iixfoxrxsale ,or et. Typer- lxxiii xiiiiixi Ilxilxixx, ia etci . v O, D. MORD ILL 0)NirhU x vi i x iii ty Axve. Bell 13151, ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Opos lexleticxvWxiinsioom GEO. V. STOLL, Proprl otor 4lii xxiryn"Fr diix TnlE OLD PLACE REINGER ea.CO. We have a fresh stock of Prince Aibevtvand Tuxedo is a pound and 4 pound vans and java. J:rotbev$ m~oot rhop' , illeptezcntatts'e 32 $ o. sMate street Zbi cc Besl Made -Merit in every Thread Dtrait United Lines OAn inxfoirtnaxionxxtoxxIAxx ion li iiivi. oxiadvix AlIlen .; V >txi xi f theliii toitixi Jixltvx L ines li ofixi' xi Vrity xxx Arvbor' extra ears and extra service will be promptly supplied. Brken Len sesp W01in. ARN llD Jeweler 220 Sooth Main St. ALWAYS AHEAD IN MILWARD, T RF THE BEST OF EVERY TKiINO IN TAILiOR N'.