THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. WILD CO. 311 50. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. HIe WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 5. STATE STEET lypcw ~itcrs LL PRICES The Studets Typewriter Supply Co. Room. 4 Press Buldig. Oppsie Majestic J. P. LEATHER Note Boos no isl 11 ill1a- f c I 1501 51 ~i i /'O pi c S,; ); ur iot okcn lain aleterpki .. k We sell the filler for the lether note books by the pound. ( ALL AN SEEtOUR LINE Stizdents' Bookstore SHEEHAN &C0. C. [. DARIN[L Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law anid Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, etc. Complete line New and Sec- ond-hsand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BAR'THELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 TH-E MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-LEE A WHITE. Business Afaagr-NORMsA I,.I LL,. ErToRS. News Editor........... Harold Titus Assistant.............Harry Z. Fte Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant............ J. Fred Laton Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files... .Dion S. Birney EDIT~ORIALS. Arthur J. Abott. G S Lasher. Paul Leidy. NIHT EDITORS. A. J. Wohigemuth. H-arold McGee. Franik Pennell lEdwsar II. Rob- Maurice Tolme REPORTERS. Loren Robinson IHarry Myser John L. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. John H-. Townley. Wallace Weer. Gerald J. May, Emmett Taylor. C. Hlarold Hippler. J. Selig Yellen. Robert M. Gillet Wi. T. Daugherty BUSINESS STAPP C. A Bowman. A. K Dilley. Myea Ruin. Kenneth Osorn E. Ray Johnson. Elmer P. Grierson. C. I. Klinstock Joseph N. Fochard. Address: MCHIGeAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Offiee lours: Managing Editor, - p. ms, and 11:0o-1m1:0 p. m. Daily. Business Manager, 1-5, 7-8 p. i., Ex- cept Sunday. Both 'phones 96o. 1'l SI)aY. 1MARCII 2, 11)1. INight Edito-EnWARD II. Rout. U NVERSITY CALENDAR. ::. YCcb 22. -Lecture Recital. iScooof L-;R~ic HlI,:15 p.iru. t Marchit24.-Der lDunokopf' -\Vtitoe thetre, 5:00 5p.t. -ilarchi 25-Lit ittercass party, Barbour ,,s. 12:15 1t1 5:30 p. m. .Mic Icl25. - iMichign~-Corncul iet, \Nate 1515111gymnasium1, 7 :30 ocok. MrschI 31-Womlens Atlmnae Baqulet :111(1J uior Girls' Plaiy, Baor gyit- ThleUiversity of Mihiga is askiig till state legislature ftr moey-lots of t. ThieState of Mihigait is not aiy tool selt 1ff fnaicialy. But the sews- paesof Mihigan are lakig tip te regents it their reutesitiisid in this fact frieiits of the uiverstr may-fiiitt iutie satisf actoi. To keelspIce with tie tiies see eed toey eetd, at the vry- least, eey ccitt for whicih we are askiig, aid to fid sanlly ithe state pess-pwer- fiut thtat it is-iseans tiat teuse ie of Is,- univrsrity-wiltl be well clampioied. Thelsegislatos respect te ress e- causeI'it vosces ptbile oiionlanituNvitt pullicsopinionsiclamoturng fortthtat scieice htstl, lheatinlan1111t atu the rest tiat's lD.ueic aWi dramna 11155 51541SYM'iHONY OiCiESTRA. Tthe Rusisiain Syiipoiy rlestra m 1111oteimade tp of virtolstt, but tudr thec tutelage of Modest Altisl c, efets sre oltaieid tiatustamthig le lrganizaI/tiion a s imne f umistakale meiet. Con~cer ted ttacks, delicate, zepi- yr-like iceseendols aidldiminueindios, aid pterfsct clarity tire somre of the details- wh Iichtshle cr1n1uiticor tas evideistly it- sisteid 1p111. AMoceox-ec, they were po- tells factllrSs ismakiitg the program nsi- tc restiing to an aiidieisce at thse Whitiney thaster last inighst wiinli size was en- tirely unii-iirthy of thse orchestra. j is ible aiid isasterly readling was threntDtrakul's wseli knoswi. symsphony "FroimitIte Nesw World," whtichswas sutitiutedlat ltse lastnmoimeiit forMeu-Irs idelsshin's "Italiain Symsphony."'The, itieaidt aduitirminei-ss'If this-Aidsgi, is esptecially wortliy If lisiti 'II tileasr toI the icisi iir P If1. 11 llw.t by fscicg. Tihegralce of A sitri s1) o11 left aidletaetti-taste : tile tceeiitiIdos- aicceler-eniit ilit tll-he Hall Iof lth- hlitiain i n,l ftarly swl i-i tw t in ttte iirtex of 1sf 11hirl.1 lit sidi. Pits tackIof vIirility- 11111 ira- si qualltityfr is 11I si 11111 li s v I wshlichi his s IIgihu fth lg u"II friioint t'sigliaci-c ndce. 1t1ano tie truthfully sa~idthtt hefill o1111111 lo is as inispirinig ill -ir tan1111eCs it i s inth t osiriginIit l ian t- estt is is trueof te trntionue atn fonrat icchutc11111ill the lIayIll "siritI Sog. tiiTheisui slsitio ofti nhe tier sict ill a manner that appe111a1s stoItIe mailjority -if hier .11aud itors-wich, it sWouldt si-mrio, 1111St ill ttim of11 such suit atilest , '11e11rIit was Iwell sung. hsa-vigheard itit. ' leSt peth-utrift,". hisltst. dramic~ ssork of Porter liliersoll hrow,lriisi 'A o FsitThere N'sas" hsiiss enl111It tloighit Th iteSeris asitaisl drama of today" s certaiin stratsi 1f soIcirty. 1 ci-Is 'I 1 e aIIa 11111 il II1I ll i l l tis III, ]11 Ih 11m lst 111111 it 'sits-. " ble 11}t-e sit,, is p wr y e~li ). A ills tll s ar III I it/is "f '1-1 111 s IsIm1 Ills 1111l - il(}7ts-e ha(Winltill il I- -thjr «f 11 - lles, 1 1 - sIdrs-I I it C .1 i 't stnl tsif the1,lii Ilcl ii I. I reached.l / In iis mu tr l' A l re. tas. >111111 111111-1 is esseil Ive been, inlludedlinl 1555 lills 1forilli buItSl) ll b cels tw Nis1- 1,11 i1 r hci 11 the-1 ii' Michigan. S t a tiou'C ry A fresh supply of the best styles at 35c, .40c, 50c, and 75c Per Box !-ave just received a brand new lot of MICHIGAN SCRAP BOOKS At $1.00 each WAHR'S University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage F'ircesachi couple to and team parties lefoire 1, o'lock$150, after 1t o'clock $2.00. Freachi'runsoloull from door, the price witli e 25 Con,If curried tn ir frlr up-stairs, the price will be 50 Cents. Drivs-o are requiredi to collect rash fisr carriage- and baggage service. IVA'LKER51'S LIVJERYt iROINSON & CO. W. 11. STARK HOSiLItVERYi N1il i, i-i16)()t 111s11 sll 1111o1he -is Il lac 1 - il/Il Ill NMisic sl -tvi mi d street to 'Frod tIlI) l. ic 'ts t t 01 l I Nll cs I-I 1R I, a i I I lilt-s i 1 is Ic . The' Lat- in >>> mo'4 Ilse sl Ill' Mll Ill, Il t11 ha}tIllc NIl 11111 ,-- ii. S. C. A. MAY FOUND SCHOOL Permissoo Gra hgttan the tlll 111. ille 1 the healiiisrs iitutheIMajestic tis till i -- i1 msiii it populrsttrac tions- Ithis layhouse If i 5 hasha thsi tis tear. Tehiselitts-itcXIll-I fesatiii-s inctlintg -a cver1airsh~ip a - rantgemettwhich aids theml inl their ac' 1 cliltc ssolik. } < The S' 11 secdfatrs-o:inallweek1',s bliiNl is Whill INI Aruit sronlg & Co., in the Eixpressmn.t" The a sct Is 1a1 IV ttt - lug ssithi t a'repertoilre' IofIimperso--11'a tinanl sid sifell sonigs, tplesed Itile aIllt dieitce. iTh ii'1Is sComletedi-is it11111 I black fsiceacslttisnd I s11t1a in ssi teist liarit. -Nlil 1 1alii S S. C. -~111 t I T Illi 11 t 1:I -(4 Wes 11 We Pjrint Dance Programs, Tally Cards, etc. Leather Programs a Specialty We Bind Class Records, Technical Journals, Periodicals, Magazines, etc. Ready For Your Orders Onr Spiscisi..' Iits of Cusstomu Blade Ilesuds to r lotS tittsh'suabrieswhich ace ecluisive sith styles that are author- itative. [Deady- to bouuk yooi order or nisis it is hlttoday tot later delivery. [toadtio t11ake tty'our masam ,gel the slid 1 in c s os-ks--sod deliver it just whensu nt it. Y on gain hi taskings adviantage of otur rea.diness tisslus Win. E. Dieterle Varsity Tailors 117 E. Liberty Street Shirts and Neckwear Made to Order WE French Dry Clean A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suits Pressed, 25c Trousers, 10e REPAIRING Fuller & O'Coonll Tailors. 619 E. Wiliam St. Arftie Workst' 1'unuuju ,S'e ie PihtPif lc MAYER, SCHIOETTLE & SCHAIRER CO. STATIONERS PRINTERSS BINDERS GENERAL OFFICE OUITFITTER~S 112 South Mae St. Bell Phoone 1404 e 121 Warble too f, RANDALL d c&PACK, Photographers Phone 598