Q. jplgrersc aft SHOES $4.00 and $5.00 IDEAL OXFORD Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.001 and $7.00 shoes. WAGNER &Co. State Street Sign of the big white shoe SNIEWS Il ( New WhitkeyTheare c.ta lr 815P. M. Late cormesaraot seated vionnptly. -,si z ay, Mar.20 Russian Symphony Orchestra Modest Altschlerc. Conductor NINAI)IMIIRIIFF LEAIA \ JOEBL-HUILSE BETRAM SCHWAHN FR. NK ORMISBY ()n O t ia (I niiiilof 5 Lil n o ii)S 11(111 Praces-50-75- $l.$l.50 SEATSNNOW SELL INGi T~zesday, Mar. 21 FREDERIC THOMPSON Si Mt hsa the l% udo Theatre in New York City Prices: 35-50-75-$1-$1.50 SEAT SALE NO)W OP'EN. _. -- .-> INDIAN BL1ANKESTS AND CURIOS Arts an~d Crafts Shop FSiler Novelties frome Easters Shops Co.55,leaandSay nrt Senior Caps and Gowns Seniors will please call as soon as possible and have their measurements taken for cap and (Gown 3rd Floor M~lack &f Co. 3rd Floior '' 1 I , l ., I' t' 1 t i 7 i " . (6' C; ,il ® it) 11 - ~~ Dol'tBy That New Spring Suit until you have H examined our finef f M W line of Adler Bro's. Clothing. a! tt::Any s tyle you may desire f ::' r Ii to wear + f c .. r N w-f v .::t Y .. -_ T,? , . i Y N ' ,': i a + Y i 1 ': yy' .5 Y' \S ! 1 v ±i; ': i l WEEK OF "atinee Wed. and Sat. at 3 P. M.~ ErgOtti, andLilliputians MCAULEY and CON WELL Black (Face WILLIH & COMPANY IT~ENr~fln in a Comedy Li Coptight REULE, CONLI & FHEGEL 200=202 South Clain St. WE f° A Suit or Ovv . o 75c Suits Pressc ,25 Trousers, JGo I Ibran Ashley, Coeien SPOON MATINEE WED,, MARCH 22 klm ST 'ARTING MONDAY NIGHT S .um -, B3ase 1Ball Shoes 0 $2.50 ada$3.50 tGym tGoedaand GomitShoes Ft. R. FROST, 302 S. State St. AT t UTTLE & CO. LUNCH ROOMI p o cafind a PlnlinenofConfectionery BAILEY& EDMUDS DESALERSO IN IGuns, FishiniiTackle ansdAm itiois LbryS. Ann Arhor, PIichigan on l96 2r, *Ladie' Fair Dresing, Shampooing r ianicurint, Face 1laeeage. Rain- IWater Shampoos a Specialty. All t onesoand towelnesteriltzedhbeiorefusing MRS. J. R.TROJ ANOWSKI J. A. TUBY FOR High-Gr Contection Pure Ice Cream 116 So. Main Phones 166 ' REPAIRING !Fuller & O'Colnr Tailors. 619 E. William St., DETROIT UNITED LINES Betweetn Detroit, Ann Arbe r and Jackson ]Limited Cars East Bacuod -50Ya.iw., 10:2 ILimiteet Cars West Bevnd--lilt a. ini.. 11i:5 ILocal Cars Eastnouned-'IA ,)l t titi, i545 a IV to 11:1 It . i.. aiiio il .ii Ol . n.. i( 1 it1a. sin l T'' iic, hange :at 1Ypsiiaiiiti. Local Cars Weal Bound--:;45 ant, ., 7:1ia s.,nd every twiihoustoi1:15 p ia. a SoxevsenerMafleees Tuesday. Tbhseradaye Saturday tcs Slhe IFa.'se Co cedy wsith Mu~sts Morrie B. Streeter Blanche Bryan Jack Warburton L~ell Chsarlton Frank Weeks Nettie Foster Sooth. "An Arizona, orxance" ALWAYS 10c NIEVER HIGHER ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES a t v t R ry i , y MI THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING