The Mi igan Da
ANN 4AR1'OR,7111. I1( N, NINi) ).1(CIC WII RIc16,r)10
Vol. XXI.
d.11 11
;, ritl
which 00.
Bat Heidelberg 25 to 0) in Initial
G a e o e snI N H A R D F O U G H T B A T T L E S ci t th 1 c ig r A i v)
foegn c~d itit'sheretofore tiut
erines Utmost Efforts Are Necessary To -oolAllo-~ 1l~t111111ali
Retain Their Place In The Fight For college eeIIeo he1e 5Ootirdli oaC~chl
Gridiron Supremacy 1p1i1110s1and sticc5111111 1r01i1te1 every
.; do with he r therin if ntt show011in
E RALLY GIVES 6 TO 3 VICTORY eitrd1021iii t111ha11
1111d (I1'011'1'lto11' re1tlint their sun whic et itlownton te Cld m1111aes141- 11101111....... 4I)e al
i h ae frgiiron supro 111 it too warm ieven for te spectattors and 1 I to /.11111!11-01Iutl WI'0 tilot, 1-l t s' ar~ill I... ZC. I I..... Kissel
W olverines1r0 gi0 er10101 o -o ppr0k lllle5sive for the contestants.//u]11. T1.111 il open1 te,1 cc1/11 011111 1 ....... C ...1..1.111 1 ii
111t1e11as1 ii'' 1111011 1f h tplay nd! !! 11 1 1 7 0 01111111 1th11111s11.... I.(......... Kc pe
Despite Itheir n1111 eca0001m dei 11111111 ... F .... ...... Lyn
)rsnatI e o h 1 lichigatnfr °
feattile Michliganl eleve h wdisl
11111111 aflerooIl 10s 1 111100etpower~ 1 1 ~ E ~ fulmahie7htinth 1411111 y an . .[11..1...111iat
fiiirhd1 c1111 11oun1e1of strength 0 c0iiti10110,1...111 IJIJM AP4 ) Il....o Krugero
showed the efffects ofteps el ilir1 '>n) ,I ....Co~tg
he m i . 11and 11111 1p00ye 1)00o h dill a t hepeec fohl G 11" o scre te vrit iler a 11w scoreD: AllvFreshv2,11 eIdlr -.
110 1thel offenlse Odisplayled rae-ll e n'BWM NSLCE
11Il 71011, 11 t1he hacks seleell 141 dsover'
ho(01 1)011w 101 011000the b1ll1 wthout r-- aloiso--n
11111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t 1T1 l 01 1111 1here wats still 1100111111111 1a1nd brad
inefeec 1but1the 111100 00110011111101 Over Eight H und red Votes Cast 1110,111l11~lI111 1110112
I Ilo n 11011 a011 noticeale . _ui1 t1 b Is 1111110 01: giifi
arty 1n t111 01c1011 half1 1111 0111 Tho so. m00 _-1 ,. 11debut1 , . :, to Spite the; Barring of llIC 111111 4 o orllIl
111.10 11 collisstellt grarl I 011100good1for-
111fot 011 111010IttOci 11 1111 111thosea tisten111 rund5511 hr 1111h
lll-Ihts h arcrrso det i h
I 11111111110 1100 111 t~lilto1111011011
tr s I 1 10 11t111011 tfa ti h e 5111unted o iiet erms0110' th0111
able hill.1111he1panti1g11uel1 tetoc110
defat and ba1111 k fea1 r creptl 111111111 110 t 00011 t o 11 inet w s o eof11h01101 11111 I0
Ill on11 their.111011n110 1111 11)in110an1110e011 Green11storeoth offense11)a1d11kor-1
finl 1 n1d10 110n(v1icto(1y.10T110 rlOSlt ly w Catitor's 411111.1sillell wore; 011wa1s
ter of th1e11ecd10an odaf ter a ec ageOf ito o 111 as, to rsh tell lltlw n
1011111 F 0 mers1 gol C rtetii sas few yards 00111l1d)1not 0001110(1d111111
411011 he1k al1alloton1a11ie 01111un0000, 0114 the iFarnners 10o1. the 11all 1on
101111 1o1th11111110ard011nt.b Thtreoat-Ildowns. OBefooe the hlf1s1 vr h
tack1s01ne11e(1le sos1111n110111114g1111ut1I.vsitors 1h001assumed101th111 11111 o
'A. C'. bb 1)0p1na1iz11d1andtheo 7 11100111I iltlIwas 4gi011a 0111n11e0111u1100 111(foot
111d1 a11111111 0111101. )11n 110he 111if th 11111uthis trial101111m tte 44 1 1111line1 1ren1
t1e11111Gree oo:111t111e- 11igslintacoos1k)he11111alloditeh ned11 1111 w 1 iltu a
111111. (1111 theol1100ch11celon ~lklin w0a10 Earls in 1110 seonl alf 111thll 44 II("-1
0111111d1hac1k and11a 111100 kiolfoirm~ationllro1101got ata tste o watwa1 *o om
ttsed. 1)11411 0 pass 10e111to CG0001n1111100110111Ca111b1el11blocked '1111111111111
e1e0, "o ma1"1in crosed0 he0111 fr t he)0 putn111111The Varsity 000111 01011thte 1111
coutl ltat wolf1 .111111111n11110then it - 011 hat ocionlII1111t te 0a1111101 e
111e sixthint11111whlere the 111111110 feon 11111Th10yI Could
1.ANSI0NG111111110SlTT0E 10 1)1F0RC 110notperce It othichia 1101011n0e11111it
ke1i 1 th 1111ugleon011h110 110lhobet s easytfor Hill to 01111111 fi11l111 "111
11ween1 11he1eleventthe11100a110 1c01111101 It wassbut 111111110r111111en11 110for1
1)e11e1en t1he1r 0su1porter0s.It required d tisaster threaltenecd.O(711 e irsct1001x-
foutee cars to0 1b11111g110t1e O LiC11010e01101140of punits follossng1the kicof,
galtilollttoA41111rbo111111111t1111cheerooed[(ill grabbled tile 1111all0d ran11111111
inI a1tta-n1111r1lwh 1111 1ford Sly"to ex-1110ve y)0015throulghl 11e1e111110 Wo1ve10
101111 himllto secure11 a gre'ate10r11111u00 110 aggregationllait ols1111dtte11111
of1 0011110 foromlthe110i111/0l1d11111110o11111llnte 1-towas calledl backbcueh a
000. Tvistlors brouhltteir oatdet 110011aideod by illegal 111101rfor1111e1and
11111111 em n-ill a11o11111 ma111 cot11 1001 the111cltager seas averted 1110 a limeoon1111
thle 101011111 a ctbhar.lo -Tho ig11 (Contintued 011 page404)
11 SWMi I ll 0111111111111511111111 to)
:il t e oI Is(f tac , b sb ll n
oll > l.
- cshoatr 1I e - n I -11.
Th11'' 111 f I)I t l rl 0111-1-111 -11
I~nll ~ oS I I oNI hI a11 laCrkIII.rt.
1101 111111}.tan 11111111111 ote
\v' 1 1111 0cast.1111
l C~rrc~oI 1tice 111111 cr o1 the foot
No. 1t2.
Greased Poles Causes Violation
of Rules, Making Conflict
a Draw
'The'fbotsh1m1n1w10100ttevictos in
yesterd'ay's ldeclass11 con0001ts, wil-
nin by11 o-tese 110f112 to1 1. Itecuisthe
lirs1 yeta011men cove-redl 110e )110les itI
dlclared a ]iorech of1h1 les110, 11he 0101-
hict 11a1s1de'clred aawis. Inthe 'cnle
011010 the fresmeioonoi23 toi13.
The1 Cst year m11011e10end11(1011pIles'lo
wel11 1110 110r0ahalf oll11)0. Several
11110011it looed as thoulgh the sop1h-
1111100 0w111111silo0111di 0 )ltiniithe
flags, bute110hIiatto1pt1115asfitilieobe-
.A10e-0thityt m1i11tes10offigtiig the
CounicilmenI'l 11111e tei1e1011111
,ksido-frbouthel a'llegd hroct of
otlo's theo'r11011wa)0 111111satisfatorv.
111010111.1.leIwas spiritedl t ll thmes
11111 1111111i01110w0001 into wiit. he
alotto to 1101ut 1 thisrotw1010u1111
ized hatheati'thtlthe 1115 tuarlmo
ittaick in twoIboies If tie'cast pole
had.-no b111en111gresedo it 10sery likly
11111 the 0sophomoresli 000 ld ~llhave cap-
tured)1it. III 0stningitii n anloiiter's
strikiitg distanice111 tlte'fdig btttwsot111
able tol advance11n1atclt tO o f ilt11the 40re)s.
TI'le'"clii) 011110 ws 01011n 111101'i-
1t0101t1g. Thisith10 irsot 000)0 the cnie
it wo1110uldleem itht it is wllt wot p11r-
0111om echlidsel 111d1pairod off, the o-
jeto 110111" 1o1 w00st0the' ce(0)1111the
htand IsfI teopplioent V Te 01)000
110o11g11t11)011h 11a1doiln very pretty hs-
sl-s a)1ndh kp1t to 011001tatoriterestdt
at)al ime111110 ur1)ofthett matces 10000
declaredl dllw100 Th11)fte01hm01 hgained'
thteir coad right 'atshe stt, tie sopho-
11111111 in thie loiger drawnVitolt coi-
Not t1110eatsa ltisfatcto)ry ttig aotlit
toe event1s is tte absence of cosuilties.
Oneto man)1 htadlthe wiod kiockeout111of
1)1) thceren-ere Io 000101010results. A
11)0rge 01cro1wd turne 1111t tol watcl the
scrap~s, tools 1101114gtetima5111ted numti-
Owiiig 1to1 11114-ing y the facuty the
00111110Tlts liill noi tlintiate class oufi-
Ia;Y buto- 11on111Friday afternoon~i. How--
os-r, lure soill to 0 closs mletig ot
'Tuesdaylter)/l0ino o tt foutr ii the lee-
and1) elect imembersl0 f((10the Stdlet
G. R', 'II iI? Ill-\I 44 01- 4'S '
111X1 1 11 1ra Iings for 1thefir 1111ssue I()f t
1?ito Joelttlt I I l ner before 1111'
1111(11 111111 1 e1 s l rll 1111 0 11tillt hisC
111ture ( a trilOlli 110 11ll'1~p'c
Annual Trip to Take in Middle Wes-
tern States
I iyttlts fortllt t :0Gleeclb010 itt hl
to o ro ih It 700 )(I), l h
notl yn Lnyrit lllellotV hal.tiio th
itCll tetul1caused toth ot-atii o
Professor11 'I ItllImtito lit Toloheal
CIf te1111 1 lobepartment C the Sc5bhttol~O
tilt .M sc,1 has11 bIt ll 11111 1 cdt Iactis~II
The hloll d Ills dre11110 111 d(lilt
th 1 the tr1 i 10 tti o 11 ill 111 k1e111 t't es
"A Word to the Wise"
McMillan Hall Tonight 6:30
"" FY°All College Men Invited