'~1I13 MICHIGAN G. H. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. H. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 SO. STATE STEET THlE MICHIGANDAL t j i Managing Liditol -'_,u A V: < r r i.ii iAlis Business Manugcr- NOPMAlS 1. II '1 1) r} s News Editor ........... HaoldTitus .1. Assistant ............iHarry /.lii, i. Athletic Editor...Walter 1.3lbowrs 'i "lirmn Assistant... ........J. Is I Lwton Kri i... ki Music and Dram..... lV.IMohorelcct1 1 n 1 Exchanges and Files... DJor :.E°13eiy 12] Arthur J. Abbott. (fxSIahrj csc..-lid; Pastl1Leidy.sef i i m-1iii A. J. Wohlgenmuth. liarofd Micce. (- 1 a, >nccc Frankt Penneiil l ix ~rd1 1,ii tIIlICii ~ l Loreoins o H 1,uet . ., J L. Cox. F.. ,. :ass, jr . Ernest Burton. 13. M. 313 Mel(l a'~ ll;iI Johnt I. Townley. Wallace 1311~c.. 11. I ~, Gerald J. May. Emmettiiii ii :.r. 11, l 1 1_' t C. Htarold IHipptler. 1. Seig :I,"' ill ;1; Roiiert A1t 13Giett 31311 '. [ lIi - .3 .llc ' , BUSINESS 5STAFF1 C. A Bowman. A. R. Dii y ii Mlyet Rubins. Ktn'ioi. Osboirn.vIl E . Ray Johnson. lHiiicr } (irs... ?1 iti iiiuii 11-vard is il. cii t I iilll" i -i .:i i i i "l ^ =s: ...- ; r.. ta. s t I (Ifthe . 1,hiill iic etwr.IS iI ~ w 1 i( It 11111'III, II( ki1 III ws teal,000. We are prepared to supply0s cilsil liiSi -the best of everything in I i- i thir ilii Ien ne r 11c to 58determ ie freliril- t (ititin ofsuccss. Ilen wl-, ()f the c~ls iw ri nd i- ni cI ied su id n 1 iii 11. The compison1111 ; I . Si table. iT ill Kile s fl " 71.1oii 127 c 2.17io 111111111 h 2l 1. b111 t1. i ;"I lit ill 10it f of the 1 iiis 1111i 731 iariiiic Iiiro, V. n rso r. 1111 i11111s t() r ll i li a11..*. I IlIfu se l h lfii 11 t 1I 11 1 1 1l 1 11i;o(!'i a t.11 1 , iiie areOl i;it I, l , l 111lit T11111h ell lifromI I meet11 i l ll I lt))ill ,c( t III(11 . t. tt f' lti z r+ ,1. c e lypcwritcrs ALL PRICES The Siudents' Typewriter Supply Co. Room 4 Press Building. Opposite Majesic Students' Bookstore 1000 New Titles in the Latest Copyrights Displayed to onsr Winodeows Publisher's Price $1.50 Our Price 50Ct SHEEHAN&CO Address: Mtcntcsis Dol1 Press. 1 1g.. Maynard Street. Office ]Itours: Manlaging E1ito1,1,.t2 p. ml. and It1:00-It1:30 Pi Ill. 13,1113. Business Mansager, 1-3, 7-3181p,11n., Et- cept Sunday. Both 'til 1111oh311 U'1 1 01_R, UNIVERSITY C \l,133D R. Marth 17.-Uivwllsit I 1rat1 i lCon test, Un1ilversity11a111 Mlarch 17.---Seiii ,1 51111111' Mrtyat Mlarchl i8.---lmi. Victor url .lc11, 1MDec1124.--"l)ur 1111111111 .111 -311 ii1C thieatire,1811(1p. m1 31311. 2:15 tO ;:30 11. II1 Stu ent I evlillI 11111 c1 are1 11 i I ii ,r(1 1 11111a 11u1ill1e11h1at i iljre i lp l stiiu'li tics initendei to)i sI' 111 that1 a 1 1 1 ,1it' hI llnk i is 11111131 >111 Ii(s iatI a far ndx oIris'.chances111 I 51 1la1cr ]if. I liii rtrmn o StCc's h l ladopte , iianil ii-W o's> 11 '5 in .1e- I I I:i IMI r, u ~ r 'll1. lll 31 l' 1,1111> 1 k m cn ) iiha 11~ 11. 11117h I .lll Ill ll lIt li !I. 1 %-' 13 Medic -26 llliI 2 10 "sntinced , . so... R gI.. . . Track Goods,, Every article, also prico it guaranteed-- if y on re- quire a pair of Tirack Shcc for indoor or out, a pair tif Pushers or a Bike Jockey' Supporter, 16 poundShto Hunm tiner, or an031111 Discus, You can tlsy find it at Ca geadBagg i illIse:. 25 Cense. Iftcacei- < ori from 1up-stair1,ltepic w 1ii 501 Centn. Now is the time to 1be.gint to think of a KODAK for the Springand Sumtiter mnonthts. NEW MOD)EL.S NOW IN STOCK Kodaks for Rent tOc per day Scrap Book Special No. 13 A beutifuli 8ixu10lPicturiesofhue Library C'3111111311111311IS11111o1. X3 1 ;r, r 1 1 . lii ii ease ilihennii 1 1en- arc : ix cn oflt 1111111- 1 1c P 1 :11 1 1111ilS w t", p' 1 11 1r 1 11 iinll ll . 11a 2 1jw cen. 1nmcithan Micigan311: th 1i t f 1 31: I ga 1 a l rpe '1 b A 1l omc thanat and (A th 3V131 1'',l31 71117I1A 31'1, 'I F RIU I'1 S11101 \TI.SIfI'!. 4:5(1 lhiii ficrniu ii. '11C 11' ser Lots of people Inever worry aboutntyle,' just buy M f l , I spll tis ivIiiGLOVES i sii 11 ,liv tci' 11i'11- 1. iii liiIt and his it right. il 1 117 i ii 'X11 () ica li. ll t i ' 1 'i 10,i1i1t,, alii M in 1. 1111 1 11111 c is pracdially l11 ______________________________ ups to 7~l viti1 1 11a3e111-c. A . eii i " 111113 11.31113 R1.31 13(17 0Xl?, ,1 1 111 Ii 11 ( i 1 ii li 1111 11117. inite. ihiian cly, iss1oii 1131ii le l llts lcs3 n1 11 fal1 n~ii t . rtl 11it is s11iiiii'il cc 1111.7A ill] liiiiof c.cli lit rewl 11 M,' 0. I 1 11,1111111;.i li alli 111l w C lor1<11d 1111.Cal an C i Z:'"'£:_:,".. . ,. ._xS1i54' T_]iP. :o_4s R °3 i +NZ Stl}':..+.:'. SPRI LOT. TheKind That's Right For Mnad Yotung Men Mar t.Mai St. Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons Broken lenses R. E. Jolly's W E 4E HALLERWS Duplicate in a coupe of hor. GrandOpn g COMPLETE We grind alt eyeglass and Sp1151-Op u ig Ilyn lst let us Pes rCisc p 1 and ol iyiiiiouleaingi -tacle lenosestinootr own shop aditepotiti~g LET'S GETTOGEMTHER. Wini Opiaifnt OutssPrescritionn l unches, Cigars ildl yu wrk en . lcr h t.t ucl dmoi r o, ll ii y 01 it lauiii'.; 5'.""j~ Sur-nnqots. Cigarettes, Tobaccorie11 Itle Eyes LExamined adPps fne Wtch and Jee ry Rpelring UnveritySuitPresines. HALLEf'S JWRY STORr X nm. ARNOLD (UPipesy ut-resig o 216 souttt Mahn St Jeweler 220 South Main St Agents 3-B Pps 709 N. Univrity Ave. Both Phooes 26 121 washle too I. RANDAL< & ACK, Photographers Phone 598