1'11o ~~(I l AN .l1TLYi -. .- . ..,, 4: , _ i .: I i CHECKS On the Bank of Success-that's what well tailored clothes are. A man is taken now- a-days at his "face value." May we not show you the newest Checks. and Pencil Stripes as well as Plain Suitings and Over- coatings, to which Dame Fashion has affixed her royal seal of approval this Spring. Swell Suits and Overcoats to order, $20.0(0 --Fashions latest whispers-do lend an ear to them - - - - - J. Karl Malcolm, 118 13. Liberty UNI1VERSITY NEWS ?' MC1 6 , at 700 O1'cloc. T~hose t11A1~K101K1 ROM2) E ,'1 I 1KM xNI ': ion 71'. CALL AND SEE THE New Enli Styles Henry a* nd Comtzpany 711 N. Unviveratty Ave. 1 ~ 1 1 1111)1the 1an 11by 1the 1f1c1lty, 1 stdnt ho ae:cagt)n111i1t ., th '1 1 na p stme1)' 1)r il b aki to vinlo tc h redcton cI 1) 1 Jrll um n i ve tig tio 1is t1 It il s111 "Os unil c {) l ei~t1 I ,, 0 ( it'1 "' i o fe ( 10'. rlaFelt «1 lS il 11 "I.) 11A1)1s icls wilb oae tar dv rilell)h 1hills t.0lit\ olsInti ho' MY, )ut1tifll 1include1 ttunavailale11inde 16glt hours)ill 1be. *1~tv of 00.. I)o"" ll)') '0 01) andl the 1)r1n1 Ita)let1. 1n01honoo 1ll'r Kenlial a- re 'oll lec1)tdoIq0lin.oe -1 VUr4D E;RTHE MAAG A F 'T o0 Harry P. Sttmsoo, formerly withot1001lIopori o. R. J. Beo fa~ o rer l)I0ty witli Hotel NWoodwvardI STARTING MA"kNi TO-eDAY $TREETECO. Beautiful Wardirobe Special Scenery and Effects 21 Piece SilVer Set Gie Away at Matinee To-Day SHAMROCK MATINEE TO-MORROW' Souvenirs to Ladies and Chltdren Saturday Mlatinee MATINEES-CHILDREN 5c P fil NIGHTS TO ALL 10C x _ 'r,! ;j Fl K =- Typewriting and Shorthand NUTWOOD D totUnited Line P'1'wri' er1000for 011Sal'e enti. Typeo- " .1l ll upples. hhol iarb, toll)1. 1etc. On inforination to Dlivision Solporin .D O RL tendentn Allen, Ypsilanti, of thoe1Detroit I, .MOPL AAUnitedI Limosby ofticers of Varsity 0 or. llb sl ol to Ilo ganizations, tthove00 ment, hodone tho capacity of thoe1regullar servic10 of ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Brand( any group of studonto to or f rom Aol. 2 .for 25c Arbor extra cars and extra service 01Opposiklo Ilo'orio IWaitin, o ono Mad-Mritinevry hradwill be promptly supplied. CEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor MadeFMeritfinmevery Thread ALWAYS AHEAD IN a C MILW . J, T - ff, R TIE BEST OF EVERY TIIIN J - IN TAILORING.