THE MICHIGAN DAILY The precise fabrics you'd oboerve on New York's smartest men these Autumon days when Fifth Avenue's promenade resounds with the swish of silks and the chug of motors, are on parade here to-day. We have laid them out in he- witching array for your criticalin i-spection. Wearing these modest I materials, fashioned faultlessly in t I style and fit, you'll he a factor in business and social realms. Shades and patterns are varied enough to suit the most exacting. And-equally important--the prices will suit your purse. We'll let our fabrics do all she ~ ~, 4 ~ f urging if you'll dmop in on your way J. KARL MALCOLM 118 E. Liberty Granger's School of Dancing O)pens October I1Ith to tfh-=Classes for Ladesnd edOntlemon Tuesdayanod Thursay Evenings, 7:00O to 58:0 'ock Fosr Pariculas c all at Academy or Phone 246 Office Hlours: 10-12a..,. 2-4 p. m. I I1 UNIVERSITY NOT[ICES Forestrwe altentiont. Ilisculi , the lumbter jack pilot, Pros-hteriau church,. Sunday eretting. The firtru sintes- tllc( jug ofthenex ecutive heart] of the \ uns Lan trillite lteld ins larb our geniisi tal"is 10 :00 o'clock thtistmnngsss]. Miiss. Anttta tBr o iltiddresesStudent Voltttteer Bandttti:tt70n 1 osioltt i- berry sail. Thte H obart LGuild wsill give aniifor- msal recetttiott ts alt]udtis who atiire affiliatetd witit tte 1l',t-iiiS I 'Ll Ciits-c 1Ii iII Harsreilthtll thtis s-cc-ing- as 8 tut o'clock Smtoker at New York. SIttclcut],,803 Soutit Statse strect, 7:30u I iiilsi All freshmnssc'ttstcta t rry fis]dto- iaysa ctti-:oo tt. Itttsharpi Cercle irastc tis mets iniroomuilitois notishiswitigUlirsitythtI, itTusday, OIctober 18, att;:o0 iiliii. M~iss Atna Brwa Welle ciisleyiigsade- te, tilt]onis ssf tte ntiol' s ecreus ii s isf the Younsg Wosmen'saChisatianiis- sosciationt,wladests a oeniii i sif lt''sViluterc BaudI atsiil I hi si veruirtytudsenits coiril ly 5inted.i Btatntdsicset itl:ll t isati :45P. Il. tUnifosees.. 'ischer. I )aly carriers'reporta oo lc Sophomoitisre' s e t] he Iiilust }s at -i]t.iirassLIAUis.: 'TsiltirasnsiC('1t1r. 11C F,.I I surns. Phoniii this It Ii. MUSICAl, AlTa] hill. Theppus ae tsSStis .i husic I l:isis offeritng all thelsties] an, il hts -a t cenits. Alllt'e Optic lt n11sit it- ces uper copy. Msiic 1aiiipil ' aJal hsinsaat strictly oesi ie: Detroit Landys Banhs ofsi.icai' 1llttif, 1247-.1ti.r Wednesday, Oct. 26tb Frazee & Lederer's Greatest Musical Laugh Production PRIESENTING RICHARD CARLE (HIIMSELF) Jumping Jupiter EDNA WALLACE HOPPER Lillian Shaw, Franeso Kennedy, Insa C.laieWill Pilbrick, Joseph C. M iron, and Some Girls, Yes, "Seventy" Prices, 35c to $1.50 d.ale.iof Seatassswilspcc Mondsay, lint.24 New Whitney Theatre Cur.,tains 8.15 P. M. Late sonmers m~ot seated porimsptly. Thursday, Oct. 27thi Charles Frohman Presents the Mueical Comedy Success FTHE DOLLAR PRINCESS Book by Wiliner and Greenbaum Music by Leo Fall As Presented at the Knickerbocker Theatre, Ne York City for 0ne Yeer 21-BIG SONG HITS-21 Hear "A Boat Sails on Wednesday" Price Announced Later Watch This Space '" Henry amnd Com pany Fu~rnishers to Men 711 N. Uriversity Ave. Aelnn Arbor, MICK. .1 We" invite you to call and aga Souvenir for your room rr. Full Line of College * 2lothes fo.- young chaps .r that want style -r. Men's Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Gym. Suits h Laboratory Suits, {1 Waiters Coats, and Bath Robes .food 'Freshman Caps at 50Ic. T1"ry us JF(P WiuiFthL. x 211 S. Main St. EASE UP ON THE PROF'S nzi- ,r al rirs $5100 adtp. The Studests' Typewriter Supply Cs. Rooim 4 Presn Building. Opposite Majestic Matinee 3 p i "A Night With Poets" and others Coming Feke Monday Freke CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Under Hluston Billiard Parlors Charlie Weigand, Prop. Carriage and Baggage Freachs Couple to asrsd fraom sartles befotre clockts$1.50. after 1.iioclc $2.00. lior eoeis Truck Is 'r ferossdoor, thse price will be 25 Cete. If carried to str feces up-stairs, Itse'pricerwill be 50 Cents. Drivers are required to collect coos fore carriage and baggage service. WALKER'S LIVERY ROBlIN~oN & CO. W. H. S5TARKO HOLMES LIVERIY A. (i.SPAL DING & BROS. Ihe Spalding aretlie a et manu Tracoda- Mac ofitOFi-ICIAL EQUIP- MEiNT~forefiethietic n ~prusprts ansd pastinmes. Q Vtlail lf If you tart itfsts.,cl il AIlbis S ho5'irt You MA 1R iilsic. lPne a: esipisoi thIrldis ta 55 Wlin's New in Sport Guars* tecrrtoe f ai i tiee, oit t- Qns.o,.tiy citlst. A. G SPALIDING i f ROS. 264 Woodward Ave. Detrot,. Mich. Rn E. Jolly's Grand }pening Lunches; Cigars Cigarel t, Tobacco and PiI4 Eli A, 3- 1 Pips 111Ge i t t stsltguaantedii I Iii CLIFTON, 2# is. high BEDFORD, 2j in. high heNYez 1hc4 ARROW bo[tch COLLARS Sitfsnuglytofthe neckkehe fops meet in front and there is ample space e l for the cravat.1c,2fr2c ebd oMkr THE LINDA VISTA Coe4 " On-afboknrtCfSt aps o e1- (2e-6alf loothofths) mps fqual (216yS.Ingalls Coffee and Poills setved till yui 10:30 a. m. store ca: Board, - $4.00 per week adF .. t....,.. ...+. Knox 'tniim icture dWIIUium Pl~a ys e, Conlin, -FiegelComfpany ind let us surprise you with the amount ity, workmanship, and style we can give )ne of our Fall, Suits or Overcoatse No trries a more complete stock of Clothing irnishingse H ats Stetson Hats i J -d 51' 1C 6-ic. I A ILades' HairDressn, Shampoonnineg M S S G Manicuring, Pace Massage oen 11ndhildrtrteaoted for eros Rate-Water Shamspoos A Specialty ness, paralysis and nouitsidefc to, by spectat- Alii't'oiisenl T'l s S5tiledOilelure isis, studiedat SargntScladlHaard. Mr's. J. St.. T-a1seowakt IS HA T A 1 110S. UnivrsityMSS H R MA NWIRooms 530 Packard Phone 778-.L(sel I .I THE OLD PLACE BAILEY & EDMUNDS REIN ER.i C GuCns.FihnTakeadA uito We isaac a fresh stock of Prince Key fitting a speciulty Albert sa'n-Txdo in I pound and E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Michigan poundscst ntd;jut-s. DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detrott, Ann Arbor ad Jackson Limited Cars East B -und-8:20 ue m., 10:20 p. m., 12 .m,2:tp . :0p .62 LimitedS Care Wes Boundn-tl:54a. m.. 11:59 1:54 p. m., 3:54p. m.. 5:54 p. us , 7:54 p.tin. Lecst Cars East Bound-TaotDetroit, 5:0.5 a in., 6:45 a. ms., and eery twu hours to 10u4c5 p. m. To Ypsilanti, 5o:'5 a. us. and stallfisour- l v iol1:15p. m.. alsos12:15a. m., 12:3u a. u. -12-Int a. m. To Salie, ebango at Ybpsilanti. Local CarsWestBound-;45a. m. 7ti5a Beacon Hats Spaldin gSweaters Man-haaten Shirts Perrin and Dent's Gloves and- all the-latest styles in Neckwear BOARD $3.00 per week BURBANK P. STUART, 513 South Division CHAS. E. MISNER, Steward -I I m., and every twohours toll *15p. m. ALWAYS Ali FAD IN STYLES MILWAR D, THE TAILOR' TlWE BEST OF EVERY TIIINO IN TAIL.ORING