"lIEMl HGAN AILY G. IHe WILD Co. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS Go H. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S0. STATE STEET Typewriters ALL PRICES The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Room 4 Press Building. Opposite Majestic Students' Bookstore 1000 New Titles in the Latest Copyrights D ISP1ayeuI 5sL o~sr wiradowns Publisher's Price $1.50 Our Price 50C THE,~ MICIG AN DAILY. - n nitb and Weerks kcp1t up the ________________- 111ri;1- iiwo k Itel -have1 'Iwrl ~t 11 ile Managing IEditor-- L mA iWusirucE 1.1. Business Managrr--RNuIA I1. iIT t t ir ~-au Soph fits Is~tl.....I,. I. ct.s. . .... Sprin News Editor .......I Harcld Titus tim-I. . ... .61 ti lanrn, Frost Assistant ..........Harry Z. Fol Pteso. .. RI .. Schoeffel, Nicholson Athletic Editor...Walter K. Tnwers Ultcer ...., . Bngart Assistant........J. LuredlLawitoni I fiii Kscoe I4 ung. 22, .I35. 3>ls- Music and Dramna...Earl V. Munre lii Is- insh ;I, i ( Is 2, 1 trtcher Smiith. Exchanges and Files.... Dior, S. ldiruuy 1 ar.I~us-Si th 4 (itit at 6. EDITORIAsLS. Spr f u f efreem-I-\ c r. Arthur J. Ahbott. GS' 'er iripii Is- ills titI' stiur tinCo. Time Pantl1Leidy.o Ictls-;miue. NIGHTEDTRcSs JIr a-1,111c c tirri Ibyi loos'e111ay, ibu~t A. J. Wuhigeunuth. Harold Mctre. exitliinat al ttni -, theu mio aw'ns ide- Frank Penntlrti ,AI vdii 1i.t RoIbleii Ii ii Ithe s hmensiiiiiof Ithiriown11 Iiitulrt- :Ilaitrirr Tol net22t_>0 uSatinig 1Ithescond hllt John L. Cox. 1. 1. Shaw, Jrt. 1111111111 iaffair utultteirmistlitlast(It tit( Ernest Burton. LEitt.IWakefeld. Iti istle.i/ituver starredttfor th iiiiiiu s, John H. Townley. Wallace We.r ain, i111ll(, 1catherfu ilrltin~li frm' df Gerald J. May. ELitt Taylor. hI ii n.iiiit II 'igdliu(;nr -.o C. Harold Hipptler. J. Setig Yelle. 1 1thlosers1.1 Rotbert iAl. Giut t i lltt N, mT iii hrt JliorItn- > rshlawiis-211 k i io it a h i tourttu-uuuirsl l will ltu lpre-scntl arc :J. 1F. 1 Illtlsi. t ,. Ltii ir-ill liof Illlitiuscl I ~t i.1 u aid Ia. 1. Townsendru )t, the tit': ,i .[ oil .Ill i iE I ii,,of Ith of tit Univeistyill Ilisst115111Jos. V. We are prepared to supply Deneitiifri at ttiii "t'i-cr11sityi;I.. vV.the best of everything in situof Iwa.Trdak Goods tIiti Wensilav1and1 I'lair- and iiiitlbiehr Every nrticle, also price of fiii thei tiloslilSdi 11scssing;11vitl -ila it guaranteed--if you re=. tosatfecuttiug lthe-ar I ti'departmen~ to stteiiviiersities. quire a pair of Track Shoes _______ ______ for indoor or out, a pair of i., '1 0Ci-iliIilali lll -.C hRltl:li lu i . Pushers or n Bike Jockey tDr. Iteri I this itl litdtress a .1 tll Supporter, 16 pound Shot or inciuli116of1t ihuelmen 'slections of the. Hammner, or an Olymnpic Dertitscheur Vur illIi in teIcrtiu r 111111 Discus. You can always _lllttIiSin CI 1 ''i l 1I find it at Ittiiiinkillp iitii'wh ich i o h l 611111 tt rcth24, iiill <115 I 5h 111cons ideed ltri .I\iti SII f':'toti T Ouu 111 tuuiiiR ' & . tPo.llnS ltn iM ais Ai ii iirter51 oiaiill for1 iau, (Ilini I University Bookstore 'Sution Sc iiol hoard. ;ii p i ii il el5 i' 11 __________________of_____ 11 li i 11 1' h h il i'"lh:li' -. = -, I It~it~ t~\I.\ -.Carriage and Baggage 1111111 C IM I C1)IFT ti, 11,Y JL-NlttIK MIIti C CI,.15 Iou s ui lolll idifi omu parties illinr ,_t:.'ia1.50, finterIoclockt $2.00. prc illbe25 Cets. It canredio thr juiorI medl'ic class werel ulleld iii 5 iorifonle ilt--tirstie pricewiltlune n0 Cens. wihitch 1111liii'cessiitue 11a not 'r i ii . 14 t III BUSINESS STAFF C. A Bowmnan. A. R Diltey. Myer Rubin. Keninetit Osbortt. E. Ray Johitsott. Elmer P. Griersiii. C. It. IKlainstttck. JolsephtN. 10' hl Address: MICHIGAN DAsttY, tress ldig., Maynard Street. Office Hours; Matiagitig Editor, r-z p. as. antd 11:00-11:30 p. 111. Daily'. Business Maitager, 1-5, 7-f p. II., lEx- ccpt Sunday. Both 'phonecs 960. THURSDA1.'Y,. St 1110ii, t11).1 lull s . .... ..I.Ii ... .. ...Le is 11111 sc~c 12 , '3I 1B1-21 es-Zttr4 I11.011as 1,11 ii no1r1 iii tiii nli oes 1111 t'kSSii I h, iP"It,001K. ______________________________e_______ 'Ill\\ iihiattitart" talk ii'ii it UNIVERSITY CIIl IPARI. members of1 iitheiiI uusir lblas1 t Srien- MarcI 17.-I.lIivcrsity Oraitoicailin- enwhraly li helifei illse-rice lest, 'Unliversity tall. will ii5 i lisllntilvecrwdd fir 11ears to Marchl 17. Scniiiiu tliiileur prylull - I m i il e()ecovdd n I Granlgers Acaiis'mi.i'few . i';lfor the 111 iiii arel notliii -i I,. A. Ictitni' slur 1 . i.'i i si i sI fll 8:00 pti. I'cI IhC i 6 'i as il I ' I It.I ,t-t;S .Mach04. II. Dlilmof - i.rlt 1F I'kN LGTCL7F. -- I - Perfumes aild Toilet Waters HOUBIGAiNT'S Ideal PIVER'S Azurea Le Trefie Flora mve SEEHAN & CO. L. I. BARIN[[L BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law and Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, etc. Complete line New and Sec- ond-hand.. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second loor Tel. 761 The 1155 decsonofteCK t.N 111111luto 1111 isttyneirsatisn <