TIt i-, 11IGA X )ITL p SPRING OXFORDS TRADE~ IARK I$4.00 and $5.00 Come in and get your fit and we will hold theiri until you want them Wagner & Co. State Street Sign of the big white shoe t INDIAN BLANKETS AND CUROS Atstalaad Crafts Shop I Silver Novelties from. Eastern Shops iCor. Williaom aod Maynard Don't Buy kThat New Spring x ~ Suit until you have examined our fine -'~line of Adler Bro's. y° c r Clothing. Any style you msay desire t s.....to wear E UNIVERSITY NEWS The t 1c N 1lub 0till held ll ii ti- month, \11.applications 1for memb r Ill ills.t111051i1111 h~l i)1:16~ill. Iddrsi s by 11. N Iaii r. Poldic sisiNI.Silldr ;,cDusiI) '1 (i Thusda\ ,S1 oo \I.I lin 7ca b H i f1 r 1 siba- S>outh anhdanSouth-gseastlesto \1 >11 ('ss iSr a, enncssee and 1 MarchIl 1111i'7::)('lsaciltl .0 hoshio annl 1 u h:ore scNNl Tsu orti irgini. MichiganudntstoteinRtrl 1 AlawiCo. Alrutrl s flicaM. (aba 111111111,(is 01. l ouis)nal r, Meico. Nn )}1' 1C. 'I'tilr No Carolina, Solcctharolrna Telels slalll onLilc A iOto ONE-WAY SECON).) sod FIXED CLASS COLONIST FARES' Michigan Central Al~bertaAtrioa, IBtitish CIolum~tbia, Ncw Whitucy lhcatrc Monday, March 20 RUSSIAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA I f zrhi. of11111111 I o u oai solrtiots jy w 11no .110 1to lppeavcroth the I siIyll l1t ntyltO v(Ihestr on its Ic 111t1 e1of Ni 1111 0an. Ni r. Solwalto n~t hbo liihe aVioflegal111ag1 f i li i OW1E11111 on tlttc repntaction PRICS: 5E75in 0051 5 ORDR S!EAS oNOW BYMAoiceL yCARLE TThS-" 'p n Coprighlft- REULIE, COTNLIN &FIEGEL 200-202 South flain St. Wihrash package of f atmayous get apen- pos , fI collegepens Psaii ( 2s32)-orlrc- io of]l100. Do not migrate from one brand cei cigarettes. to anothe -Try F'atimas be. cause you cannot fty higher in quality. Some College men l praising them call the 7 birds which is another wmay of saying they fill the bSil. They do. Let A package nest in your pocket--the price l cents for 20 cigarettes, Iand you get 10 additional. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Senior Caps and Gowns Seniors will please call as soon as possible and have their measurements taken for Cap and Giowrn 3rd Floor Mlack d& Co. 3rd Floor Helene Ailmendeinger Teacher of Singing Voice Placing Song Interpretation Os robs and Englisli Diction Studio: Wagner Block 303 S. State Sr;. flours: 2 t06P. M. CHARLIE'S BARBER SHOP Unider Huston's Billiardt Parlors Charlie Weiganid, Prop. Typewriting and Shorthand Typewrite ror slo or root. Type- w riting Supplies, Bibbrons, Carbon. oe. 0. D. MORRILL '09 North Unversity Ave. Boll 1310)1 ST.IJAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Opposite Electric Waiting IRom 030.MO V. STOLL. Proprietor- 4 Doors Irons Peddlo'" BAILEY & EDMU'NDS Liberty St. Aoo Arbor, IlihigaI one 111112r. Ladies' lair Dressiog, Shamooing10 lanicuriog, Dacere lssao. Rainr Water 'snampoosaoSpecialty. All tolossandtowstertilizedlbefore using MRS. J. R.TROJANOWSK I Rase Ball Shoves, $2.50 ariat $3.50 ; EGymGosods and DolM Shoes ER.FROST, 3025S. State St. WE French Dry Clean A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suts Pressed, 25c Trousers, t0k REPAIRING Fuller & O'Conilor Toilors. 619 E. William St. J. A. TRUBY FOR High-Grade Contections Pure Ice Cream 116 So. Main Phones 166 NE ;lat riNal, civ o,.NHalo. xico, csn AT TUTTI a & CO. 1 t voi5 L1 NI~CH-IROOMfZfV j Trires on salo March1 10 S poil 10, 1911 You can Clad a floe line of Confecnry For Particulars Consult Agents ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES F77, a l M ILW § I 1 t. a Ar THlE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING