'I 1 it f7 vr$ liiL -~'~~0- CIIECK On the Bank of Success-that's what will tailored clothes are. A man is taken nOss a-days at his "face value." May we not show you the newest Checks and Pcit Stripes as well as Plain Suitings and tver coatings, to which Dame Fashion has affi xed, her royal seal of approval thisSri. Swell Suits and Overcoats to order, $201t -Fashions latest whispers---do lend an ear to them - - - - J. Karl Malcolm, 118 E.F. Lbarty NI' ST NOTICES + 11{li' -1:4)(iiti CIiiJS Ths day11 e( - I NewWhte Monday, March 2 0 Rssin GpnyOrhetr .. r __ . CALL, AND SEE THE Styles Henry and Cmpan 711 N. uriversity Ave. i s f i . too Or sed slii toJJ sJ .l it~l sO li u l i 13-i. fo - ctli ;mat(1 3d CIJUJrit ti it 1 JareuiiclJdi 1 tiEt JJciit JFwX&ii m WHOM s classtin ANN= o wil I . Jitdalll\e hers :i! 1 in c'ch l -1 the law1 uilding1 a, c i the i Spring ti wo i ai IiJJJIJ JiJ 1 1i l a , . a l i c ' y ,s Nina l~ I li r lii 01 hoi acliii l1 J i bonyl)(hestrad Hug Au I ci I JJJom i ig tains i*, JJJJJ I t lii F I 111 JJfJ Q!"JJ ho Fa~tmot c pa nlfl - ym l r(t"- holt hJ asI~,l ~ltcJ 7t Do 2r'(ali s:ilI nIr s- rlI Fi( IJJJJJJJI 1 i i t . Soot) iiiiii 11~ L ii i(l l iii. u.-i t i i i ti#i. ,t the tIIiclc iratea ~si_r iof th , ioperia.5tiJ Sic idbin aw iFHN, edl successes Prices: 50-75.$1,00-$1.50 Or S.W. Cor. Broadway, at 54th Si. liuMoil J S 5011K QA~ VIAN con C ll~JC C IllS ji luger's School of Dancing JJ iteeias saFy ill:)"TFter i F 'in l~JJiJJJyJJ a n- orLadiesad Ilsaslmcs Tuesday and fhus day Evenings, 7:00 to 8oO ociack 'iuition $&100. or P iriictlarscdll at Academy or Phone 246-Office floars 10 to 12 a. in., 2 to 4p F C'V D UNDS Ladies' Hale Dreissc S ha no DE {LRRS IN ManicurigFaeMan an,- II5JL00 IiRain-WateShampsp A pa Fisnlg Tackle ant Ammunition All tFolJandi hI n l i itey fiting a specialty M-. u..Tsing in ay i Ann Arbor. Michigan 1110 S. Uni a nile V Es {n t Z, a! f?!,Aj ?. 'i:^ _ vim.: !r li y r.k ;., 'xy . , i 3 ,,, r' t fir,;" r w !' _ i xl, r' C - -FJi ' , .. ' F 7 i i I d o- I e t it-s Il r: I ', i o t- ' ' S t ' 1 ,, I C F 'T,. Li i. , ; ,,',. . ., KEPT BY A C Coiic~i'yci I J Specio) ['rtni ; Ideal Location.N Vil CC New, Modern, At All Outosit ISOJJJ-I. Proof UNDER THE SENAG;I Harry P. Stisosm, formterly w~ith t.i i-i R. J. Biss a rra, fo On An End Run.- Thie strength to throw off tacklers, n mental quickness to see an openingadK go through, it, the stamina to run '~ length of the field for a touchdov it " long to the man who trains on i ltt ("M ic110, l J5 Ii tha of i te luJJFJ.Ii t l l iliJt S 11e v i ir, teii ii held Whole Wheat containing all the elemnents which build muscle, brain and bone. In the prepyra - tion of Shredded Wheat none of these e elements are lost. The most palatable, ' as digestible form of whole wheat is Shred- - < ded Wheat Biscuit ready- cooked and ready to serve. .s . The Shredded Wheat Company *" r~t 'Niagara ralls, N. Y.r - _____ Sole Producers ('r iF1-' ~7r :. xl t 4 i i ':ibiitStit4 xldhshe ii re iu ii cla~ o. ?'' I lI> i an it-u'I ' Tl S icid 1 - I pariclar byth {} 1c Iilc Fo itbliairt beel Ii ivco ith sthins t ~if hsFthF c~h rc:1, ml a lisrct Ire IseemedJ to W :.lcn ~ w vtaltofthe)churchiuby r~\h; rm illtheiyoung lifeJJJsoI " liv lol115.i. . also l12:15 a. IJJ., (2:30 a. JJnGEO. 150a. ri. TuoJSaline, lelliIie ill YJsiu i 4 oni - LocalCasrs West ound-5,45 J.iI1.,:E)a i.l.b and every torto 11 :1e5 pllili Seit111 - NUTWOOD7 . llfl 3112- -.. i I ,t. iilt ptti Ifs (,t N j tct i.k rlPastceof theiver11Fsiy I1i I is liltl i l llsak ib foriF s so-Slt -m ctv il-cs if teCerclet 1wl hi s i lillslills FtiJJIIo'll 'oc- 1ttl HIis silleit i l11libe IaFrevie yewOrcasha lftusponIin lt.Tilt urlilb n1teIi illainl the su1b1 willJre IIi 011pe 1u i llsn Sill- - ilt- aspets (,if lit IpFevalenceltf nh iin an n\ ic ttliity, uIIFFF tll itc laitguagi s iivtersally 1111111r- Brand 2for 25c Beot Mode- Merit ins every Thread $3.50 Per Week Tbrm. Weeks 1r% AAn'vaapeo$I. Mra. E. F. Lowry 5IJI iIol Al e.. Twolotky East fCi JI IIJul College Laundry FINE HAND WORK Bell 1633 1 606 E. Liberty Si. Phones 16 ....r." i 'I-WAYS AHIEAD IN 9TYLBS TA, LOR Tli i:BESTOFEVflRY THING IN TAPI 0lN