U"jPIG OXFORDS. Coe.n ndge4yu.ft0ndwewil nod hem until you want them State Streect Sign of the big white hii ii lii, t" a tt tII i l t t( h z~ lt ia li' ; ~tiy u l a 1 ' Ii "If.11o i i3 tilti + i i I fit irl U'7ti T .itt Ii lii 4..) u tI l A. U I [}tuist 0W1 itas'iti it istrnht ki ikrto tieA 1'c1 i h' fot'191 thueatst t, dw it iliit il#/ ;tI'Y hia; to accept. l i, co is I li i Prices: 50-75.$1i.OO-s$ i ordrr 0wyMi , For a delightful 'Luncheon or satisfying ' ep-i.lt A Tea Room tha lbs Conil'o 1t i6ul . i , I ii "ifrn. M A K S ldAll Home Cooking ~ i "Wte serve well water, TEA pr ithalhu Fresh Fruits Fand,,,(li u N Vegetables only t NI Surviee , a la etrte !S trlc .t u t Dinners i Lunches, Refreshments--Anythhing yo f a i Ind an Blankets and Ci'u o at the Arts anad Crafts Shop Silver Novelties from Eastern Shops Cor. Willoo iam a Mynad Me o . ~ienl's, aadchidre'sFootwear Athletic (oodsl U I out ~It2 SState St. A' TLUTITIE & Co. LIIMCI1 Roln VYiu c n oll Aa lintlineaof Confectioery T HERTE LECTURES A tiii 'IIL Cc,,,grae atioital Church - unday t~veings, January °I adFebruary 1MenW~o re OlegThings' o W t t 6,,,MRusell, Berger I tonthm. mill M~,eArieeWedre(t; I I a a - : -tee: ,, That New Sp 0 l%.I - l1TT11 LP' b J: P A ,A {; ; ,h7 u :: f" '- } s..! y^ .:.1 r ' ;'.+y, .". - + h" s t ; i i - <.i 3 f e w. i : r t uw~ al: la 5 Chacwslete {hci~ ~hini 5 t~t D DuncItp I tatArtho, Michigan examined our fine -____ I sline of lilt Sin, hampong A.t SA pecialty L LiKL lt Lines Any style you nmay ctir: to wear hl {t. _ . , I l Silver Souvanir . ..a._..,.w._..__.-...,..,. 4YS ...AEAD IN T~7iBES~T OF EVER k l m . . .... 17 I ..-A"