THE MICHIGAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sa urchfiekl tn ~ Co. :: Arin Arbor's Leading .I._LORS S1116 L. HlnionSt. Opp. court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarns Clocks $1.75 lFully Guarnteed Wa0eola Rape..ltlrag lty [eAnni Arbor Savings flank 'a ital Stooo'i _,s 00,U00 surplus $50,000 .! ienrcrle ganking- Busness Transacted s- Clis 1f, l scock, Pres. ; W. D. '1 10 e Cu r es. M. J. Frltz, Cashier PI 4/~SAND MECHIANICS BANK MAIN A N) HURION STROEETS 010000, Surplus and Proflts$1OO,OOO niilg lussiness. 3 perrcent paid 10sir 0100 100500. Safety lDe- osl toso ni at~ $'.00 aed ueards Jo000,lo TT1.Y/ ou 'ooAN, Vicee-Pres. l . 0 .0 -e 'sohBier F.T.STOWe,.Asst. Co cr r'erKlas.1 ximd to -sts uad Lt.lba~rty StrausS. FIR-ST NATIONAL BANN () "N N oeoo N A enOR T F": Jii.NNI-. HIA iItOLISOU LE Joe s Vice-Pres t.0 1 11' COlN, Cashioer. c'.Gntla3 .I. . ir,,it a ji d lro fi s . $65.0011 1 AT. SAVINGS BANK Ca itl150~.000 sourplu .5.000 ii 9u~ '1.0250.0001 lN 3, B oh 1P0es. 110 \r old. Nb 'ic Pres C.1.Oo . ' I*'A ) AGA AE 3'WS KPeanr Victoor C.. Vooogla,oooo thso51 d- cal dlepartooenot, loft foor 1Chlic tgo lobs; morning onl 11blinoe ss 0110 wh'li 01000 possibly call hmboon Tls nnesisee000 bofoore he returns. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Alll 11101111n is o lumn00110 mus0000.0be paid far in ald-'olllo'. (Offco urs0000. 1-2:30;/,-3:30p. oM. LOST. L~ost--UI. hl or on' 0001m100111001riolo se cooltoillingole0000glasss. 'Ca(Oseilmarkcd~ "Arnool, Otician." 'oNoolif\- 593 lJ . 01- (10)2 . %\'ooslo/ogtoooSo. NOTI (I-. .5 olicO-'lratlorroitio' anoolass0/ TooaOis, Blefoiroe 01placig00y0ourodrfor 1laose Bloll supplies ngot 0our 010 '0101 fools. C.ushinrg's l'hlooooo. 1100 tf I MISCELLANEOU S Fuller & O'Cornnor, Tailors anod cleanor- ers, 619 E. Woilliamrs St. -. Fuller & O'Connror, Steamloanod Irerocto Iry cleainers. Repair/iog.61g E. 55/i.. 1hams St. 1-tI. G. C. (I aeSloo bw-il loake5 00 1pic100c00 1000hoe.'T.e010101000 3 _ Soio'ci's cleoonedlrifito.210)Ea.-UhI-I erty. I000t flthiic an b rarna II Tll sOk I 011 00 i1,0 et ir })III 111clldes ranc s ) 1 o lhfoI1000 ith thIen at o 1 001 ILII00000n000011 ti lsl slosl a I lls er0te hi 00i h c'ellric d1I1cl oact (M0 IC at c1b(o ( 000000001h W~t o 1 I (/ 1 5 1 m icsO 0 0sill llrs a'e0 Di Walk-Ov"er Ox fords Spring styles in low shoes arc now ready for your inspection. I'a andd BI ck, Buttoniand L ace, for Meni and Wosmen $3.50~ to $5.00 Gct fitted by our rule system and nortice the satisfactioni of perfect lethiaun d width. '100502 slO)c)l N (1000000 s O 0l(\000 n 11;1cs sd rid 1000' () f ''1:11("o1il (l 11'1 OIrs [)01l / 1 1 A l00al to a d 11 - rl(100. 'ir 1Xc<)F' e~ c0t1'~s f f) 1000 0 ss t)l los t. l 0/ '000 100 00000000001 00v 100100 i so1 00000 rica ld tw)sa( o ;,( O.wa is els~ltsic)is o r s fI ir 0000000 1lie b/so d~r1 1 0000'-. I~)1<1n [1g ,f i al 11.1/c!,R i hs season tli 0/0 the1har0 of t0i as cile oro ca m 0fncl / 0 0 10 so i 001/i/ noi lo al ", I slid the res 10an 011 010110000000cit ill -l~c'h he as ppered55 V io ni SPRINGiHT andCAP I HA S ~ ~ ~i i7HAT l.511 Ie llatest)l rgis YoirlO I)Eoeeo bissat C0. lolio's jurlstil' . 5110000' S1ta0e'street. it / cs 5Akl'ooool'' Ar ,t I( sl l 1 1 I a/0 2 1XI AP45 ,; =' -. CAPS ntsp c. Ofc ho r:7- l . :I I SSsI".J.I l ii 0)1 1: 1 Ostoo'et, l 55 12t.r Ph neI Q0i J 101 100 100 11.o 0\l I t05 ili and 000 'lii Qur 000 1 C . ep0 11)t - ndasrge(so los 0 Ol l ii 1 i's Johnsiion'is, freshl fom li and CI 11 L1 ./ [)"( I/s wl - ('NIO TF 5''(A'. os/s(1111 /so ari t O illso/ -M. 1'll ~ ~ hnal 1,l i l I J W ( ) , , a 1 1 1 I1 o r /I 00 l ..' .......i is c( ox sisI< ' lli l '. , ri I)'\ 00 0/00 s ~iiiii was lii' :/ 0000-" as00 ic HATS AjP7 S H A TS Get Your Newi Spring Suit WADHAMS &COMPANY 121-123 Sotuth Main Street Nto1 o/i1is N0/so'm Ibosoecs proril ''ideal oro thekit/ho l ll 'is ll A li iai 1ools leo 'I' ido. So D~rro'i. jyes Our Spring Suitings are all in and we want you to see them. I Wagner &Co. p State Street Tailors .... * 0 VICTOR TALKING MACHINES And a Choice Line of Records, UUni4versity Music House Press Building Maynard St. We are always pleased to demonstrate the Superior Qualities of the Victor Gioods ' ay Festival R s r e Seat Tickets On Sale School of Music Maynard St. J" A. TRUBEY, FOR t High-Grade Confectioins f Pure Iee Cream 116 So. Main Phones 166 HeleneAimeneinger 'Peachrr of Siunging Voice Placsingo Song Interpretation S1 lldi sos 'oot to Wit.. 1-YPew riw)>rald 'Shorthand l'sjo i oeo lotsol rrot.'ype Fancy "Chop SuoSy" and Ameeican Dishe', Chops and Steaks at all Hours P1tHFORl LADIPS AND GENLEMEN~ WAI KING LOO 34SState UPSTAIRS Warr -Portrait Studio- z rn Paitf fhirn siteri _ MAO, T