On the Bank of Success-that's what well
tailored clothes are. A man is taken now=
a-days at his "face value." May we not
show you the newest Checks and Pencil
Stripes as well as Plain Suitings and Over-
coatings, to which Dame Fashion has affixed
her royal seal of approval this Spring.
Swell Suits and Overcoats to order, $20.00
-Fashions latest whispers-do lend an ear
to them -- -- -- =a -
J. Karl Malcolm, 118 E. Liberty
I~~i (, '3i t iial:Ci iii lir
. i r i "Iliii \alliritf I1 r -
'IT a t clII a ltI Via ikfast aIId
It2 lt Iw V Vi d tt t1 1; hut' i}r i
I,,Crit~c~r VIII i 11ViiIlga '[ I
FI \LI) F" 1\h S11,11,I IIS S
'. a aCCC ii j ic tI -atiica I )I i'
Conrtatnl. 8.15 P. 5M. Yaleomoers r%.oot8 noon~ty
Saturday, March 1
and Night
The trill tial ~it, M ii i di
With LEONA WATSON as "D~ixie'
Styles t
Henry and Comrp*%rny
711 N. Vrdlveraity .Ave.
Granger's School of Dancing
ointheclasesany tunenhe or'd Tghs herndy L ou n, (Io
ClasesorLJishcanentemeniTuhstaytttadiTrsdiaiiyve ing,70
to 8:80 o'clock aTutont13t.00
For Particulars call at Academy or Phone 246-Office floors 10 to 12 aint., 2 to 4 p. a.
1 i up I h I C v whi !l-il ii iiatti ha ettlt
Uhit Vl M .V& . VjV a V hi le it h
Vz iii l Vi V c ii ol prl
.#t VI Sthe iiiiofthit Viiaa-
of tht N ort it C iatia iiVVVVI-
i "ps w ~ Vi i itt t V li on
iit i iia#iii
V '{ ;1Od Ii V V Vi ttia a {i Va
VI V lww in n ii A mos i
M ay') il V1 th itt 'iait yV ar
A Pr. duction of Note
V tl iis i i a c
A atit )isttoscttoll
1i }
B EAILEY & EDMUNDS Ladles' Hair (Dressiog, She noc:
*DEALERS ta RanicWutriSn ae A So
Ono titttssgTcktso tonitos u RaiW tr ShiapooVs V
ttu tst.ihngTcleaA mmuitoArlorToo.lJ. anal rTes ,.a
Key fitting a spectaltny1 11 V .ii
I~bety t. An AborMiciganI I10 5. Unrsity
V it lw i , begn i ~ this a'V i ii' II
V llwh ae iii thei p Var.
, tud4 Ia t Ill.~ rss
AN V riilt wilAlet hpm n
i i r f V ; t us nd i o
iV i c\ , ii th -utur r o
V Vie' t ti ll toiii tiii i-
it t m Vd w il ia u" the "fi Re
V Is t . a d i l V itlha bi t ii
t V l V he sho ii' VBeal VV ti
c, cr ulctt " F f Vm iiAmerica
F T u nefol Moxsic
A (Itaritiii 't ti V o p- t crt ~ ix ,t I F: ,i V
Prices Matinee: 25-50-7541i Night: SEAT 50L5 T1-1$1.51)
Hoctel C Um
S.WW Cor. Broodwayat 54th St., i1 9YORK
Ne r t 0 5i t: e ti I c ar ',Iat-it
1 n 'rCollegc enel w ;yelcome
'rCaSpecial 7ers fr Cotge Ica.
i i. , { xIdeal ILactttino. Na atIIt Yha ''it
TiNew, Modert, Absolately .rprc f
Transinico t e: $ 2,50,h .t t i Btt, ndt Up.
Harry P. Sttmaom, formterty witII ttt' Ii
R. . I3 i ant n t'., i Vii lity wi th Hotel. \VVVV ii r I
DETROIT UNITED LINES Typewriting and-Shothand
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and t'ypewritern for tIer1ttI'p
Jackson writi upis dh' ~
Limited Cars East B rend-8V2 V.ian.. 10:20 0 0. MORDL
at 11., 12:20VVt) . .HV°',t ])Via V.a 4:20 pV Vt.a 6:aV0 VV tNI' tiVt V i tt;F Ia
Limited Cars West Bound-9:54 a'.V. -,t- -- -a-- -a-
Vt:54 1) . Vi3:5 V).tut., 5:5!0.i.. 'Va)4t). Vii. ST JA ES H l'I iA ER FH
Local Cars East Bound-7_. evi t .a :45cI,
in., 6:45a. V in a, ut t v h u to 1:4 Via t . i iaiVV'V V' V i Vi
4)In.Tt Ysian~ttIi ata.tinaat hal aitt
lVto 1 11 ) n. . atIti 12:15a a. a., 1,::3 t.i ll.
1 I50a. in. toatine, IIO anti attg t 'pitatia GEO.. . aaan ya 38-O aporocnori
Loal Cars West Bound--.V4H a i..a a1V a. 4 Doors at - rdie's"
a5 tate St. So tr tt'S
Crawford Shtastftro Stat
Fall Line oat.Ladies' Sthnea
- 'FEducators"t foatCttdoao
Sn ctoog GOne t I .tR~ ip
Beat Out the" Play-~.-
The man who's never caught " off
first" is the fellow whose keen brain
and pliant muscles act together ine-
stantaneously. Muscle which respOU ti
like lightning to the will, and a quick
mind-are the result of right dieting,
in training and out.
is the athletes food. It builds brait) tiSSLIC
and supplies muscle energy, because it con-
tains all the nourishment of whole Xwhe-f,, in
its most palatable and digestible formi, ttn-
like flour and most forms of wvheat which lose
the most nourishing elements of the gig.ill.
Mode ooly hy
The Shredded Wheat Company
'" ~ Niagara Falls, N. Y.
"Vt" 'y
J r J) Iv II It d
to (111171111),
T l (mlilllttoc
we dollars
:)ctl)l s bills
E.'. c];iss bas-
is shoulder
V V I 'lcl la arc a nut u-Vilset
NItt. fat Vial 'VV'l'V'#_s twill b
(i "Il V I ll ittttti l lat $2.00O
.,Ja. iii I lV Vt i'r blocVa if
ca t" hi ii itop Ii I lto the public
it It h
hvi i s I
a V}o,}a 1 V'VIV Itt ie liat
V A VitV N Itt ityitanH club
'. aet withat he Iir Vilative a Vt
r+ I- llditi IV taill tha h li
ii and modern, Vii i i ll a t b
l a te tat n t o l
2 for 25c
Best Made- Merit in every Thread
$3.50 Per Week
TisLee sWeeks inm Adv'aeo$3.00
Mra. E~. Lo16wry
aitiplct Alt(., TitItioloi at ampustttt
College Laundry
116 So. 11-a 1
Phones 166
,Q tir
ou orde ftotr iaseBl u i
chat rtita.FINE IHANID WORK.
(C.taIIV PH AlRM tACr.. jBell 1633 J 6065E. Liberty St.
.-. ,
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.. _.Y ,, _' .... .., --.: ., .. f' (;:-,^ ,..o- ...x ..54. .r. . G
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