THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___________ _ - -- G. H. WILD' CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE SEET Taillors State St. Shoe Store S t t Crawford Shoes for Mlen Full Line of Ladies' Shoes "Educators" for Children Sporting G oods E. R . FR O ST . Prop ow C. [. DARIB[[L BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Eland Law Books Law ac-id Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, etc. Complete line New and Sec- ond-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 326. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 You would save moey by buy- ing yor College ooks at the Students' Bookstore Second-hd Books at Big Reductions College Text Books Engineering Books Medical Books DRAWING INSTRUMENTS andj ENGINEERING SUPPLIES Agents tor Keuffel & Easer, Diotzgen & Reohler Instruments See Our $1.00 Fountain Pen SHEEHAN & CO1c STATE STREET THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-Lre A WHITc,. Business Maiagr-NORMNasxI-. HL. News Editor .......Harold Titus Assistant ...... -l... arry Z. Fol Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant ...Arthur B. Moehlman, Music and Drama ...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files.... Dion S. Birney tDIToRiALOS. Arthur J. Abbott. G. S. Lasher Paul Leidy. NIGHTac IORSs. A. J. Wohigeinath. Harold McGee. Harry G. Myser. M. Mack Ryan Frank Pennelt Fred Lawon RPO5r9R. Maurice Toume. Lorei Robinson. John L. Cox. F. E. Saw, Jr. Erwin Koch. Oscar Bekman. BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowman. A. R Dilley. Myer Robin. Kenneth Osborn. .Addrss: N111teNiA LYsc, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Office IHours: Managing Editor, - p. a. and 11:00-1:3o p. in. Daily. Business Manager, 1-, 7-8 p. in1., E- cept Sunday. Both 'pones 96. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 191. Night lEdior-Fags LAWON. UNIVERSITY CALEUNDAR. Ofcober 14-S. L. A. October 15-Michigan vs. M. A. C. October 15-Fresh-Soph Rush. October 17-Senior Lit Eectioi. October 18-Reception S. C. A., New- berry hal. October 22 \tclsgan vs. . . U. at Columbus, . Octolber 22-All-Fresh vs. Alma at Pr- ry field. IDaily staff aaeetiiag today at o o o'clock sarp. l1very ember of le edtoral stff and every cadidate c- peced to be fpresent. A OICCSUi. RUS. 'Dhis morinimg at least two of the four classes of teunaiersity have a claice to show their loyalty to Michigaim amad its iistituioins. tsr years the reports of the old- fashionead caninon rush were paitlished lroadcast, atroughaouatithis aid mcig- sornug states-repors, exaggerated tut givean credemce b reaers who ]inew little f the real facts As a massater of expeadieince the facily ecessarily had toa tone dow" the aisaual rush. The preset lan is simply a trial, bit it is Michigain's amamaaal rus-onea of our few caimpas traditiois-aid its failure wautl meaa a adistiact loss las the uni- versaty. Its saccss is assred if bols the sophomanores aid freshamacn do their duty. lIt can oaly fail if oie, or both classes fail to erforma that dt. That the freshamaeni expe toa do their part is shiownm by the that they were at work yesteraday p ,ariig Ferry feld for the econite.r. They are to be caaimameiaded for Li ese spirit. It is itoa hop thIat the sohlomree classailadispla . s same cetuasiasms, smnt eltstolerpetuata a s-aed isti- tuitiona. HOANDra.sxoa'LASgiiWITHORIH;AISAL. Praof. H-owlanad expressead hiimself as miore thaaia tleased with the resclts of the first amtsical rehearsal for te opera tilda last night at the School of Music. Abousat eighty mel were preseat at his tryout, which sas characterized ly the hardest requirements yet udergoae by. chaoras cadaidates for aiy Uaiona opera. CIROSS COUNTRYvMtN RUN TO YPSILANTI. Itanat 111101 gettinagadown to the strena- uous pact of their work, the cross couna- try squad raan to Ylpsilantli yesterday afternaooia. The mcin arrieed in good coiiditioin, aind einjoyed a pluinge in the swimimnag poot at the gymnasium. The returna trip was made via D. U. R. late ii the afteriaoona. 'aOtVERI NEI1S ,R' OUTFO MUSIC AND DRAMA I UTUSIC ANDVDRAMA (Contliiaued froaaa larsa0. Besiade this, tie siill lbe exipectedl to bootaat the leather bsetwveena the pstsss afterth IPYIAL lRUSSIAN BALLET. Akggie's goal liaae ih- asbein croasseil Sonic coimmaeant has been excited by Thonitsoma sill alo the puninag andalp ac-itac fast that smly onr Matiaaee perfor- sing. Becisc 'Lpectedatoas idlamate ri-ally aseswillI te gis'en at Detroit, by Mlte. in the offeaasivscs-ork. kAniaa P aslosaa, M. -Mikail Mordkina, amid Friaday's pracice swas devotcitoisap- lthaImpiicsal Russiana Balet-swho a;i py sigiaal adrill. The Varsity pishedla bei seen cathlare on Friday afternaoon, Dc- off Yost's aaest 51 anaauvacrs an ianlactsalaa i2i, at the Lyceunm Theatre; but style. If they ca execute Ichlae play s Ia tr a s lbeiaag treated quite as well toimorrows-as thaeytahavede sacin tprac- i aicseet as the otlier large cities lice, victory is certsainu. If \1. .\ . C an 'ofithaa sasnatry, iiaclaacinig New York. bae baeateni ailiwiaoutrccor sa ticksi Ihacomanapa paetcars there, at the Maet- thaey will beseplctuniader cosaer fss i s i r raiasll Opetara I-ouse, aaaaSaturday, in -fater gaiies. Ocissbcr Iafasr a asatianee perforanaice SAicIrs'AiBILITY'I NiL w: . ossls. Little is atefinitel Iaissly nwno has Thieywillplaay lout onae aught each ini Farimers' streaigita. Cosaach krewer- saltaiss re, Piltadelphia, Chicago, Cleve- poiants 0ou1 that tih ls hailt ivecvearansc, sald, Cinaciininati, Pittsbsurg, St. Louis, aind iinsists ithat lie slosssut Lxiiici Ioa sca icr, Stianei, Seattle, Vaincouver, wiin. 1If the sisitsors ace tlaseliepts 51frossasi1. C., Poartlanda, Ore., anid other caiessitus cau .try _a r wsta WAHR'S Michigan's Boot Bookstors StateSt. Main Sr. Offers best seleeted otock of BOOKS and STATIONERY A fear Prices: Kara Linen No. 1 quality 35 per lb........--_-..... French Dimity ___35 per lb.- _---___5 Michigan Linen __ 5 per lb. ______ 5 Fountain Pen__ Engraved visiting cardos 5 per 100 from plt--.5 Engraved visiting cards $N100 per 100 with new plate W1a Magazines at club rates Loose Leaf Books 25c to $3.00O Make our otores your headquart- ers. Try no. W AHlR'S scoirinig thmeyisist lachtld a 51 5osaide- aleadistanice frosiasthe Wailvas iaega.' Bill, Ithe Aggie thalf, sass a I itiofa kickiiig gosals froan yssspaintaawithinatlie 5.5-s-aritlhue. The10153 isi-iareamemibesr- luau ass the plasyer wo shesllliaslasm as -tie, u-leu the MIichiigsa tra-shamins sct the I\1. A. C. yousts ,errsasitcsaaso, lay scorinig a tlaceIhisck froisstlesceaaer ice tue field. The officials foastoass canstcifs( low: R -alph HoIglasnissal'uia cisas-re ree ; E. J. Jeninas, alaumpie; . IR-i buss, Nebaraskaa ahildajdg;la I . Rickaey, OhsiosWesleanasshiad ii isaacsas 'The Varsity hassaill bei l nsass d, sisa, "Sully" i istoleadl tiechalersing. T'I'a general admaission iasll las -assnasai. The tesiams wall Iliiieail as folilos:. Borleske ... .F.. ... Stone Edmiunids...L.T. (s.. ampellasi Benblrookb.... Ii-....... l Bogle...... .'......ialaNillisans Conklhin.... .G..-. -..asaaanar(sci Wes s.......R.T. li... alslai i Pailcaigith... .E....Ii F - 'psol McMillan ... . I.1... . illena Maagidsohtam...I,. tCIt)piICaslriglit Thomiptsona....s. 11.....- - -tfr Green...... RH - --.. ..... 11 STOti-1LOO1-ILI STEN1\. So sheets haram ,Lcin se-. .113 24 sheets gosa ldibosed cetl.. 0 50 eiaselopes tistataach, 2;C ; suohilate. ij()s Dame depsartiaenat paler ss iand elm-ilope cainiot behieait. .At SCtilahCcd' . 1,,M' lauildling, 340 Statec. aH. NOW IS ThIE ThIEI To siabscribec lasthe .l1Iclcssai55JDailav for $2.3. P honie youiirasese r inanosxas. Seandhchaes oc cash lbefore Nsaovtee a anid get thet laowest cate, $2555tolfor lie year. I1 -2. All kinsh5of Ammuniitionand uual s d at State Street Hlardwaare. as-as. Besiiier's tGrill. C'hmarcosal grillses porterhouussc steasha. is13 \. l's srssaSi.., mp-stairs, opip. Interairasa i lia. y-caal Ii. Ssan Frsanciscoa, aind thenuce sack to New 'oria, miakinag the whosle tour ini a periosd sal eigat siweas. 'Thee wsill trasetlabystpecisal trains, conm- sisainag sol the lrvate car of ltme two stsars, seaveralhPullmanslmseelpers, as dias- sag-case, ald the threcebaggage esirs sacecssary tis carry the staupendousss equsi- sasnsa sal scenecreuald effectsifor tle sabl- slits produlactions. Sesats fair this extraordimnary enagagc- asesst will gas on sale next .Vtoaday, Oc- tobaer 17, at sotls the Lyceumsa Theatre lzn Giiiiaal tros.' W'se carrv a faith liaesuf tFootbialls, Iiasetballs, bosxinag Glasses, andsse p-ll pliesc. :hateStreet 1hardwsare. a-ia. TICE'S 117 South Main THE DRUG STORE OF IQUALITY A¢ eaS for Gilbert's, MacDiarmid's, Original Allegretti CHOCOLATES' D esles-r iiSigh Class TOILET GOODS Paroker ~nFountain Pens 117 South Main Tice's Drug Store*.. Beuor Than Ever The broad and exclusive line of FANCY SUTITINGS we are show ing today. From it every man can find a fabric to suit Isis fancy, as botls light and dark mixtures isa fle Seasons's latest patterns are shown. For a Fall Suit that's right in Pattern, inl Quality, in Style anad in Make-Visit W~m. E. Dieterle Varsity Tailors 1 17 E. Liberty Street AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room You can find atfineelite of Cofectioneery ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP OppositeIr itric Waitine Reoom GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 Doors From "'Freddie's " Safety Razors ON APPROVAL We have arranged with the makers of both Gillette and Ever-Ready Safety Razors to put them out on approval. The purchaser can return -the razor and get his money -back if he wants to. sE. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. CANDIDATES for CLASS ELECTION We Print Cords Artistically, Promptly Our PRICE is ALLURINC Ma yer, Schoettle &Sohairer Co'. Stationers, Printers, Binders Students' Supplies 112 SOUTH MAIN STREET BELL PHONE 1404 WhnWanting Clean Clothes 928 C all E ither T elephone ..........Va si y L a n d y o IGHEST GIRADE OF WORK PROMPT SERVICE 215 and 217 S5. 4th Ave. '1-- 121 Wohasb Eu . RANDAU& & PA CK, Photographers P'hase 598