. , - - ~L1N M 11(A DAIL THlE .MICH !GAN AIY.xi0s",", S IS A55 x . .1 I I'S 1 1G. IL WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS . eWILD CO. ITh e Leading Merchant Tailors J311 SO. STATE STEET ypcwrtcrs ALL PRICES rhe Studets' Typewriter Supply Co. Rooms 4 Press Building. Opposite majestic Stuldents' Bookstore 1000 New Titles in the Latest Copyrights Dipi yrd in o. W'Osdowerr Publisher's Price $1.50 Our Price 50c SHEEHAN & CO. G. [. DARINELt[ Law Medical Dental ates Stack in Michigan n -condilond Law Books . lt-ice IDictionares QhI Boks etc. "r-te line New and Sec- ond-hand. is. ssks taken in Exchange C.E. BARTHELL, t 326 S. TATE STREET fxd Floor Tel. 761 AfanagingyEditsor-Ux rA W55 cii. BusinessiManagr--MisAN xII. I1U. News Editor...... ..Iarl ' iu Assistant.......ar2.Fz Athletic Editor.. ... Wter lK. oies Assistant . .._ ..Fe ,mt Mtusic and llraisa....Lr .Am Exchanges asd Fileis..Dir;.Be Arthur J. Abott. G5Lse Paul Lidy Ntsti'EDIiiRS A. J. Wohlgeisutl. IHaoldsi \Ss. tarry G. Mtyser. arc ohc Frank Pennel. I' lie Iii Rie t~orcniiRobisn obx let John tL. Co. F . S sa, J tErnes Burton, E t. Wl L1 Johni. 'Townliry. 5Wa llac 5it Geralut 7. Sa. I isisii'I C. IHarold ipper J Sli BUSINFSS STAFF C. A. Bowmaist. _,. klesly Mlyer Rubii. . 'ienei. (ix xx I. Ray Johiisoi. Rlier IP. .sisol C. tH. Klistiisk 7jioscip x i l. Alddress:1\lICHIsAN DILYso, xs'. RI I, Maynard Sre. Office H ours: Msaagig siso, 1-z p mt. and tt1 us0-1:30 p. Il D ly. Busiiness Matger, i-5, 7-IS1>.ii., Is ceptt Sundsay. Bts'pit.es o UNIIVRITY55 515IID. Mach 1.- eno Ii i Ite .1, t iits f iiio 1pn eln ru h i i 1Ix 1n I iii Iii ii~cas en liiicicj Lit5 scilrndpoisfi ofcei ia. ' Iralliiiiidssetuit p lxxiis .15' itii vraria t[o pla,"is hsiu and 5 sil mis]1.. 5 1 'lso n sl is 1 oh si l tac ofits lxi.in i tiixtc, i xl 5 1'l ,; emiii inognzdlif,% It elon ohait , dsslsis i s e, nd a tI 1oh quliis milti ay iiixs is xx ed i1; I on It is i n a c r'. M i ll(,'1. x. 1 pr sisaiim hrsl iixs is1 isi'n' i iii's fie.cae f ous, 'i i idli th isP thicin stll iene Tha theyiiliiCi enjo tis insrgnci C '.Iu lxc.a iii 55 .:ts'.iiiii Ixissil11 ofth U ie t I ha ee sigff hc ete er'S rv s U c.7,... ihree ix h s uit wis il i i 'iibe 5tis tress, i ils sllis i~ io Iii for ;ix th i \pp d cii I iandi I\\'l ix issh n e it ucts t th I ~ ii a ir\ imd icc Ish-551 -ic 5 S 55 iIll t i mdIlp 1 .i i hi i s tioixde- r an _ -Tll i liii x;droo ii ' t c _ \ilial'aii i n- i<, , it3 1 xlH c he W liris' ichi. in : cli x hc,1i'ill Iit al 'I,1 in, 1, isx55ixxi - nii on \\ lihi i x lcs iii ii\\\ York i[\, 1.imfxsi~i coili s 55i e 1,l x 11551 11h"oldIea - l \~'xl 'I Iir ,,o I'n n1\nsecR.M' S' S ' \i the comiss ion cii~h i l 55 it; timx to cI',liI' t I,\i mf'i report i completed. i C1 in i Cxii S t SIC1s c n ii i \%,A( fr iPort\\ .l ill] 1i I * Ix:. 1, Cis xeen. .1 ix i l x lix i- ST 1 1 5 .5 ii'' ii t i xit i iii ,n iitith p x i )-Ir ii\\r,,i\- . 1 W 5 xli i lf St. lA n- dre 's t i~r.it\ 5 ntan , i... 51 si' ;l idi uiv~st s a rpeeti 55 illixxix at.. thxe. ix xli is t l txrti t evx'enin g at f 5:0. Sic.1 i C l i tiena lix. lxI-,Nf J issx lsisTixc i I(l liii x ixICi'xi'i ,O \x;1')~iI. We nre preparedfaxupt th e h e t st s veof i itgFi Tack Goodts E~very artil, ]i it gtirantci qujire ajr ft5' 3 ' for iittxxr x 1' Dicu, si ci find tLat -.ar of 'his IlYSsCxNxi s, x1 ON1 '['E3 xx in l'i iiiiiimlc.I ilxxx I (, 'ite( i ll i t:xi foI ii' ix 11 \Sils'xi11 xx to l12 r1:1;. x SI I'OI 1'. Cii Il . 'F( Si i'C mt( t. iis cixLy lIsol xi a.. PAM Thei lichi wg 'Pilsils a;' l ixi 'lix 'c1 iix o th liiie 5 C il :Iiic _ ii andBagag > IxI s'xI I I tt 1i . 1f i s Inii The M ' '1 ' elrs e t ic . Bun (Bons, Chocolates and Novelties OURS is thte IItTYLER Store Why? Becausec it is thte representti's'cstcore. sf tse city--We were giveit the exclstsiv'c agentc y for Antil Arbior hbeautse ms' kion ht'w to sell candylanaiiIte secret is tx sell ttothittg bxtt /''xresrois xlo'xss/ . TICE' Drug Store, 1175S. lain St, A-exts for Il1iers x Siber s. 'xlc wricxsand151 caxe i UovIae .. . c' 9 . Fi 1; y it I G . t"+ f ii.t l i Shir anakw Mad t O_ e ile 1/3 OFF SPECIAL 1 10 DAY SALE I Lea fther Goods Suilly s'aniiiebicistoclsec~ri's is team onitaitxsirxlsi ovc IIxwill r tusrn ini Jissi'it5xis reported, ,> liiI other cheer,thlixswsier 5to 'Cslii.' isi movlte besite dcTaoutiat i is W5e suiggestltht i ii lsis ix imex rooters lcari some5C Cof55V x ' el5 iin os'der that theuexxsl C''l-1ix-iixsiia lie inidulged ix, andi liiii'lCs ii .1 mit asssured. Asieiths will xiielet Ii x :55 testerS debaste is a. .sigsxlxx sl oixxvi'.susbject : tsexs .' 1 lxx 5.r 5i Stairs sena~tors shouidis e 1 ? direct vote of th eto ss'x WALRUP~S SE3AL MORZOCCO .p Hand (tags, Wallets, Bill Folds, Card Cases, Post Card Albums, Photo Albums, Address Books, Visiting and Shopping Lists. ! MAYER, SCHOETTLE & SCHIAIRER CO. STIATIONEIRS PINTERtS BINDERiS GENERAL OFFICE OUT FITTERS 1i2 South Main St. B:II Phoner1404 K^, A Sutn or Ovcr°scoat, 7 c Fuller & O01 lo Tailors, 619 E. W'tiam S.; I') I SP.," top U RANDALL & PACK1 Photographers Phone 596,