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October 15, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-10-15

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Thl e Micig an Dally

Vol. XXI.
Shifted Varsity Expects a Hard
Fight with Brewer's Men
for Victory
'There -re old scores to lie settledtoon
itrv eldl this sateriiooni, andit tire-
modeldiaiil rejitensatei levni spe
siresi to'stletrl thalf patn
lwoon'lock, tlee \\ olverin Cs will* face
the tiam r tnsln i heIl\l ieliigtiti Ag-
r:tis' l Ci ollee.Th ggies have
co iisi() tl hos reaihitenraise fthi15-
in ves -11rs:is-soithne-thletic ladderebIn
is'-i ill"th eeve o te stite nni-
V 1_,1at.. I'leii supiititiiSrs will rinime
wis1ll s'iii to stieeritinemninto victisry.
ionsear Iays)whenthe lean ears
tivriii gn t, iliifiii 0 eleveinjiour-
i~v 1 to I 'fs-isis- ioily tiireturni trois y-
a s fertscorelessonstruggle. Silie
li~t ime t Ftrmesnhave gaittedtIII
-i 1 a andis roil ses, sit that to-
daithe iiI iii tcries 'must ight hiardutcI
h-Iii toSitu i beeniimadte ini tir Varsit)
iie t iMe iswto iwe-Cre on tireliistuitta
ls,(I n ligil s tn iSaturdaysi, wil tilty
Su~ l e i((n te sidle listss. oliliks

ANN kARBOR, l tttCi kNT=, S.\V'l'1tslls, OCTOFIIR i;, tgt0.


Fresisneun of tir Literairy deparstisst, EN'TER T'HE RUSH Ms. Stastltsyswisleitsudsi oodStIat 1ITI.1 P'l I I f
sw-Io are proirientsl iiLtstisn issiGr(5 1k, ll t seresre still siiinly litces IoIIeiJ iJ in theJJ
will hr givens a chasser toitest tlheir skill _ -_Chlus t i isii i te swill heiatithei'Schooiil
its the EPhillips' schtolairshipsio C tiittiofi iMusoic isisr ittay frostsai:oos tsi2:55.
tiosns, to hr heldt Saturiday, Oetoier 2O. Underclassmen rise to SupportsIi i sit tnd stS ln :o.) iii5:30ti. iii. toiCartoonist Causes Much Mirth
Fisiterineswo tav Idtso isiots tryi oit 1 siss to lii llthSlest s-l irts. 'The.i'
ofr~eekrassetfotur tulits st ofLltinre of University's lime Hon- firttsts ithnarsa inasieli last i lieotay With Clever Sketches Be-
rligilelr for his tirie, prtin g eysight, sndI a suitslt nutslier isicr e es-A
inake applications tDeats Reedl i ar ored Iraditoneliiitino lake tltnp ttietwork. ilIt'me' o e S .A
hefore Octobner t5. thiudad t -fore S. L.A
These scholsarshsipsssterr sun nci liiythe
lte Htesnrnythillips, Jr., sit tlisilellsliii.ALL IN READINESS FOR THE FRAY S' OttioTnsissies err st itOiiiY. LOCAL CHARALTERS FORTRAYED
at te inssigatissis of Its-it-i S. Ciize N01itittis fogysun liniiiuelit (allies'w sill _____
professor of Ltlus fromiti1854 lto 1889. be msitise l sittttin ii4:sit tel setsitsthe
Thse awatrdtsoffi fly dosllatrs earls, sierc- l'nt'h isioore s I l-snts wsill ltre roo ,Taii ttppallt hisll. It s o ])si - -"I'di thiter gisdtei t ha nlt bis eIsa. me-
wontt last yerebis Hetry Vtani Veseils Ctisl t it innt alti ti 5 o sits perryldl abslethalitS sittiti iss 'sl ils-cttin of eis. sisitenuginser," saids hTtt . Ms-
Louis Iteassuek andil Agnets n t~uauies hs morning it nttto.s it t soini mmetsitlst wsill ias lie tl s-ts- ilut gtuttliu t-t r~
Seelye.1 T ~ies suuits sode ildel lii sntertheii lield I it i s ii tiistth1ils-l strs ist Iii t Stsiie li
_____________- - i it lS iter tIshiiscussiii lintst ll - - -- __dakorhiaPrde_-i
PLAN BIG SOCIAL EVENT 1"''''ttilti"si'enler FRESH PL AY OPENER TODAYsrit.AstntIstttttnulitf
-i Is 1 to l t it c i ts ints esits nt' ggli sadui t titiit'rs.
Sophomore Girls Begiii Preparations \ti- (cniccliIl -bestared IsitsoiiFifteeni Men Leave for Clash With-
for Freshman Spread, Dec. 10 h '.(rtiits 5. : i s tiles 5iHeidelburg ElevenStt \sCteteisistlstes'srttt-
.ec ) tll1t t?;° \ -Il lu'rt 1 1 c iis 1(1 Ir () ithe S. l,. Aise ries tint ight iwis
AtDersii Jordani's asisiiss et i iss i tois, iI f ii '5Ill ( olmoin i it sice
hei ss ttn i tc rgum cs tss its ils tint I t-I sitits 5 iiltini.o15551lt'i''Cei'he is'ri's)ntitni
itan its eis-Ct'so' thetittite fur iiatth 1)r"r 1 8:0 11(1ii Inn Ihis its sit sngostallinig fortht'aplauisse.
1uO is thcrrstotiggeni sue 'ea}"iI) ser nil:lets il itfurtihetesethn
.e r for girls. AbX iiss ret illi A l IiIi i.(tlllc~ tol til cilt s id r. Ic
sas uu sI s'ssss Florenc0 d tint V aI lit lists 5 sladtsOI5 mil It weiesiust eos st Isisg etssstle
tit tiffilt'.O; Itanin rieiols (1ins isill thisurnit hi c al
tirsiritn'roftaro lttssn e o ) u is tti llrits 'I.:Ca lit e II XX ; l ist I t tssgs sesle lrustsnii
)f xhe ffar I t in' adeJt sitp ii lli555 W"tiltlristifle'sthessist tnts' lt'ibVsth(i Ii
() it Str Jttss i'I Stu t ilct5 J V It " ;1,) I, ) Int i 5 sisrs lltH.;'~t t-t tssrs
siwusei& .grillt- r isles situ to situ1 ts, si ,l Li;ti1 s 1 ai te t 151 t l t igam situ'' Tsngsin Mrchg w(i
whih s he O~d~tc; tc)111i1ir r~rr in s>int t s thp is 11 P M ,E.1;. i ch555 dst I,.I1iitt -;tsttsQtnlmst' w n It-ln
of this spread, ti had ])ill c el i iiisnc lie d ys n

, r

wh thsbSin withstilshis'teamtb ust fosur t'xtteiuzsIT'Yit us' suns 'une
nit I s, iswia t left senuit. hisile still Sir. Ptorte'a'ofi tse C'. S. llisse is
u lut Cals- st sente'r, suitConitn w nittl l is- s st reently' is-sitins stunt dXii
uit -his intiaii llis'pearnce:'o'itheIls-sea- itscosu tastion tsssh PIot. is. 11. WiXtll
i at irighti -is d.iT homsitp suits will at- if ts' Chtrie s ica tIni cit a' uly i
itt -Ce Its tistsaplwasransie unthue °Vir- 1nugsard, ti o oe:lestsinth vacr?;
si Su it t e uoahs tu xpech t tha't sts con if scsitl. Itis opinidatatca
cc c ksiriltt m i n t hue iss' t sd teeaiathes55u 's r ,is no d ith tsfo
si's suit ii liii ufa ssdisfsret iroms thst i ritsreason It srvitsulls us oth
lt i li 55'iin th Situ ;; ce. Isup5 for,°a,.lbug perio oftm . m
klessI reportudin isuschi seellettSale tests by Itestsrnettedt
C istnd itsiIiandspsasuitredithett'ew pltays dispurove'sthin idera.
so apilyth t inot blieslii hle soill It is toss'plannedSt'itto. nrr
h,,smre fiin nethter IDasniels sitS theerme ntsits r sal
its Mluttnsont whosntpi in is' lstis nt seents worarloas o f coasloefmPts
snirlt s atsitu totrn'. ist-le wasto sirketrd surg;sanih suie fromsis1'airmontiti, WXX Va.
e,1-ati-mei'at csitetr sitnX\'ednesdaty. titus-Cbeenitdonautedtys tes cal 1
lii s then ili asbn S us-si it s s'ltn appsser- pait esC, tussd still be ssitptpedI ts i
Si.ck si ndut ihas itiie Ibetter tittns Stle, _rlitr. This coasl still its'putit nusSties
lutist'e poerifu ldefesnisivepltuyerespei ho thes-srestterA siIisiit suitdesit
its'A t t ittitkinlyslW' theiitask if tutS-iteserry yests'fits' tiodoflies'as
ssi-te blli.shout tensStos hlu-hu ised ac5 year
COsKitSNtDOE'SGtas.KiIes-ItNut. httrrel sampltsenstwill asoubitssunkS inthsit
suki~ ens ntill bei'enses'iallyHu Ssrutsriser tItstlnthueillseit ofwiteslu
na~ e S dui' o st ioslt' is thu s'rotertustnilisthie kesepinigquities.
power u Ind-sexperience 's'nts'dedi-to llslter'.'The govenet oveIruses theinti-


tI aIii

1t ' c itir 5 I har lat iforth iiI-c-
Si it k' MX' '1 I S XXi- tep~s\III
c ,eil l i11 l 1i rs I I lls r h
l ti-l itf litii' ~ ic rak is(Is

tilts issris'
Sili 12 t'
ts ii i' s it's

sssi eri. (tl ;a slloa its I ni ie
( 55 tithos uu ho restint


tIilS Sit ititi i

ImIIIbcrslii1) tickets
at the c om-, ; this is

eelturtn sf r hei Ii' lt u-us Centi l "S tI r.Ms hCttt 1 u seidi ts' stter slurtI
co: to this s- tnlnil iis tulk tit) illusotrates omst e tuc lstn'ws.
weit - Incaurits <1 l' 'ii usitti s t5 us u iiitld b actin ain dakugts s lean,
i;t in answer toi t he ol -- siiiuisstwIs- etitl n as ltre'
tins, i n lutu f str 55 slur ti sign w iets-- it. ' f NI Itd n uts'ttending
sub it~d lst y ia, te cns t u tis n si'sNormintuit bneth
yer 1r i sto b i- i sui itest si uS lt'e freshni s t ore a
us idelt uscsesss tso t' esiars sof Xr. sh-
tug. C ,tiiii' uu i olsnilit teI
PrfI. I', >N. Si-tll sill ai s' c ar 1thS or a sapble el
mits suit heiii iiiiiiili'i wis- i s to1 udgeIsi- spetaleui, its-ca'rpeit-basgged I freshmanusu
st ittrk\It-. .C. '. liitli.nSwhots 55155 itoviwenut lg direcsltd itirh
si''liiiie ii'd ttthe issque e S fortse Icm lh hit iisliihItu-s, asnas good boasrding
itt i'ihalliarttexhib it iiialog ue c.Its regardu ts lust Saturdaysn
I ui -t s is XXII i's ifr t iE>.Slussss end I se itig itii-i'th ligltn glumstgiiroii-ttufigitren
XX liscetsoslii te s islthe ins m en iofts suitre hetig marched lit- lonssg by asi tu-
comnlttce mine tsitslan sl behind lubg stoigie.
I'tiiitiaiasyukechofl 'hstan
us drinuitsg stilt ihe .iu'ltdi f t uth ite:hs lii't n '~s'tsst
arit' am peasoni. h atl 01 lt Xliii i h igan"sutt brought grsat
must botn .writ tt 'n s iisepara t cad us appaui
placed uswit liitherawing ii i t nunitsealedSuit thelcturei'.thesres wss'u asi sti-
its~ ututu sni sill u te its Isis thi sentiss n iitaining theis'tu
Sitti itus icvciui g, {litcslr >,at a ttuses wihhalutieteS toSrut ol'Sthei eisel
Ita stu' be i iiiitiiiu'i Slatei'.o s tsy swere comptlted.'i isfisew came
tusht ti nth husme use w sole, suit isisisis
Ther itSdofChls bowman '1,i Pof. I.C.ITrsulosuisdIwill shpetaklie-
w isi a 5 itu liulsits Sfor55 lectintoitshss lists the isltulati u u lterary socuiety
Xftsis t ii l lstiSS ttruiii i p, its as ol- Sals t uay '(, llingu abulut i sn recenst
mitttissuofloiii and ]()Io and siterclututss vmursin tes. shefollowig hrtsgramts wilh
basetal smangeru' unitsJerry ~'Colluns, tssts hisgivni
'1? I;, canidaiute tfor is t she s lics shiss I Cusurrnt Fvns.. 55. . S tronuuer
nit enigaiged'imel inaithtltic I sitkutu-uliaet's'yIntS ht''iLtdr, J. JtD~s'un
w i in hei i versil ity. Det e:sus l'iiiu thaItiBIallinger is nuit
The memberiiiits n tt this'13ilhis ibasebal'l negiss-~i5ColslnsndstMillet'.
te mtItrca s itttlmpitit last osluistg, Xulutru so XX- his'a'Coslege Xhsusu Joinss
us -i's awa'rdetush thesir ttus-u'sitcas n dsui AXlpha u"........5 . XX Davuidh
jese s'netu''eray i'yhDirecstoru'I a teit uts C ritics replut

utl the lints'buit histoctuii il-u'to lut
nuh itn evidesusie OnSit kttlinu silt
ftill this'tun itsifsorinsg lbiylt'e sit' ruteus
uslst wn u'Su itt-litws e.'sssssst hbe seeuredh.
(ContintuediontPage itt'
ii iss Brisstn, ai grssuuste if XXellensrn
College', sill seak' st .Ns'sslirrn'shI
toighstil it :30. Shse i issueosithSie see-
retariees ofi thi s ttrieiint'sstunsstr'msone-
tutu-sitatushalssChsest s n s's'rhernubljeet,
''It'l I sotunt sy uS XMis~sin XX'srk its
this'IOris-st'" X Ate'r Stheaddress-,the ntis-
us-ut vouteerus'uwisill holdtu isiniformoal
social stowiehlt hl uuuuantsh somein

tuig inshpects thuesucoal, andu clitssaslt of
the laboirtatsi tor -liotSco'rediii'u' . 'l'ic
testsnattheSurgswt-trksi-itt1Ibe instile
hansul of theurnusiveru'sitiy.

suII il u, 5 i' 'inVas itn u's- ll
titlist1uts- is is sti'Silig ils'he 'niv'ursits of
Mlii oon lt eam n - S 'unthis fXlluwXisi
T~n niplihis ttuSitt'~~t~ luiVtse tnt l suits listseditoi s ee te

SOt-n it uS "HituiIRS \1555' 5555555

terdhaynafterinonI. uersiitss-e eld Sthese patst n teryh t ot ot,
tempshoraryelctirman.its aftes'r asc to'usVot cvs iplenutshsiphluist Ms
ositnuof the rush, Visecher wsselieted si tin lutdn wlla)fa. Istv
tempo~srary fouothusslsumanasger'. Twus-u'a aresithuiscih iof ssiiiiiters, a idus-uell
dtilhtses for Shu tSets in-ill mtin-o sns lion- S iii uusd tIism.un
Thie Ahelhni till udebatels st theius- ,-w gv is'~snuitaltilk t. AW
sleetinug this esvenuing tintthis'questonssMu. li ns Still S nuts In Slut 6:3
"Resolvedthantlthensexosne shosuldoclc.ut suoctii"A or othus
hue hepuhhlietsu." \Visc:

Order the Daily Today

Call or- Phone Buzs. Mgr., Press 81d¢.
Office Sours-: I to 5,.7 to 8:30
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Agents, Want's, Cushings, Skihers
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