lE MICHIGAN DAIy SPRING OXFORDS TRAOL, $6.00 $4.00 and $5.00 UNIVERSITY NOT[ICES t i~ ''i l 'i ii t iiii M fro Il Ose~sla . h) \ ii il inii muii I ttt( tl- C'Illl tIs I(r 11 515 i V a z3aruruay, iiarcn ii and Night Come in and get your fit and we will hold themr until you want them WAGNER & GO. State Streect Sign tnt the big white shoe For a delightful Luncheon or satisfying R~epast A 'Lea Rtootmttha, its C*,. ca('sit mi is n .ini Z "dirent" 1VACiK95 : ln t=cilii Itz A i IHoaeI.Cooking i t.+>r ii 'iii Steno well water,- TEA ci i 1151 ,,tad healthfulN iiiS ei r lech tFruits tind 01pel ciii w Iii . t Vegetables only ;fP 1l51 Service a la carte O 0 M n ;trlrt I SI '\Tf Dinners, Lunches, Refreshments--Anything you want C"E-tmlm .8.15 P. M. Lanangeet s-te" Go a a _tin MOIOT H. SINGE With LEONA WATSON as "IDixie" A Production of Note A Cst f l Distinction TumrefsusI iasi '5 imilI'S SIof I'S il)11C 1('1L' 1 1ii in ii lit n e icilelof iCiiniiil j Prices Matinee: 25=54=75=$l N's--hi: 35=50- 75-$1=$1.50 '.cl il h ie j ~ SEAT SALE THURS DAV MOR iN 1iw irltcIW r A'Iabel \7a1 r' . / es of he shak Wil Thereprtsof ic ~ It- .e t F.re' , . . Ii Indian Blankets and Curios s Arts axed Crafts Shop iter 'Noveltiestfrm Eatern Shops Cnr. Wiltliam and Ntaynardt WIE Fr-ench Dry A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suits Pressed, 25c Trousers, lOc REPAIRING Fuller & O' Connlor Tailors, 619 E. William St. J. A. TRUBEY FOR High-Grade Confections Pure Ice Cream i Helene Alimnendeinger Teacher of Sintging Voice Placing Sang tterpretatiotn 6 n ei mlFl ii'' e Mtion tcni: W Iartn tlust '03 i. ti(cit tleis ?t o 'C ii P. 1i. Sen e t Nimi lilmv ifor. III(, il Men's, Women's, and Children's Footwear Streetad Dres.hoen Attettici fnooest E. R. Frost, 302 . State :t. Typewriting and Shortha0nd Typewriters for sale or retf.Type writing Supplies, Rlibbotns, Carbon, etc. 0. D. MORRILL. 'i9 N. tUniversity Aveit3ll1:110, College Laundry FINE lHAND) %XORK Bell 1633 J 606 E. Liberty St., Carriage and Baggage 1 ter cactiCuttle to andlfrnem5ptrties Ceorn f2oeleci $1n.50,aflen 12 o'cli ii berenaett Trutk et)ofrmdooue price will be 25 CeteitI caried ,I or Cromttp-stairs, otwepr iewill lie 50 Cents. Drivr e en tedotciltecticash r~ Car carriage and beg ne serviee WA iN IIt'sLIiSRl ttOLMEt1S LIV nICY [DETROIT UNITED LINES Between IDetr 1t, A.a Arorand Jacksosn Limited Cars East nBamoun-he . in..a.n,1:2p.i, Limitedt Cars West B03;;!d--!): i-) . .1: 1:54p. i.tt. 1:54tp. ei..Ct5:54p.ni. , -':,5 1) l. Local Cars EasttBound-1 PIielt iiij5:45 a in.,6:45 a.in., and ivert inslinetet; c, :I p. tm. To Ypsilatnti, i$15 a. in. aeiiil Ielli ii it nets it :15ti.n.. aise 12:15 a. ii., liiti. im. 1 1t t n To ttalitie, chantge itt X'5tnii '1i1l Locat Cars West Boftund-5455ia.it..a:)a tn. atndeery twohosteoele:Ii.- piw AT TUTTLE & CO.1 You cat intd a floe line of Confectionery 1111ii( ) _ SN i NA SS 'ICf(ll. ,. lc l tC 'i I 'c 'ire 'n i1i ;t c~~~l X i ' I1(I- s to 1c the s nti i,. ) SC~1 i ' )1'.\ r A litilcI i i o l ( _' c r ot Ciliet-oi heitIii l 1 u l lI.J .1 ii i O w \\ st . ii ~ r ._:II-C \lcit~c~l" El'Ci111iiil 11 Li lt i 11 iJi ; Il) o c :i't llti li ll. is n 'icin l l I I i'cii if-i S c;,>i 11c) Il Im tw w ~ cl 1c i* and Feb~llrulsay idet e and13 l 1 cthcrs)lie 11t -t o ase Ross and Olks A AAI - The Otippy Boys tEcctehnetri 1 s C statntiie Copeland i Subject o iscin Matinee Wcd. and. a.t0 , .*I F M I t~lY MB . ISOC Silver SU Soveirs =ll c, Atilee G rang 's schoo'o aniv Gtasses tor Lna ii O+rd eetteen ciT'es daty aint'tIet day Eveningn, 7:i0 For PairtcularsScall at Acatemy o Phone 246-Office Hout s 16 lt 12 a.1.,2 Ft)49.ein 116 So. Main I Phones 166 j 'AILEY & EDMUNDS Guns, Fishing Tackln and Ammunition Key fttitng a specialty L iherty 3t. tnn Arbotr, Mclotan 3 fW XAYS AlHEAD IN "rW1 FP* t Tw7 TlE BEST OF EVIKRVi TH NT AIUWg- -71PI N