(}:i : ii 1-11z,&IC1T A :DAIS NIAI' 1AL .:WI' ORi' RCit 1'hI iiiiJj~- We are glad to tell you D eO 'tpaa it in t i ri tili tiitloin. dp ttet.t Ii ixi till bi ust ANPil that the New Spring Mr-. i ll tat isa ileittittt'tr ibV trotes'trai tlttecorit he isor Models ot Mallory Cra- A icn a11(1hasitiue tilt a I ~ stdormal rcitrtr vanette, Derby and Softt17iritra. lie ileP.t libethu tilt itt it. Hiats have arrived and l ils 1[ehsas Ia4 ecr ( fol ;"in 110nItkn fot anwait your inspection. nutlittia'] tt itiaithti l t lit i ti'hasmd SEE tOUR1 WINDOW DISPLAY at ~l fi iiltitt'tt~ tiiiIttiiii~ ~ ~ ~ i j A. GSPA LDING & BROS. IheSpTa ctrrsnheol 1Cta de -M - iOFICIAL EQUIP- Ai- NTt,aiathletic fyi paorts and pasl imes. !IWhhai' inporto MARKln >htin 11mt acpyo A . (A oSPA LD NG 1. ItBReOlls. t Anown hrugot, Savtns ewnhr 'iii iii tof tandil t ia t il i 25,1 + Ae. etritMichi a l;itt Sig~a antiluns$i00ttt r:. it ttk"'ine. sT rai, nae d~ i i t ii '.tiaiitiPreaisW.1 it tilrt. r; s a INt T . $rtiii'. as t. 'A'. ItW -INISBANK Conasaoxinit3nrent iid l..in . im Itaan Ot:Ie nats Stn'ty .e IPST tNIIO t 20 ndLupwards *Ott iit'aI lxFtttAiNililun ii:,aiii, t il.01 ttait1ia it i 't laidter ii sl iid e sr e. f xill t rafiti a ou 2the essenf tialft. rncs itt.] il se irgd Fc or id hli'. fci- Professarirendalersn, I\-ill hata is a t til e s o h . ' n -V i e r - , l ir r - t oi. A u t . r e r t r f W r n a e e p c e o 1 l l l t Int. Ir ,i111st l ftmo outI (adfr-n a al ff icethors 1-2 ll.1or 7-&:0 (P.ni i iba1.t ra, (uu~ i XV ii tits Sii. & 0 Cititt Nitto ilt 1 crari tra, eimsto hitig ptu lif. it oneD . ) 1.Prtt a ad _i-ti. Mestc It Ul l a iiof'A twJun il Wert teclto) he ar lst eek ais ite ntuitg- N~.U _afi n ~aishe 11111 s yer itn since tha ttihasti een,11prtlci h tis ii ti llt't i s h 0 nIs ttr myin 1Mich1gat nd wsI ll olt 1 March 8 . heapit ti ns areitlnow Iin ' Suits,C Fur 1911 S tl.- s er" sally i rsitcd 20 ( We stillc 2i1 Solth 3iA~'G~r r,. .r~la:.".".,NO CE TH-l E 'position of Kvercoats and rn ishin gs loh hs YcGan av-cucrd- tos sritpec=-'ts-- iaw otiri Ll to igive oil ( y ovcrcoats and suits (' AV: ' ti:t l ittri cr sld1-1-atil l't' Illi i ]di 5 the l lclt Fresh Strawberries At the Soda.. Fo'uuritasin. Calkinl's Pharmfacy 324 S. State St. Au iiiY'. y .C' I n giS I X S 2 it. Y~'' 4 It Y Sti~ I I)l)A LIE AT ft D c 1n1111 1 'eIts at iii i'.a idd s~ch. Sand thefB N. ist lit..k 1il, 51.1f . 110d1m w reth r G v' ,T -_ AT TU FI f wo i i :11}.iof the latest sonug ht at IN 1 Neath ol11o1'just ot.htficlAr tor ol College Laundry FINE BAND WORK Bell 1633 3 606 E. Liberie 'I. EYou cin fiund a ti';lneo. (tti mmy Voice i 'it, i .51 s h ti c Prait . ,6.0 ,ILitLC 7l1 CC L. Spring Special in Shirts Lhiweight flannel shirts with detached collar to match- Just what you have been waiting tor- $2.00 and $2.530 WAGCNER & CO. Stain Stain Sign at the big owhite shoe Spring Special in Neckwea: A tie that wiltl it eu a pinichiia Colors that will h_; tnonizewihh new effects in tint s One and one quarter inches w.id+e In panel effect SHOP C, er ot State and Liberty LOOK F ' THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT Special Price on Post-Card Photos 3for 2-5c or 75c per dozen Satisfaction guaranteed on all sittings made in evenings COME UP AND SEE THE WORK Open 9to 12AQ.M. 1 to 5:30 P. M. Evenings: Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat., 7 to 10 ay festival SReserved Seat Tickets On Sale School of Music SMaynard St. lL U1 41st year- DtCTIOPOARIES 4ltyan Anem An-ber LEGAL MnCE! LANY AnnA-e 41st ye mr .a aasu Arbar CHICAti Annw Ar-beerHeeaK, 9State i -_eaz'.(Trp-;,;.it a an Bdg Mexican : Indian : Blankets [Ain ante irnMuasi' Ion'.fme attn a, Ntt' CutieSCite et~i'otiti n aandtiiWall ticoti .i a~ GORGOUSttOCOLtR EFFECTS BEAUTL 0 I. lt555! naoii-mtade itpintiies; altl wool,iii'istlitra The MtialAcceptaleHolnliday Gift! '41,' r yon uet vr tE a)StroudCjm CrimsaonBlueiR. et, Gtin-nitit ie', ilack' 71t. Sin. X aft. 14in.. ... . .... .10 Sit. 4in. x 2f5. 8in. .......... .00 Sntiof ieree (onenofeasisze) 10.00 tittititui WrntCar'rige rti' t it nijilt MEXICAN5 BLANKET CO. Aguasscalentes, Mexico HNSE RESTAURANT Fatty iaiinp Sn ti" ant American Olahet Chops and S eaks at ail Hours tABLE FRAIS entin A oi ND f LEMN IWAI KING LOO 31T4 S. Staten UPSTAIRS Portrait Studio- ,..- ~ ,N~ ..n .......... .....are r' '""r 319 Jiast Huron Street