w . ___ ,,,, _. s._. .__ _ - . CHE CKS On the Bank of Success-=that's what well tailore+,clothes are. A man is taken now- a-days at his -face value." May we not show you the newest Checks and Pencil Stripes as well as Plain Suitings and Over- coatings, to which Dame Fashion has affixed her royal seal of approval. This Spring swell Suits and Overcoats to order, $20.0(0 -FasQhions latest whispers-do lend an ear to them -- -- -- __= JI Karl Malcolm, 118 E. Liberty "1P, ixmt,:I iGAN t)Ak ni, Y~it\ li( ;ton 11 arcs. Y '" ' 1.71 '4 -,7 '.k t tC " 1f~a'7- I ./'111 ' 1 1 F , c }7 n. . f . cl. ). E- n. °n .. CALL AND SEE THlE 711,z-I3Try eind Comp y 711 N. Univeralty Ave. {iranger's School of Dancing Gasesfor Ladies and GetemenTuesday and Thursday venigs,7(:0 tao 80o'clock 'Tuion :3 00 for Particulars call at Academy or Phone 246-Office Hours l0 ts 12 a. an, 2 to 4 r.a NT. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP I CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP' Opposite Ulectric Waiting Room CUnder 1Boston Billiard Parlors GEIO. V. STOLL. ProprietorChre 4 Doors From 11Freddie's" Chri Weigand, Prop.! o -Ed Fare Detroit and Return hCentral ... t II 1 I I I , 1 l ,11 'i z in S t .tII I i 1 tz t t i l lltri 11111111 I 1*11' i etl~ ita lili-lt1 EE i el n. . . i, . , t S. F.,Maorch 10 Og l liht oilly. MORT H. SINGERI 'lbs iii--t lisical 51101. N, Wi li l11 a)5 f ,I ala e( sis (rI n 10 Big MtsiceJ Hlits Prices: 35-50-73-$ I.O0 A Few m~t $I. 50 New Whitney Theatre Ctarta l% .5. . .La * eamma~semrLnt of n e ed promnptly. Satu~rday, Mar.11 Matirnee and Night Leon i,. a'tsonr TxuxneffasAMusic .w Hotel Cumber'-. V. Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., NEW YORK 1 KEPT BY A COT I EGE MAN College 'Ven Alva , yo: Welcome Special isen m fo e e anfs Ideal Location. Near Theratres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproo 'Transient Rates, $2.50 with Bath, anUp. All Outside Rooms'. Send for BoI On An End Run. The strength to throw off tacklers, th -, mental quickness to see an opening slit, go through it, the stamina to run "th'~ length of the field for a touchdownv" 1-c long to the man who trains on 1SHREDDED W~ Whole Wheat containing all the elements w hic" build muscle, brain and bone. In the prpart- tion of Shredded Wheat none of these elements are lost. The most palatable, digestible form of whole wheat is Shred- 7 aV; ded Wheat Biscuit ready' } nba cooked and ready to serve. 4~ - .The Shredded Wheat Company Niagara Falls, N. Y. SoePou e s ? -. 11 .t' 1Ir . r r. T A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suits Pressed, 2Ec Trouses, fOe REPAIRING FI'ler & ORmo r{{ Tailors, 619 E. William St. UNDER TI&E M ANAVGEMIEP4T OF Ilarry P. Stmo-uoao oIirmierly itij l1110 IIeial. K. .J. Siteuli~la-erriI 71111r17twrl,,i11 X 11111 Typ~writ ng and Shorthandc 'Typewriters for sale or rent. 'Type='/7 writing Supplies, Rtibbons, Carbon, etc. 0. D. MOR KILL t Ii. . n'ryl ve el 0. ILadies' Hair Dressin, S hampooeing, ~ I Manicurin, oFace Massage Rain-Water Shampoons A SpecoltyTW O All.toolsadTooweluerilzd eoruysn Mr.J. R.. Trejae~row Men's, Women's, Brand and Children's Footwear 2 for 25c Street and Oress. Shoes Aihiatitii(oods E. K. Frost, 302 F-. State St. Best Made -Merit in every Thread CNGE OFTIME Feb. 19, 1911 MI~GNCENTRAL lea'es, nnXI Ilhl. 1:1:31?N A. .11ai1y Ivl sl ttr i 10:3 A1.1II I . Cafel'p r.