__ __ _ __ __oi}{ n1 hQA : f1L AIL" aor.rr..sr., We are glad to tell you that the New Spring Models ol Mallory Cra- venette, Derby and Soft Hats have arrived and await your inspection. SEE OUR WINDOW 'DISPLAY f i > I Strit,-. o n imiokAve. A.O.SPALDING &BROS. TIrad fl 5i rk of OFFICIAL EQUIP- MENt toa-llathlntic ~alNQ portsand past Imes. Otto ,E ___ Sportyou 11 , t(I t10(.exr to ol 1(71)) a is l ,, .I 1 5 hIat'iiNews'inoSport Ae. G p SA DIG to. SITUOS. 20715 wD ~t~sdAe etroit, Micl 11. ~ ho SVinzs Haimh utt 450. 000 .._ .. t . i n;., :.3."a lf?-as ctGd 11 r3, t. Vi Prs.: 1. ., Fr tzO. ii d(1 1- to ii l I sii 0 t l' 1loo-t eijoa->, 10k oioth ,ales to! t il eto ti thaii m usc an b Tra i~ah to to least 11s1 t11 1 Jsuist alt) The iatto01ome irtoeitslot lol: an it taco jull sati Th aeoareat vdoseaslothe I I) cla to otoich w1ibrll111 V Va- SIcroeti-vSataontsis 0111 in ts c nl p) 0 m Ititt 1)) otaily O «lellatt a gillacaheeatlc t l radi ln -stood ove it is Ph- t Sertarit k'to- foo i 01.11 1111 that)an 111- tplc thieo'1can 111he 1s 11(1y 01overd o an 101110 ill Itit 1111)1k. ii il It11lthelitlllt It $oeliii Ititibeeni a de. t l))to eI te.I )11 1111111 11) - 'esta to til 11 to rar Othe bl-aol of sca1tln{) ) I)lil; t .xtrzsalta ,r ok o d cu s i Itil 1 1)111 1)) I t .;0111 1)111(Oi h Fa11 1 ai ai 1 tiltoIltehall)) . i io m t urdafolowin,_thprceo_______sl(I 11cIotl tll ) tlol. lith ()lied th set 2 nth3 bok10ilhed7 8:1t1$.1 rlf. tu.o te arir f h :,;r ANNOUNCE I HE Formal , position cof Spri les Suits, Overcoats andI Furnishings 1911 Sfylcss1ierxs'kathes Y-Sa re cord- ially intvited to it'vspeot Orn-new SprinI4 _Arrivals NNW, 2O We still coisitivue tto give off (W on all heavy ov ercoats and Suits 2O ( , 211Soih a tre I r :t a ita v PfYIIktit tIANICS BANKh u1100 ;tidolProfts $00,tt0 til3 o pier-centtpaid ,its.--0010Safety Dei- -0- I' ol and toupwards It It)51. I o E;. '1. toWi;, Assl. Incie, Dr .Tig Sto. f l)tlltic. It iIt loOliIII 1)111,10111) 10 101)II LOST. /11.11 :\9 Sttlingolt 111 il ,11-)) P;WCoff MISCI9I~t.AN9OI S save ttt, time))isoIllm vll I - 11 11t I atte L im i I igh Thcre i ll)) he11 III l 41 ~d adtic ha ltstiafte "Stan' 11 A s All i litntall lii Fresh Strawberries At the Soda. Fovirtainv The BM AA GirlsK The GIRLYSo 1 1- Flto it 2n ' Ii) I 01k hi >1 111 5~' IN~S INKj 11n J.11Booth. Pres0 (to.Arnoo to. ice Pits. k~oo0ltmVIIL 0' Cooioo~acln'i anio P S mlat 90t . - - loitt' .00101)1-01)1(llg) o to 10100r las Ito. it 1wa00 ott iclt101thatIt()tn 0 s.01 tltl t tot 0)10)) (0)11 ca Fltleor & O'Connoor, Taiorat Cl demn0.1 \.tot1'1 \ Io1"-I ; r, 61o E1. Wiliatis St. z-tf. I I tM)O R 6 Sf1 F,1911 ItS M . it- od uLt.5st,-ewts tullei- & O'Coinnor, Steamtiatot I r~to4 dry_____ ot cleanters. Retpairinig. 6iTi tt. Wit.-f FIPIST NAINA AK liamtis St. I-tf. ll9)01 11of thte latest soangtilts it 1801 New to !, ISO) OSOT r- 11 1111010 iit'LE 9York toera hitso a tto acol 11 10" ta ' 0-ot t-- 10 10just11 t l 'itotoi tist o l-C010 01) 0pf100 1 - a 0,0 0 !0 ' d I tuf)), . )f( Stole teet. 86 tf. 119 oaks tto :ittd-t() 111, tot>1 il 11 tr oto t:1? 1 iircsrtik I II) I bo < Ii Io jootoro W o t oo n h t 01>010)d, 0110-0), 1 .- o 10 ot~lll: i ol of (tlIo- 91 Ioioboo ot - oi} o~t~otio~fti I I AT rUTT[-E & CO. Calkin's Pharmacy ,un Ic1 I 0011 324 S. State St. You usn find as tine lise of Confecionery BR 0 A .K Helene Allendeinger $3.5 PerWeekTeacther- Sing ing $3.0 Pr Wek Voice tPlacingt SoTurIg nterpretation TlreeWeeks im A doesrao$5.00 to 10)000 000 ( I 00i 0ion MrS. E. IF.Lowry t0. to - t 1<1tit rfI ii ;f}; . t 010. 15311 F'oust, Ai.o. Tw oocks East ofitooooo I 1 Spring Special in Shirts Light weight flannel shirts with detached collar to match- Just what you have been waiting for- $2.00 and $2.50 WAGNER & CO. State Stats tSgnof the bg white shas Spring Special in Neckw ,eav A tie that will lit ou a pinch collar. Colors that will hitumonize with th new effects in shirts One and one quarter inches wide In panel sflent w t,=e fSaeand Liberty LOO F THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT Special Price on Post-Card Photos 35o 25c or 75c -per dozen Satisfaction guaranteed on all sittings made in evenings COME UP AND SEE THE WORK Open 9to12 AllM. 1 to 5;30 P.M. Evenings: -Mon., Wed., Fri.,' Sat., 7 to 10 ay Festival Reserved Seat Tickets 0 On Sale I AlT ISchool of Music Maynard St. 41St year DICTIOGNAIOClE:a 41t Oyear- lin QUIZ 130OKS tn Ansn Arbor LEGAL MISCISLILANY Arums Arbor Calla ghan O. CHICAGAO AnsnsArbor BSrastla. Staste RtreetO.t'PPousmttoLeaw Bldg. I Mexican : Indian: Blankets Liitrary ur Musit' lktutto Ifue V otoooio I1 tCloucohiCa ov laePtlee'oaid 'iati lliooe t 0. G010GE0110CO1.01EFFECTS BEAUTIFUL 55KSV '.1 (landi-oioolt' latitves;alt wooo'fato ori The Most Acceptable Hollidlay Gift StubcTi'your tAVORITE bt-koioo'ttttotoiii Crinis, Elue. lied.tGreen-, Wftett'ftlucok '711. Sin, x 3.tt s-. --........$5.0 llt, Sin. x aft. 4tn.-----------.... .00 51tI.41n. x 11it.Sn.-.-..------...3.00 Set setlthres lose oflecsh size) t0.00 I Ahaythtttr: Caruoto ji-St onrlit-i010 1i-,1 to'" lola. Molney tbeco if yout llalit;hi MEXICAN BLANKET CO. AusaineMexico CHINSF RFSTAURANT iFancy "Chap S ts--Y- d Atatecic an Dishec, Chaps ai d S -eaho at all Houtrs 01110 SFtOttAth 400MtiFNItLEtEN W.AT KING LOO 314S SState tUPSTAIRS Portrait Studio- - 319 IEast Hu-ron dreeL