TE MICHIGAN DAILY t -I wIDEAL B A.ur best seller in Tan A new lot just in $5.00 IDEAL LAST WAGNER & CO. State Street UNIVERSITY NOTICES ! No Dlruid ineccinuvlav lluclkcy cClub Sin (ik T hui rsaV,7:30t ll cuiri( orfit shccliph meetiUmsi be in hlii6Io'clock tis ic inlii ifiva rcpintothilt tr nIctor anitir-i i ves th laguibard an th hos arnI1Bro rg'aa sinm next l i liii n ii rom .3 to n :cti l ock.iii 1 Ne WItnyTheatre CiArtat6.15 1P". PMLas co assaoat soada&d preomptly. WEDNESDAYMARICH 1 Sheehan Grand Opera Company For a delightful Luncheon or satisfying Repast .Ta lom th , isCotnfotrtable and (tizy ]V1.~t. M CKj(I Ladies Rest tiosin in Connectfion. a ~ J,~jj1\ lrohlestra N;Music' d h 4": a E rSaturdasys, and halthft TEA Noon and 1,.enin. lr hFitsand d Open frm 8..MN7toi Ve!e 055 s o~y R 0 3M 5 P. M. 1 ;>vot acarte X ~ - Saturdays tt149IP. M Viars,,unches, Refreshments-Anything you want tu erofom ili f t )f iJOHNSONi iiirda fii ill cii ii Presciet MH in ;.sprsn pi itoi ro i if1C :1ti S1 if11 ttiti' .1f i JTR itR(;. i l c lo ile sif cliii of ith ii cliial In a Magnificent Production of VERDI'S BEAUTIFUL OPERA With the most remarkable cast with American and European stars, including the great tenor JOS. P. SHEEHAN Opera Sung in English Pr-ices: 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Seat Sale Opera s Modny, ]Feb. 27 ifIs'! IAL .N If SNOiff-" t DSI I- SOOffN f1 I'll"11f ON'. tff > a.o t a s ~ ikn Blankets and Curios at the Arts ;wnd Crafts Shop 'vrNov hiesaftam Eastern Shops Car. William and Maynard -1 liii iii. 1 s omen's, .1 n' F ootwear Ahl tic Gtto& 3 :eta a t. ,)E ilit 4 IN titwi Isthi, anidAomuntionI l-v ittilg a specialty Ann Arbor. Michigan one 696-.ca. Ladles' Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Mancuoring, Face Massage sain-Water Shampoos A Specialty All Toois and Taowris Sterilized before using I -. J. R.. Tr-oaaraae 1110 S. University AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room You can find a tine line of Confectionery 11111 lcg;ii i di e 111 Ilell A.g thle iiitcsr-frte "ncexv il thm heheldt(>i Serltfrithe i fll i lii I iriclif a icicii I ori i-it fnha fl l l : h- 5ll < [arol l a knsls ii~t ,cartof s>phi norcs ,\illh CC;T1 S c i l iic' students 1 in h eetical ;or de if i ii t anfdcwillff "letil f wi raI,15.111 Till ll it s ts it°I s t};I. c lii F "1 feelstisI Fc i th ft Sby Ir )Iii- ) U e t i ntIhe 1f ill ififit is 14 _ ' : , .. .j "RING NECKWEAR 'Ii cho'eest pickings of the silk looms of the world are contalied ln t1 large new line of neckwear for spring. Patterns to please I e tas'e x {liet most fastidious of men. Shepard plaids, cross and diagonal stilipes tI iiiifain colors, in silks and colorings that have never been seen biefore i{ nectkwear. A new shipment of ooft hats just received, and as to beauty i shades and shapes we think yon will agree with osthat thiey are silh out -omnparison. Telescope shapes prevail, although in this line, several ew and adaptadle shapes in fedoras are found. Pearl and mattlc d greys anud also a large variety of tans are amnnng the new spring shades. F voiruso with your examination of these lines. (.Adler Bros. Spring Clothing Arriving Daily) 'tif Each packageeof {ie n roaget aupopu- Ts' phulugra Al n apcussscnsso- -c ioe fcfI eollego c c-s ( x2x32)--se- .'Sic 100. { r; :'si t :.ti': There's isot at1; vored cig" rette o earth than Fatimnas formation is Pe.rfect hm edi follow. You 7 _ ..; the rarest tobaccosi blended- by exrer~ knowledge is Y: :). r for that woridcy l. . f erent"12taste. 20 for 1 cene . pensively packe, get 10 addit OIL THE AMERICANr I , ,4. societies aI Sc I'tllil alsi uiiiitfimae emeship tcii1,375, All1 cff tltesict snIig fills York peraf-hit ffs is .15 folioust Out i. MsIiicatl. Statecstrect. i t i5t; NtwI N'alit fift tsftretilt 13t1" . h Rculc, Ma'in & Fi0cgcl IDiEROIT UNITED LINES TheSon ni oftheoajn [op Betweean Detroit, Ann Arbor and "STROLLING" Lmited Care EastBond-8:20a.oi., 10:20, II'~t itong That Everybody Whistled E n Lmited CarsWes oundg-9t:5ta.i.1:5 I i:54tp. m., 3:54p.im.. 5:54 p. in., t7:5p.rn FO ALE5 AT ALL 'Loeal Care Eastnondt-sto Detroit, 5)ar in., 6:45 a. m., and ever two hours to l0t45' v SIC STORES ;p."a. To Ypsilanti, 5:45 a. in. and halt hoar- lv t 1:5.pa.. also12:i5sa.nm., 12:30a.1r. 12,50 a. no. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. k Ta.HaveIt Payed Loeal Cars WesntDBomnd-5;45 a. am., 7:15a. o., and every twoboursato 1115 ian. THE BEST PLACE TO EAT BRENNAN'S .RESTAURANT::f 612 B. LIBERTY Board $4.00 Per Week 2 Meals $3.50 More Seals in D~inirug Smoker We Serve Only the Best 'TABILES FOR LADlES Long lExperiense honOBanquet Catering J. A. TRUBEY FOR High-Grade Confections Ice Cream 116 So. Main Phones 166 Helene Allmendeinger Teacher of Singing Voice Placing Ssng Interpretation ticrmiuad ~ntiiitliftsitionsi ti;W io al i tiic itS 30iS. St eS. Typewr'itinlg and Shorthand Typewriters for sale or rent. Type. writing Supplies, Ribbons, Carbon, etc. 0. D. MaORKILL "'( 'I iti et i ty AIu1 31, ST. JAMES HOTEL BARJRER SHIOP Oippost I ecti i Waiting Rioi GE O. V. STOLL.I, Proprietor 4 Doors From "'Freddie's " CITARLIES' BARBER SHOP Under Hiuston Billiard Poirlor§ Charlie Weigand, Prop. i L WAYS AIHEAD IN STYLES AM MILWAR.0 Tl: BEST OF EVERY TRIIMI!N TAIL OPING