-- __ Reserved FOR Sam Burclified :: & Co. :: S Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS Us106 .H uron St. Opp. ourt House J. L. CIAP AIAN, Jewr Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Aktr d Cocks $1.75 -'t y Guaanoote Wfttch Ria o~ir in e Speciat~ty The Ann Arbor Savings Bank 0 i' .- -,t r 110 R,7'10.000 Suroplot>550,000 s ''l 0,O0000 A (5 neroi i'Ooines Tanancted !'.00. F o .I0o'O.stack. Prey W. t). a Ft to. e '.: ;.: tO .i. ;i t">O ashton MECtH/~l/ 51 oltIANICS BAlm o~oiot 00.0)0 Osrtosand Profits $00,00 t~oooo'.30 pencent paidt 0 so-too '- tooos- SafoetyDe 0 0'> ,000.00 snot upwanrdo .103 0 00 00. 'a',0o 0-0 F. T. S'Owo, Asst. "! . IF~ S PRANK Capital -o toop too, 70000 to o--ooes 1.27),0000 EJ ''rt . to o03ojjan. Cw'. t: r>a -42:oo t s te s - - Msic ate b rra , 00>030.0.,I COoNCET.o Thet betoitotifool hordofoot-to / i ol MIt. Chaorloes Lookoodoto s 0,0 rown1> open ;0( at00 oorotooo eninoog to ool t lOsiastot o wd000 of 00000ic lotoersF,theo ccasion 1)66toog 000 of toe '.0ooooo rtotor 11- i ler tlo i All of tbr thrte hotdeticet val nootoooceottl t ofthe venoal > it0s000 be rez're'toI 0thtothlimte paeo1 toic b o u 'oolod lotaccommodated.0 The hbost ofthe( eenig-,dlr.Albrt0 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISIING, paidtoro ino 0 aodvante. 000fit ours0 o 2:30: /7-8(:30 /0. 0. VA NTFDt 0 '0 solabllo toilet rticles. o Ito- vt o too'O 'o req ired'o. 1<; pr to' 010 0000 in0 par ( t0' ittle. l-ataotI- h m c lC . It (sotot. M .1 ltot o'-to FOUR A-. '11 Yale-t'ig>0too. 003(000 -.00 00000000 rath t rado ,te, rm'tooo suit. 0(0(010 a0 oce. ). (0. hI. 1t'ottirar, toOh (Ils nd ea. >ool ~ ltt1 oo 1. _1tto1 o., '68o 0 bel.P)l1. FORRtEN'. Col o 1i1 e t 5 4) C'l11c LOST. t st ic poo.l~o o''oin tt'' Itt o loot s111 da I Itttt''t. $100 >0 0 ->0. 70;0 J to tSC1ttA NtOO IS soo tlto O iot0totle 00 0 t O' . jyloot (tt ' o and ' Bac IterO'oiolog0/0 0101010 00 0/o 0000ry '(o tto a \ l ";m01000 0 t0 . toO 0.loo''t (o tt i ot Ir<°t oo'o '(t Jill-i roo(t-,too t 1 a p r ) totr program of00 hel lastool ltty o ncttt t,'0 r to/toc'a 1)v ,Dllti00 000 . L otooiteOt .00 Oi lle00r lOfll(' al000(0 . Ashec) Pams-1 Mcs 00r0 0 0vlotl Dso i tos Itnd0 tO (it tt;~re tInth'e 0> o'l oo oo' too tool o 00 lott oot th 000000 n Ito>e . AlIt'.> lootoot 'htttltloooorporised man Itili nt>her 0ll 0(00001)c (0pur t oolnd (pre- toot I t ll' h t 11 00011ell ot e1 11to oto 010 ott evdt in a0 s0ltt ness the 'ci to (toi " ('11c-n c o the tool l rf War "sir (lnt o W ovo h00 (0g tool 0 t.theOr tiso01 5 v ic . T i tc too II It (00(0' )S0 1000 teol 0 0000(011C.00 an; the op 0.0 Ili,0 0' 0 Ill pr( '0'. l0 Wa1k-Ov'er Oxfords Spring styles in lonw shoeoo arce now ready for your inspectioni. Tori and Block, B uttoon and 1Lacc, for Menaarnd Wnomen $33 t $Of (Get fitted by our rule system a1(1no nc1/e thc sotisfactioof perfectleno ' bh. nd s"Idth. Mlk, Over '1 i 51S I11 t i 3/* 1 / i ' .I1Y to' >0(0.0000.3 00 0>0 tA C[). till1 ,rt0 ih 1= 1'1i)1' fit) :1.1e t)?" 1111% ~111 tpc-a C mIlpan%. '. 1crlcliil t,,rc c ill rl the plaudits of pul)lic \ I" Ill ':1 \ tx 11,1, 1 \ IT 1'11c ScW(fl- i1-1 s sc c! r c1-cili w ill 11,r1c ri ,c-: t Its r r; .11 F0()-'CS. 'P c 1111t l: n11,t r: \\ Ill 11c 11c 1d. l:1r111.ty 111c 1-.-Jwrs \"1 1 a al 0(0(0 t Ott 1<- 0000 0/0("I1100(0 attracting; o I- O'o ()pi-ra CIlp0>00> SPRINGi h A\"";,and CAPS CAPSt HATS 0 - 0 0 \It AVott )I ot 1 ' loot- toM boo (an e - i >io bt the Ito ld Lllt mi idtis an oth (I t "6(00 o of .01 >10 vas, r:;i n d arler-iFtheto year. toOotho- 10 toloowtolotocametof it. Vic m0ng f oth lArtstry Itub ;It 0 1000000fr woweks iiAT S CAPS B ATS (0 oT'OO NATION~l. R NK t~ooller & O'Cooooor Taiolto'rs oot00 Ctoo Y MI A K ;r,>0.1ooE. y/i01i.Ooott.St. I-0/. 00 00(00 l O U oto F'ullooeor & O'Cooooor,, Steoooamoandtreooo/t '0, I0( K(ot', t shiE 00>. ory 1coeooers. tRepati ring'. 0o O 0/ l tt O 't ~./0000 itaoos St. t-0/. Get Your e -'iSring SuiIt WADHAMS &CO F NY. t21-123 Souoth Main Street 'A i j pr uing Sui vecotings OWOa'oo Oioog (00000 pplrpiethtcnntbhalaradMilnthWang ne r & C00 importing Tailors 0000nce0'tho' aroivoal of 00000' '0v eX(loooiv o' ooetti 000u )foundoo oloeeeoo'''. 1 State State Ie betIisrretso h bdolInS and ia Family ever Manufactured Try Them Before Purchasing Any Other Make I1XCLVSIVE AGENCY AT Unpi versity -Music House Press Building Maynard St y Festival Reserved Seat Tickets Sale Begins School of Musicj Mon., Feb.20 41st year- DI+C'I'ONbAkIES 41st yearn rsQ'UIZ HOOeEKSati, Aram Ar-bao LEGAL MISCELLANY Aenn Arorn CHICAGO Ana Arbor Hm0ach. Stag: 50n'. O pnnl Lawon'HdA.t -- Majestic - TONI1GHT The BAMA BAMA G-irls The GIRLY Show CIg6SE RESTAURANT Fancooov "Choop Souy" tand American D/-,Chopo and S' eako at totl Hous lOOEFtOQ tP 10100AND ttWtI(MM, WAL Kx ING 1LOO 304 S. Sntate USTAIRS PotatStudio- -u - 31 Last ifuron Street Jldff