THP MICHIGA N OAIL _________.._______c- G. HI. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE STEET Tealiors EASE UP ON THE PROF'~ wiyo row ype (C ite. h i la2cc~iie a al ri-,$25.00 andtp t~iietPie l ypc Xiitr upi The Siudents' Typewriter Supply Co. Rooim 4 Pres Building. Opposite Majestic Ye trueld save aney by biy- lug tyon urlge Booseatithe . kstoro Second-hand Books at Big Reducntioins College Text Books Engineering Books Medical Books DRAWING INSTRUMENTS sauid ENGINEERING SUPPLIES Agents for Keuffel & Esser, Dietugen & Stechier Instrumcnha See Oti '.1.00 Fouatnirn rem SHEEHAN & CO, STATE STREET i S , - VC C/ THE MICHIGAN DAILY. - MUSIC AND DRAMA d't'ngn Editor-Lvsi A \WiI. ___________________________ Business .Vage-NORMsAN 1. ____________________._ News Editor ......Hrold Titus Lust nights Fauslty C oncert settledl Assistant ......... t. arry Z. Fsslzbeond1( all question the advsisability of Athletic Esditor ...Walter K. Towers ]ibringing in onutsidte talent for thoe pro- Assistant ....Arthur hI. Moetiluiau rm.Beie dig npiaint Music and Drama.. uErt V. Mooregrns teidsI((tit inurain o lencianes 1(11 ftes . . ~io S.Ilineythe tocal artists, this innov5ationi attract- ]WIOnIAiS. I cit a5larger taidiece thniscstoarl Arthur J. Albhott. G. S. tasther. reseton such occasions. The ill- Paul Leisly. creased inisse's, the added entlhusiasin, NIs1'tl 115R1. the enrichedt mrog.'r'am, all teinded to A. J. SWohtgeniuth. I tarold McGee. italic this concert espeially intei(resting H arry G. Myser. M. Mack Ryan aiisl sell ssortls listeinig to. trunk Peninell. Fresd Lawtoii It is a tpleasure' to isote lie imiarkedl REPiiiORER. imisrovement, it such ssccc tpossile, ini tlaiurie Toutnic. Lsiren .Rolinson. Mr. AinatolIs' Ironstcun's playig John IL. Con. P. F,. Shasw, Jr. tBreadtoti f expression, as isell as a 'ms-us Koch. Osicur IBeckman. muich richei' siaiti of tone base cm to timsi since hsi is aearnce here tswo BUSINESS STAFF sears ago. Tto Jss 1 ' \Adagio" seas C. A. B~oswman. A. R Dilley.tiroof tnootgt of this. In the 'Chanson Myer Ruibiin. Keninetth OsboriiNeap((litaiiiit sand1il l the ntore, Pap-s pci's ''ta illlss 11. Biou st-iii's exGAN rstifieso: liteu ta. . iiv tress .t11lt, quissite teic ii hIsrmitdI Iis listeers; 1atuynsi ISre.his siteusIsleartcust harmoios hv (1 Oltice HIuts:ii' Managing Kitlsr, 1 P'(t0111i]celseualleid (s iin '.e1 solow Is in. sndl 11:0o-u1:30Ip. 11. Daly r. Absc ovse all, Nlr.tikrinstesinisI Buinitess Mainaget', 1-5, 7- n Isis, tre atist, ind ieipossesses, mroeriisii, s't'tt Siiiidsy. 1b3tt 'phsttmis96sfo. lteailitsor-is it elts oisire thtIfeelininto tisin isinr gram, there is slighIt isis eofi the' suit IsaiisiI" i Overitre ii tsepais p NigfhtfIditrIsItARon' G. MY5Sfi pot1it odistilay ti)onyisisi comers Iis briillian1 stleIofst I isin" -- -Vt 't. '.tt"t 10 t i urc"sliois f ic ic{ fiusois conli, _ _ j SIVER Y.XSIK PRESENTED T1 PROFESSOR WILLIAMS. Prof, Garditer S. Williams, of the Civil Esnginieeriiig faculty, is is receipt of a beautifiil silver se from Ike Htoiiorary Commercial Commissioiners of Japasii. Thne preseint camle as a din- tinset snrprise, anid wan accomnpaniied bny atliter expressing the gratitude of the coiis sioniers at the kiiid treatment give ciihleii while in thin country. 'fTs' cumsiiiioiiers were invited to Isis couniitry several mnttis ago by the' mserchianits anidt busiiiess meni of the Pue lit'ciioant for the purpose of investi- gating Aiiericaii conditions. Fromn the Pacsific cosist the nien were persnadesd to vis isnime of the other cities of the itnite. liroif. Williams acted i the capacssity of escort to the party while visiting the cities of Detroit, Graiid Raspidls, South Betnd, and Iindiaiiapolis. tRIIIESSOR WILGUS GOES WEST ON BUStNESS TRIP. Pirofessoir bHorace L. Wilguis, of thw Laidessrtmiient, leaves today for Tutc- on, Arizon a, oni a biisiiiess trip,- He still lie guise abtiitwio weeks. Duiritug P~rofessoir Wilgus' abiseiice, last sork ini oi tercouirses wiltltie'sdoiuledl up," aiiil iiuinliii reitirii, te wilt meethits classes WA-HR'S. Michigan's Best Boostores State St. Main St. Offers hunt selected stock of BOOKS and STATIONERY A few Prices: Hara Linen No. 1 quality35 per 1b.-------------,.t~ French Dimity per 1b.--- -- --- -- -- Michigan Linen 25 per 1k.-- ______--- Wabros Special__$.0 Fountain Pen--______ OO Engraved visiting curds n per 100 from plate-__. I75e Engraved visiting cards $1,flfl per 100 with new plate inU Magazines at club rates Lonse Leaf Bunks 25c to $3.10 Make or stores yor headqiiart esTru. WAH P'S I IL i -is tisisit. . .i. i. i October 1.4 ets eBlac h is'y. s'.Snte" isleilly 'smimromuiatIs ai {toe-1-.Mis'Iigssiivs. 'M. A. C. slim seaison if st'e ear. It is one of t(ctliii'ru17tFreshi-Soptht Rnss. ti'iis imo staefuita tiiiigs that M I'. I Iow- lasitst tessavedI forsii siitimt. nrsissuluST55s. 5-krensksltriom in l1 uicwnor listasnio, 'T'e fatheti'of a n'w-DI ornssoe siss't (violiniraindl'ttllii (('(5giveniia st dc- illnee otnf felicitastionts, humwtntr sincee lgtfui ressi is". 'lie corssei tietween tieys toss lit, anistheiy istillysmkethe ilasy( futlness asdsil Iuumorof the ilnittas Mcimpre iiis'ssioniupon hims ~Sdtchroansihsi len dgntyan dosa sissp bulbble oni asnewtlfesicoedetal beauy of hei is 5'. oS atis- s'tiiisg. Buti liies' iatand. Coachtt, asdticaisllsy1birosght sat. Ihlipassage ilslt'e sival in athlti, tint as eficint a coashs'tav~s (a gainst the. rusits miss'. ni 5 ii(). ttitt''a ts"in t'e piia osipar t' s t rikngl We 'sissit his forisi chitiganttsihen isift 'fe'ctiv't. It is hlpeditht Iis iii Ir((may bei 'sturt beginstosiige't liisils, sit e tthlesirdi tgtains inthe arfutre itssoel snsuss uu itthat lt'llmake iietutud iss-_____ moter rouer i iimiitin it sirs' LIT ANIIKNGI ti\ EitZ .SOllN lS Ihis Miutiui. 'stt'L..l O iCK VATI itf)fRIySII. It isolstis, iesdlhsave piit i t' Si.Astt's'eein g of tseissecutisve comissst- teM ifithis lbounicer'i'distusr''nei'i'o uit a is's'of t'' 13 Litclshed'huda ('(i'sd.'' aftesrnooini, sdefinite slsns fors'the rushXl wteit' iompletedlnsitlwis '. cidelitisoI ttOis's ors'OS'SuOR.sno. e. JOHSOsN iSi.. coptes'te iwiths ts' Sophliomosrei' lg irisf. Othis C. Johsonsssofi the tineitis- neess Is's fatiiliys- ssIbteenscaledsto itus hssmis' iseetin(sqositthis Sophomiore itr ls islliaisia biy-the dsthsof Isis brissheri'.will lit'heltd this sfte'r'noons st .1:00 Ile isspeted t o is re'tirn it \on Isis. o'cltckin iii'isssissshallsit whsilht imiss a tMawile hisslasss'asrs'beiugs'con-temtpors'ars'y ltitcha i u iirmn ad tmpora'y is'edbyMr. C'arnt'y. footbassllumanaigs'tr (sill be lsctedI. 1 . Y. it. C. A. srcegesAY 1no ADDRSuS OMunie. Al itsiiss natroiwni, oine of the nistioiial seeretairies of the Youn~g iWomn'us Chiristianissosciations, stilt asddress aii opieissitetitig of the' Stsildeiii Volunteer liiisnd, Sturday enintgsit 7:00 s'chick it Newiterry halt. FTe orgaiaion Csirsdiialis' ities 'ilt niversity girls. Stilzentie sngoosd assiiiy'oilier peti madeIc fully' gtiaratiteesd, goitig at halft prc. Cosss nothiiing iso try tihni. Sismir's. t0. kisisoh'theiialscore carol for the .1 liigan-t Sinnsitsia fosostball gatiet'n ' ovii ter ii, io, iwill tie receivedt by tse Atltissocst'itionsii iiiit 6 :00p. mi. ltriday, O teir i4. to. It's a FOWNES That's all you need to know about aI GLOVE I Sl,.\IST, ASTROLOGER. Mist Lunise St. Gertmainec. Spiecisilprice, this week. Hatids 2je, cints 25e.I tours 1to o.gCook IHouise, rosomt 7. 2iitdsfloor. 8-9-10i. Billiards is a ie game, ustk those who slay. Ysuiu ueed sotmeireceationi stndlwhuat is helter than thks? HlUSTON IRoOS. LYNDON Pliot ograplie to Michigan Students I lead, others imitate in Photos of College Life, Am- ateur Developing, Printing and Enlarging. I offer the largest lines of Kodaks and Cameras, Pho- tographic Supplies, Films, Plates, Etc. -i11 "Sc ra p Books, Photo Albums, Col- lege Pennants, Banners, Pillow Tops, etc. Get my prices before buying. -EQART3LFOR Critical Customers are Welcome -a PARTICULAR MEN -ARE LTH OUR BEST ADVERTISERS ofles~for Allen's Good. Clothes Store Main Street Main Street Get your MICHIGAN TYPEWRITERS Wi.A NLD heWatnClnCohs PisHoand ~Spos tweSneiHnt 220 South Main St. Call Either Telephone....... HALLE 'S'l Oliver COLLEGE JEWELER. Underwood Sell Varsity Laundry Co. '5'- 0'Dpt.THE BIG BEN" __ y_______y__ optica' Dept Typeriter Sipptlea Alarm Cleek yu see Adertised , Typewritin~g Necejust as God. $2.30 IHIUHE~ST GR~ADE OF WORK PROMPT SERVICE Fie Watch aid Jewelers Reparng OTHER ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 UP HA[[[R'S J[W[L[R STORE Morrill and Grierson Michigan 100 Patterns 216 South Maims St. i:1Netrerity Ave. 161.4J Pins I 25c. to $5.00 215 and 217 .s. 4th Ave. 121 Washngto t. RANDALL & PACRK, Photographers I'hA~u' 598