We are glad to tell you that the New Spring Models of Mallory Cra- venette, Derby and Soft Hats have arrived and await your inspection. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY I1-J >pt li .o(ll. ,ime-hArve. A. G.SPALI!.)ING & BROS. Ihe Spatking atresntiwo 7Cr d-P>Ia ii ofOFFICIAL FiQUIP- Tde-ts-k~tiNTTnfrnlathltc ntuNe sportand pasimesn. It {lrilorir c i fiers ikticold o is nh it What's NewninSprt Guaaro .'saee f ml i> rrriifrerrr rer- A. G. >P +sDuN~t)G Cn.ROiS. 254 Woodward Ave. Dtroit, Mtch. _h n ehrSavings Bank t".tpiii C "1;- ;'t,iiC t) l u-p ies50.000 l eerao i ilC tBusinessnTtasaceted k~rc u: Cti in. V. Iliscrerin.Prens . Ir. t?;rrt~a? ""£ I~tis. Xit I. Ir-ltr anhiet MAtN ANt) 'it liON 'enteLF'r Veipifril $50O00 Surplus and Profits $00,00 ( c°e3lii 1. rt~:I c i t t1 citii ii 1111 c titt.3 ~ci cii i< a Iti11c wa H 1 > }.1 7.° il-n tliiI ii ii li1 artisti Stra wbearri as,. At the sodae..Foxxn~stn~ 1 IIIIISIC1' th las ccii iii: I" ciiF.shrpiir iii rr-ihiw /ii. i ~IX4) V I Ar- ~Conr . fridr I' 0011 Yj can TfTi~ad O i. t iN ,{ }7. 117, satf, 111C1 e i r . I W il kiid s- l Calkin's Pharinacy 324 S. State St. > l a ii i' MI5 lIIC ,IlI iltzii ci, cl FI -u. tm ,Ill l T. l_ i-{. ii tc ii Men's, Women's, and Children's Footwear Streeand DressShoese Athltic rOorodt E. R. Frost, .302 5. State -'t. H~1ce Almindeinger rice Plin g lp itrpretation -Spring-Special in Shirts Light weight flannel shirts with detached collar to match- Just what you have been waiting for- $2.00 and $2.50 VW ACGNE R & CO. State State Sign ofthtie big whine shnn Spring Special in Neckweai-1 Atite that nUrfit onia pnneh Colors ithat :will hemjz n ewer efects ins, One and one quarter- e In panel effett 1--" _ _ y f Gibs v atll~ns an The lesnt Instruiments of the Mandolin and Guitar family ever Manufactured Try Them Before Purchasing Any Other Make £XCLUSIYE AGENCY AT University Music House Press Building Maynard St Reserved Seat Tickets Sale Begins. School of Music M on., Feb.20 41st year ICIONRI r d;-=a" :41't year- tin QUIZBOPItu Aram Arbor- LEGAL MiR t1L: TY AealAn-bun- Callag I J Ame. Ace." B-tn-h., tntuc Mexican :Indian : Blankets Tearun r- ITSTfecrtor-r ri le-o (rimnIiWrir tORGEOUS COOt EFFECTS tEAtTILt - StiXiNS The Mset ActeptabnlelHollidays tiff! SEET -yorrFar-LVrrRcniTHrcriinrrirnrOLR:rr Cr-imsonn..tBlue.Iferd. Gr-i--n, Whlitr-. lanck 7tft.Sta. x 31g. i0ta.- - -11........1 .00 fl11. Stn. x Sit. 4tn..- --.......4.00 51t. 41n. x 21t. Sin........... 3010 Sete iIhee I(one ot etch sizee) 10.00 -dill Arrprllrn I irrrnrpr. 'rngirrni'ri ilt of pice ill frn lilip Toneyrhickiif yo ii iii, MEXICAN -BLANKET CO. I Aguascaltientes, Mexicote iii c-c IttC li2:'irr-liie'i be~l E { in inc nil i ;eOX iente hter-r-nr-ii Cn nrC in rln-seric. rn eriri li r Portrait Studio- 3Io East Huron'Sre