. IN i G, II. WILD CO. 311l SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS I I i il MlCHI 0AN D) 1 Managing Editor-T~a A WHITE' Business Manager'-NORMAN 1.I.LLt, the til iitlect fr) ePae 1.' SDITORS. Visited seven-il loriltit iiein theieas News Editor........... Harold Titus toigether. Assistant .... .. ..Harry Z. Fltz F hepasi: i ,ici imoIlh issNI \ii Athletic Editor.. alter K. Toswers iha s enl cii. I iii Ncw 01'a ii Assistant ..........J. Fred Lasetoti iswlere. she soilicied iii'. r itlws' r Music and Drama...Earl V. :Moore iiesilunae isin ~ iof13a i. I Exchanges and Files....Dior S. Id riey u cwa siiugi heiifot :hs\Vh EDITORIALS. tha t MI-.\V, \\. uh rcitiI Arthur J. Abbott. G S ILasherimadi the I ircriiii a i f if f~ Paul Leidy. eii cil s i l h lhraiicl-- IIt NIGHT EDITORS. \is Ik A. J. Wohlgenmuth. Harold McGee. o erwk \li.., N ieid:'S Harry G. Myser. Maurice Toulmse. f'icie his' srco atcdan i e Frank Pennell. dward Robie. manyiprispes friti 1c~ REPORTER. loll - itine iii diicatiiieopleto I i far, Loren Robinson. Robert QGiett. sinums.ThectnagnIaspIns John L.. Cox. F. E. Slhaw, Jiriccsiil iiin ha ichi ainalaelt Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield.s c i soen a. hc ie I t1 John H. Townley. Wallace Webehentuisi ociU the I N u io1 Gerald J. May. Eimmett Tayloi.Tew)ko h ..tit;h tt C. Harold Hippler. J. Selig YeIleii.fnscno ( tct :ctltcoltrI William T. Daugherty. icents bit t i iii ii ~ l e(1110 c BUSINESS STAFF "Area m ii arii ii ll]I), C. A. Bowman. A. 0 Dilley. thi ageshiss e lii i ittc i i Myer Rubin. Kenneth Osbornci col )tci1o~i ~iht E. Ray Johnson. Elmer P. GriersuI viiifrdd A it f il,_aliia C. H. Kleinstuck. Joseph Fouchard. ietht oi ..on ht. hi 1 1l er t tha to~a} c sdcitialhal'1a1 Address: IiCIGsAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,I ecsi. Mayniard Street. .-A iii iin nt eaure illtis n 1c Office IHours: Mainaging Editor, 1-2 p.iiiii Iiifor 'ci halls1Ii'1s 111:titi m. aisd i o-1s1:30 p. in. Daily. sniiiislfromiiih iir 1. iiii ii ii A1- Businiess Manager, 1-5, 7-8 p. ii., FLx-thiiiugh thIiheadl.ii re< yttti:n-dii rc s cept Sunday. Bothi 'photes 96o. iliIidn1 ci l ii i ii i. i 1 itie ii>l, tisc a ilgcth'u ill the ii tI i s I t1 T' t' Il] + t {'s ( ; .: 1 11' :it 1 n econd foand [ or all Deprtments 'ole Books, La-b. Supplies, S olFountain Pens, Ei ecC L ry Article ANI NGINER'SSUPPLIES y ~i hoRule $7.00 NO ii,cattier Case $7.50 Yoiii1"tsney's Worth A~w'i s at Ddroi E'Unied Lies t i, iip i lii i'i~ii ' w i~ iiii . ~ 'iier" ofiii ,it iic i'ir (!; iI1o%*t iiuiii lw Ni e ta irs and extra service G. H. WILD CO.I The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S0. STATE STEETj lypcwritcrs, ALL PRICES The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Room 4 Press Building. opposite Mejestic Students' Bookstore Opposite the Campus l b. of Linen Paper and 2 packages of Envelopes to match 40c See Our Window Display i NI 1 clffi IIuluuu)icNNWell( TUESDAY, FEBRUAIRY 280, iiQi i. posei()fIII vliii ii Night Editor-HARRY C. MYEoi. I iiiiiall and 1 i sy i1 SHEEHAN &CO. Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law and Medical Dictionaries Qniz Books, etc. Complete line New and Sec- ond-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 7?J i , 1 t C C t C C 3 T UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. February 28--Solih-lit tiainiqiet smoker, uniioin club house, 6:osoi'cl March i-Mr. W. it. Reniiie, "Elist catioii of Detroit Ricer Tuiiiiel," E. E. 340, Ness Engisseering Btuild 7:30 p. M. March i-I-I istoiricail Pianis Recital,.1i School audiitosriumn, 4:1ito.Ii. i Mach 2-Soiree Asmicale, Ceecle i: cais, Barbiouir gysunasiusin, 8:orioi'cl March 3-Junior Engineer Datnsce, Gr geer's. March 4-Fanicy D~ress Party. Iarb gyminasiumt, 0:30 Ii. III. March 4-Freshi-siipli ieet, O'ater gymsnasiumt. Meeting of DAIiY ShufIiime'iiicr tryouts at i2:45 Pf. xitosday. MICHIGtAN OTi BN Ct Hi. Whether onie atteitps tii ascribs cause or nut, the elevationioiil iew Michigats barristers tail the 'aticemnit of a tirid toithe fd( henich is a conspicuouis hoioir to tie and to the university. Espiecially it seem -ant hotior that MN]ichiganiali should he succeedieid ticMichigatn lun ats evidence o the esteem ini shichi retiring jurists ace held, aind the cii ience oflthe natiiii's chief execut hin the yountger graiidiates ot this w(' ern institution. The itatiottal dinnier at Ness N' was a testimonial to hulls Michigaiij ists and Michigats legislators, aiiilf so, since to utiisersity in Aiiericai hasi enviable record. TIo Itave stone tihii per cetst of the msemsbers ot the triti judiciary attd the niatioinal Irgislat. who are college ment iiunii. rc~l x one's alumnti is remtarkable ;liii that the Wolverine record. iSiime say Michigatntmeii ace dIi cratice, and htentceiotptlar; siimiesiy tl arc etiergetic, aitt heiice effectice; s say they are swell traineid, aitd'heite e cient ; htit the poitit is they are rhiii We are willing to rest ssith tat dioNi tions, aisd teave the cause to philiisopli aind historiaarisd sychologists. By a receint ruling, instructors at C cago ,are foreed to shas'e their mnustacl as co-eds have refused to attetnd das if the instructor Isas any hirsutte adoi menst.- and lingl, )ti i if Aphrl and:1N ill)Iiccc'I i n;; r. t . 1 1Ft 'C tI t,, Ic hI1 c NII N1 A ii iiis i c erc i ic et: a i i Ii:ha iiia oirgaii d if l hi I cuisciuu '-uu e German cnied NIwich w i cipou e ])ti- h lsi et}-ii n Mi rch _s. Niluei N lae iii l iii ii iofthe ickets c be pl llaeidiin h ad h iitos Twhchwillbes. ld ati hiiyilivci'i' : %iii ii: i iiuii' c)Id-ii i\ Nptoic r .i ci 'aIi ltuiii't ii( ' I lii: I i; ("Slcy- Sim tl 1, '{llt' e f lr the the e iric its do kc ilic ;()td to hay e a Ilan }: t' tt7 111(' e i:>t. -le clorillilc rti, I homes with izcd.- here \li \\ ,erc she will The .lliclii >ali 1? Iriii 11,41 IM Bottslions, tC.hi colate s ii Novo;lti 01INS is 11he II NI'11R ce ci' cli (:it i5 ithe citIy--W e oct, guru I lc exelit-iv c eg' iiiN IortA:s Nd ii: tcGiS, c i i2rc 1Ii vvtis' l l~fy I l iiil~ Iiic't I t l 5:ci 3i 1 i/i' iiic' D~rug SRhisre,117 S.1 t~cs Si; for 5 I!Ill 1 i NIwichl c 11 .C ' i f! i t i l ;it, i ' a u t}I 11' ii r hast sil'! ili 4i cull ii i: IArk.r chat sleaor mshca I"tailoutl ,) pr siI i ceu''./ :5 'i uos es l cl'it I alleri: ttists~ °>1 11Im iic} 111 Io ui E1h . Lihecty Street suits~t Iirsand Neckwear thes al to Order five M & S1Loose ill vithi r 'ri e, C11 'i ati icy Club Sandwiches Amet Standard Sizes-'Side.and.End O0 aiuj.sFieu Oysters effi- Take your notes "iright"9 next semester Choie Sieaks i es i n sere it tushrssovieidt itihiiiiiiitishniiiiii almer shussts. 0 , l s:l c u cpu etc. lies voII c' to ed-c BLUEE BOOKS MAYER, SCIHOETTLE& SCHAIRER CO. Manufactuirers 1125S Main St. CITY A(ti+N~fti" East Uniersityi'harmtcy Cs,129tti n.'v. t' AAIICSI'.] I i I. I~ v Rhaymnd J.i Van5 Doiieisis03iPackarSt. ad &i Iid t Dine 'and suppers $,50Oper week iItP6 op. Soutlh State 121 Waskin isi to Rw