Fo I tlsdit: 31 S.' _ .. ts s lid ens "HE11KMICHIGAN D THlE M~ICHiIGAN DAILY. lC ~~i'''.X 'ICll - -I !C : )11 '1 I I K ' E' WILD CO. BusinesManager-NOaMkN 11WHIT ciI; 5 s 1 i "T B TEE DITORS.- News Editor ...........IlareldlT'Pus sek u ot~ h Assistant............. I larry Z. 15's I Athletic Editor. ..Waiter K. 'Towesfrl~tce .il1 .I~l 11 Assistant ...........J. Fresd Laot o wnar hp555 . slicl T 1'(g d'splay of Music and Drama...Earl V. Xli or I I ii I~ttl~lc 'tll an u- Exchanges and FlIt.. Do1k Bm 'ooes f Arthur J. Abbott. G S Laslor the is hr ,t~ Oss 5 f r StylesPant Leidy. aVC t e NIGHT I ITORros. ic j USERS Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefed.niissisl 1> ii(tc a~lI t Gerald J. May. Essssstt 'Taylos. 'h ls i ad 11 f hi ii C. 1Harold HIipplter. T.. Selig Yelled 1err55:5 iii '' lecii;tt, _____________WXilliamTs '. Daugetsi X ls TT' USINESS STAfFF o Ctt"a1lIv21tei ~ L . C. A. Bowtnt. A. K Dilley. Myer Robin. Kenntli.teOsbotnt S 1,;P 1(11'1 \h I,;A I C" 1'S IIIX - hititatt Tailors E:, Kay Johttsots. Eltttr P. Grierisonsis N IFI Sa EA STEET C. It. Kleittstuck. Josephs tucard--s_._I Address :IICHIGAN DAtLY, Press tBlsdg., ne iircord fri ri ie f~al M\aynard Street. 1ei ctra f l-1)1. Office Itonrs: Mattagittg Editor, I-2 p.5 :ti i M Itl~~s. alnd II:00-11 :30 t. Im. Dails.5 5iisr it asiiiiii ) ~w Bsintess Manager, I-5, 7-8 Ip 11., I h ls nt17it l C n %LL PRICES ~~ct Sunatty. Botht 'phones q6o. otes llrs11s il1 cp Typewreiter Supply Co. add________________ suhitin t;?d ng. opposite maestic I Issclas 1-1oi hsya plin trussofsetrot w -" l~~iklihodi ons o t o i 'i L A1rtTT>01 V : VPO'','i AT.iIS: i',.,,ir - I I .1"C' I I i t s 1 ci mi vI 1 IC i [O1tt . ' 1 'r1 , (>alsii~i ci tci t si's c i ; 11111; 1 1 X s l \fI Ili ,c r c rsisc, (1 X i i s ' rt l i i' 1 7 ^. t at t? Nwsand Sc ond Hand [or-.all Departments Note Books, Lab. Supplies, Shop loots, Fountain Pens, etc., etc., Every Article Guaranteed. DRA WING INS IRUMENIS IAND ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 With ILeatlher Case $7.50 You fliney'.s Worth Always at W t.AlR'S University Bookstore i °scs eiisv Detroit United Lines Osnii Isrsisatisis to Division Soperit. ioi) °nlnsot Aliess, Y'i-ilstti,of the Detrois 10]( ti111'1s',. si7-;fed itns y sotf Vsarsitys'or 1- Iii'csake, siN ss l.-, ii o iis'ement, beysont ur~iv t t-.itct'i 5the s':'psslssrovies',os I ic Co'ti t~ssisOf zI tnssessitis11'oor fohA III ii? ' ius extra cars and extra' service wilkepromptly supplied. tudeits ook-store c s'thtie Campus lb i l ,i gape s fOu Xidow tDisplay Law Detl I ictStock itt Michigan Secod-Hnd nsvBooks a,:l s s , etc. si letin~eNew atidlSec- otd-itantd. 011l uC. i in lt xettalge CH . BARTHELL, 326 STATE STREET "_ic rid FrTel. 761 UNIVERSITY CALI NsllAR. ri' nsums, 2:15 o'clock. Isrur 2i'515 -W Xssosssss's Atle~tic Asso-' 8:h10 'click. ' clausp 28-Ssstslslit isissust ss nd smokrs'uioniiieslthIscsi, Is:oor o'iclck 'slrsh .)--Iiislis 'iv 1dancc ati lai'ssis. illi lii 'sto ns's'veit Ukiversity 111alsls~t seve'5in5' a isssls ishslfishsuicbeforen'the beiii i s ois fii li thesrograms isinsrder io stoppd tothinik I'is:simasy ldaysiand a5 s'i'gleChr'all Unision conser t ismly becse isthsess ares ot' ess ves I W mloyetd'iby sthsit iss sis isississ siscl'oieyiitemd U11101i couse i .ssiisrbros, XX'c spe lit sits'due efrence to'the Ilian-sisi ss'lsmt ofIhelcie y;itlest: 'issl esss iornotss rcscrisst the seats for thsec conicerts. Bust swhateverccthese ress smay is, the fat remassinsthat thc sys Iem itowis isn 'sgse'resuilts is s orisisnl- nasc sramble fsor s.:its isy Chsorail U'sios patrs 'i', s'li'liich i os a si elsss s loss if tisn' tasndceerty lstusve'i'nsg'sesii's':'t imasrks th'esesi of ills id-rlsesons ,t :ractioins intheii k'ihora :lsnttncoustei. XXe resptfu'llli sisggcst to rte Un:iv'rsity Mttsicasl Si: Iciii iltt nesxt Ifall the:'sealstshere'sev- 'ed free of chatrge 15to pucha:sers of courlse tickets, for sill css::crrts 'T'clsusivc Isis steuits:::ty pttblic lii secure tier- isis I t it stlings for the psrelimtisin'yscon- 'crteeylimtt:atintg the oiscertsii- or ivseoftm, andsi lscoitifisri to wich theyi:ales' now'' si ubsjes'ti'd. Is:recsitoisthewveathter', thses'silts si upl sitAn Abrssbosss oftht'eli is':: Is iwill]skind~ls dollal tlsboqstet isi thev sirs el: if 5esterdlay's sulplil. .Doit resigs thosehaatsintg trunktois th ohhalls againth sough:. Theri'll lie sw'immoing lotn o ~itps ere Isg. The cttrtain goesuttton:tight illXXWat- scrmatntgy'ms.lBe there l1 wii Ii I piaa iii ii i i t e h pa ' s 1ii i l" f ra.J. ' Dais. te li Tallerii i n Iisesii i i i nl11i e si fi the1 5 5 liii a i ii i \V lowe I c paricpats~'s clr' _ ira sisiMi li i Xl rliii i. A l w i tax of $100 "a ' 5als andiitwas de ide obo tii for te c ls is'sls class as i } A iilast iear . lii ii 5 .; I 'iit t# it '- r , ?'f° l iBon lBonas.Chocolates and Novelt ies 0) RIS is lie IUllh.I R .Store W 11Ity lBccitse it is the I cpccvcnttl est ohre if lie' l ecl i siV(? ',!)-L 11} i n Arb or ) is c . ii. ''kniosw hi>its ci IIcii's scsi lt' S. rt s t s s sItoli tiig D~rug Store, 117 5. Ktio St. j t, icis l u 'li s. .5is: It~' Ii'~tc i c . i kT :, bi . l' I ctc s~ki lici i ll laarli Xnlv.sisisi1 Msrs. IcII-a v i c iil lac' 5 te ii Dart!' 'M & S11 Loose Leaof Note.%1 Books- , : - Standard 5jnos-'5jde-and ,,End Opening Take your notes "right"s next semester rhs Loaves. tic s) ilrt h I ii . E1) rt ufc MAYER, SCHOETTLE & CHAIRER CO. Manufactu~rers 112 S. Mats 5t. Rtaymond JI anioneliii i aclom tt, i Si C tild (]l sktd ,,ad For Your Orders Iii ;, ti>>.''.s'siii I t' tsto lt Made is ' I t* i 1, s is iill t asuiciis suhich ace x cliSsiW1 ti I t ittt are 'tiuthor i's li'.i laii Itosboksism-p1st:tder 01' ish' ii 5 hisitodayfor ilet' ls:ryp.* isi i ' I s 'ke i isi ets' l'tvi't. get the: Iii iii ii i'I,~e ov s itan d s'lie't' i st, When Tol i ii slit . (ii, 't.h1 5 I ,ak li tsSiage of 0o11 Win . BMDeterle Varcity Tuilos , t17 E. bibe'ty Street Shirts and Neckwear Made to Order ycrBay CAFEk c v lt ts 1d After I'rty itt bc's e5Solicit: i Cl~ub Sandwiches. (Fried Oysters Choice Steaks Chops, etc. SERVED .AS YOU' LIKE TH m Dinners and Suppers' $3.50 per week 315 South Stale t RANDAhLt & PAGK, Photographer Phone 598