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February 24, 1911 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1911-02-24

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l t, t 1 I
oe1}51M +xr +' 'hR' Siif 1;'S~ ' r tItttn

S am urclhfield
Ann Arbor's Leading
1016 E. Huroin St. Opp. Court House
J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler
Alarm Clocks 79c
Alarm Clocks $1.00
Alarm Clocks $1.50
ALarm Clocks $1.75
. Fully G arasna-aa
Wutcah Rasp iml~dag Specialty
The Ann :Arbor Savings Bank


-MI oa. Olga Samaroff pait.wi11
present the follojwing programin lUnai-
aesity flail tonight at 8:00 o'clock
Organ Fugne iniiG minor...Bach
Sonata itt B mnotolp. 58...tolit
Allegro mtaestosso
Finiaal: Pretsto non t~ato.
Ntactatrnin it 'shaarpa major
1tale at F aaajaor, ot. to. Naa. 3. .011tottit
Novelette ina D) major, Nat. 2.. Schumti~a'nnl
Roanaze at F'. Slaarpaanajor
Cappriccita ita lBainacar... Brattats
Prelaude atntG. Mlalor:...achmanainoaff
lltiaaeelles .... \. .ioszkowsski
No'attauraao . ............Griaeg
Ridteaf the Valtavres......
'lac sopat lit girls awill gaae a danace
for aaaen al and oaaaaaof thaeclaass.Sataar-
da a tlernoaoa at 2:00 at'clock tat Bar-
Itotr gymaasiumat. Registrar andalMrs.
Artanr G. IHall atadl'Mr. IF. G. Taaamt-
kinas awilchtapteraaae. Tickets are 25, ceatts.


(Coan thaaacd rtrnia'ages 1. a
atl the lse ate atf . CarlHhrao
gates to \\'oectester Intsitute for a perao
oif six Iaaaaattao.
Prof. A. A. Statles, theaad of then ana- FOR MEN--Thet most complete assorlia
sicsal detartmnt, wsas granatetd a least 'of and sizes to lit all feet.N allp or
asetace fraom May 19 ttJuane 12, faa or- $4.00the IPoputar VPrice
ater taat lae amightl 'ae itt atteantaae at FOR WOMEN--Fancy Satl5j VPump in
the faaurthta aeraticotaltsic ('aongresGold,, BlacLa Satetai atteull
t tae hldtin fLa dona. Proaf.Staaatcyis
tare sidteaataf thae Amearicana sectioaa. A I
fDeanaVaughaan, of the tmaeaical cde- 01
plartmtent, was athoatrizedatota extpenaaa
tOul 1101 to aexceed $200.00 faor motdels tatBo
'ae useat at tlae InateratioalatIHygienaic
Expositito latie helatat tresdet'a hits
A c-aaammittee awas establlishead tatd aut.l
thorized to give thte city at auit eclaima to
'tarner spaces onth te tatrthwnet tartionta
afth na eaw boaulevardto capermit aloe
ronnding of floe drives. WfE YAT" C
A gift fron.thte 'MissoortBotantacal "2"u E
Gardens of 130 aifferent ariea ties of I115 IN'5 1' EE , C(
tlats was accepted. :..-
The Frederiek Stearans Co., of D~etroit,
again renewsed its $350 schloarshaip taa
aloe Schtool of Phaormacy. SaullCGreaa -
battmt anal C. -C. Glove rssere aptpoaintead
htaltlers tof the scttalarshitp.
Letters aterecreceiv eatfromta coasa
erale nmbter aof westernalumnaiaaaass-
siattiats askiang ttat te unata ty lsend El '

ent invartous styles
°gap at lthe heel.
Vhftle, P 1 itt -au d
I3 h4 idst
Fine R'c w Line
,f Watc r Proof
AtS for A"C:11Illtd
Wolna.Ii at

-- ... y _:. :
>. " -- '
2 r ,.a
?. _ f''

Rtsorce'staa _',100,0atas5,00 tematitretresenatoie thais 5reare. 'Ia
A Gleeral BnkngBinesseTransacted .11taaaater iatltisacolattatomust he tatoter was refeeread ta thte exec-ative
at elaclats: Chaa. . atsenet, Pros-,W. It.caaammiattee aitha tater toact.
Hartreian, taca'PIota.: h. .. ells, Casller Ipaid for at advance. Off ice tannes: Proaf. J. tL. Cattgeraof Katox etatlege
__________--_________________a2:30; 7-8:30 P. t. ,tas atapitedltrtofessate atf Amaerican
tOEt [ARMaLIS AND MUI[CIANICS BANK tistory ftor teetoning sotaataer sessionl
MAIN AND l"tION STREETS WANTED Prof. IE.IR. Sattaterlatad was atpointead
Capalot$5t,000 Surplus ad Prois $100,00 Sudnsl e-Toatasaetsfrto filt thle place tof tPraf , a. .tWilgats
oi i: n aingsDepitts. af~eretya D- ltea d-a atisaelslt verv ala ttilttarticles. I Nat0lt asaa te ssit a tetnae
'at'- 1Il. tt.'I t'aenat, Viee-PIES. isatatetiet. Alrtsotatatnitaeatasaedl Itatettlarlfo.
satsa 'asieF. T.STawt. Asst. at staree timae, itataaiatChaemticatl('a..'~ esaataa va tsetpoittgft
___________________________________ Jac'ksonaa,\t eta. tt -t tae.'statblishmtettof t cottnattlee cat-
__________________________________sistinag tatthe tresideat,. tree tegeants,
S'f A 'E SAVINGS BANKI LOST. !andtht ree maemtabeestaf thae taniversity
senaatt, all ttttaaato aedlbytareIpraesideatt.
aG~lIatl lt sat ai S r lts atall00 atst-S'allattdi.'amonada -stick pita bt ct t at ' aarte ttateas ttgaaaaaa ttt
a atattt a .12 all N0 Stas arbrt a'Stoaandaat l It ttlt. Ba'- i l te uni'a'rsityitta and t aroi ea'forate a
Wmat.t. It atl. Ire. Stat. Arnaoltd, Slt'c e es. wtrda. lPhaonea'707 2. q trtt a aaiaaa'atta. i laaaaa
55' . lz.tCalhitea',l aal.-ftackovats attalttaaka'aafratattheaacom-
It tal acal nxatt ia'''cl, a tt tastatfro '. a l-n~t ala a' ltat' - 11 I.actliont'wise'.
P n mdllAilli t td in S J arih tllasa retttrntoat ficer.
B os-flat t OmegaaPi.lia. IReltratotatsat- Ct'a'Pa i);SNAsttts tt. vasacat,.
Coex-wrerci ramd ariar fate rateatd. 58-1) 1)rt~. Jothna G. Wainter,intrutaotreintGreek
SeAVlrnga .andtat ~tina,,anaatMiss Ana atRiemtenas
Co-- '. %-m als ad LibertyvSt.t MISCELLANEOUS awaere maratried at Newark. N. Y., Mttnaday,
___________________________________ tetrarey 20. Thae amarrfiage is thaeeatl-
FIRS r NATIONAL BANK Putter & O'Coataor, Tailors attal Cean. aaiaaatiaaan af a roanaace swhicth staretead
ers, 619 '. Wi~liatos St. t-tf. awhenatbath ware students at Ittote co
(I ANN aAaaBOR, Mamu. ___________- lege. Miss Rietnts' hoatt is inTahea Neta-
E.D I 'NNa IAltItSON SO00LE Paulter & O'Connoor, Steatanatd Frendciaeranktads. T'he coauple will sptendthleie
Si . .iAttttON, Cataer. ' dary cleaners. Repairitag. 619gIE. Wit-lhoneymoonaaaaifaaNaples 'atad ctetrnt. Anna
('apic al.$ alait salatalusandaat'eat its. $105.00 lii St. -tf. ( tarbor text fall.


'The Greatest lBarguains [a r 'fr to - .a'a Buyters,-,
veyMans Suit antei Ova. tcoeat :we hr 't t: tatt 55% lIt

Sale Commencing Saturday, ebh. 11?
for the neat ad
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats $21.00a
$28.00 ". " 18.67 7. 5
$25.00167 w fil t '
$22.00 " " 14.17 3I
$20.00 " " 134 $41
$18.00 ". " 12110 'it
$15.00 " " 1011 :1a
$12.00 " " )9 1
$10.00 " "..a i

If 3 'al l'I-' t -.
- 4.)0
- 3.75
- :3.001
t - $'.00
a ((t *lwe 3 i

$1.501 Shaa

$1.00 Shirts 75c

Men's Soft 1010
t21-123 South ;

I Spring Sultiiigs Wle g t nouc h arvl ~ u
spring saitingo and overcoatins. We ste showing many exclusive atoveltia's at
popular prices that can sot he hatd later and will not he found elsewlie.''
W ag ne r& CO. Importing Tailors Stale Stale



IFor a delightful Luncheon or satisfying Repast
I ' tat 11thaat lat, Confor-tahie and Cony
"dlrta ."1C' wr S Ladieo Rest Room'
I Al Itatola'a ooitiag K95' in Connectitat.
wo! 'r~~e «ll a~i 'w.Oreheotra Music,
a 'ali aa'altllll U A Noon and Evening.
W-1% tal lis atl C (Open ft'om 8 A. M. to
Saa1ttt 5att P ~)f . M.
arit' a t ae X Saturdays to 9 P. M.
Dinners, Lunches, Refreshments-.-Anything you want

May Festival
Seat Tickets
Sale Begins
School of Music
MAon., Feb.20

Carriage and Baggage
"+o aeb oakaupatle'to andtatfron parties
tbefore tlsecloek $1.50, atter 12 otclock
Fot eachT'ruo n tr frentsdoor, the
petee will bn 25 Crnts. It tattled so
ar fratmt tp-stales,taetrtan will be
50 Cents.
Detests are requiret to coltect sash
far carriage antfhaggage service.

Helene Allmendeinger
Teacher of Singing
Voice Placing Song Interpretation
Berman anad En-lish Dictiota
Sttadio: Wagner Blockl 30005. Statte St.
Typewriting and Shorthand
Typewriters for sale or reni. Type-
writing Supplies, Ribbons,
Carbon, etc.
17'0 N. tUniversity Are, Bell 1310)

Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and
Limited Cars East l3',und-a:20'. in.,t0:2
A. an., 12:20 }. ta., 2:'..a.:2 1 . :20al 3a 90t
P. m.f
Limited Cars Weal Bound-9:ta it.a.1:,,
1:54 p.am., 3:54 p.ttm., 5:54p. tat,:.a1. a.
Local Cars East nountl--'a ttrtattia, 5:
mn., 6:45a. m.,ada'eveeytataaaa rs tttot
p. ma. To Ypsitateti :4a at. m. aaaa(i . a'"ft,r-
iv tot11:15p. tm.. a t1:1a. s I,, :1 a.
Ilo a. en. 'PatSaiate, etana , Gs at Sasilaaaai
Locai Cars West Bound-5a;4' a. .,?:!ta.
a. and everyvtwoours tolt11 : m
Tonsey T"i).Normsnars.
Babe Sti

Clam ' 3aumiuhes
F ried JOysters
Choice Steaks
Chops, etc.
$3.50 per week
3115 Suh ptt

Portrait Studio- 319 E ast Huron Street

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