- ..F...------- ----- f, i ' BAL. Our best seller in Tan A new lot just lit M $5.00 IDEL LST WAGNER & CO. state "trt aill_, MtiIfGA ' 1)A114 UNVRIYtOIE "" Ii ithis i I ii I? it Catne-tin8.15 °f, M. ILw =e crevs riot semtesd proenptly. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAR~.Y 22nd, Washnsto"a's Bir-thday IA'TINEO ANO) NiWH-T RETURN ENGAGEMENT THE SEASON'S BIGGEST MUSICAL SUCCESS JOS.-M. GAIT E', S WASHING HIT vIb' t t l . _.. -_ E; x .---::-, ,. , ,_ - A For a delightful Luncheon or satisfying repast AT'ea thoam tha; is M CiSon iatal,?, onstm "different." ari(S t iiirr A ll Hmet otoking ilt c ;1 tit n: We serve welt water, TE -ttti- ~~~pitre 'and healthltl nin - Ir"'la truit'sad OIn ii ip Vegietattlisnatly RO ()i', 1 Seicei.a l1'certe " atiurlay,-tot9 1'. Dinners, Lunches, Refreshments--Anything you want , c : ;: t il t i1',1 'o 2Olk ier, tO e'ol a ot i t l ttol it. (I%-ceinecO Ftepir-Mtig. '09 Ft. \Vit to msSt. tOP o 11e i~ct '4 ii 'hits aIt Te,;Neon iiTts a 2 c 't]11ltt i 0 oit iisla hAro torott i l pe i r i= iess From i riy raduate "Thte V age fcati 'a Ca't Fitttthe BHI Cecil Letsi ri Fon-er%.ce Holbrook The OrIlinsal2 New 'ork Coamp aiy and Prodic- tiorc, Irsclexdfeag FIVY;TO1NS OF GIRLS Prices Matinee: 25-50-45-t$1.00o rices Night: 35-50-75-$1-$1.50 SFATS NW i- tLLING I