ThsSpace Reserved FOR Sam Burchifield ,. Coo . , Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 Euron S. Opp. Court House TUC ,.MIOT44iOAN DAILY Jv= CITY FATIIL-,J 5TO Nirli Ti) GR.\ ANT 1' ((K; S i)it(' liFS' i N iil Iliii regeintis ioftheittitc ttii i itti ittiwil ine) t~n eit tilt I iiititt ). lii it tti ofi i , 11a~bn~yto 's 1)rthtl:) It t illri ~ n tomtorrowr. Their tmorningtssin 511wilt it I0)) -i n iii 11. giit abouttt to o'ctoek anthe itafterinoon sesson ltat2 o'ctotc. The tamteriot ean- did~ates for degrees inth te diffet itrietn tt ill-,1, k ara1) t a t itt- u ttit : pairtmteniits wilibe tsutmittedi torthteirii t itw irtt .tIiOiiitt, it ieditwithmt troc'til. CTe fatetlties o s o fN ii ttte- frot)tu artvarditci ttilltaaiitJohtns- t i- titrtitentti iteet today- to v t n t t isfrilt lt ii itn theiii lii- 1111 i - titines to tie titbmittedt. n tins frhil I Iins (f jintrne it v tiOtj'lF ) 'Lilt 1',Nk\ 'I'TO RI; SUM '.iPAIt CTC'flu0T)t)\Y tie Rtitde t-Iland hositail it PI liilce1 Ii. '1ii ht ieve till Icrtilt aiouslilt i - cal sc001s ompete ftr ice poitils Wa Ik Oer Puro FOR MEN--The most conup ic te assortment in various styles and sizes to tit all lect. No slip or, gap at the beet, $4.00 the popular Price FOR WOMEN--Fancy Satin Pump in White, Pink, Blue and Goid, Black Suede and dull beaded A Fine New Line of Water= Proof - Boots for Men and Women at THE WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP 115 MAIN S'IREL T, SOU;_TH J. L. CHAPMAN,, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 tally Guarantreo Wath Repail'rng ftSpecilt y The Ann Arbor Savings Hank C'apitalt Stocki $30,000 Surplus 1$50000 Itesoarceci$,600,000 A (Ienraedi Bankinug Businsrs.Trasa.cted lirriatst Chas. E. Iiseack, Pres.; W. 0. iHarriman, Vice Prei.:5. J. Fritt. Cashier lilE lARMERS AlND MECANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS CapitatlSt50,000 Surplus and Profis$lt,i0i Gienecraltainat~tg tBasiness. 3 percent paid otn Timce anid Sarigs Detposits. Safety De- auit t olictto itoni at $2.00 and upwards [:. (little, let- i. it. 'RTTct-eAN, Vice-Pres. 11, A. t1i ,tai. Cashtier Ft. T3. S-cOwE Aaat. STATE SAVINGS BANK Wi...Bot.P..) Wrn.i tA-trlVcPrs Coz-s-err -cla,..l arad Sauvls a Ce,'. Masim n sd LIbusr-tv St,-.uta FIRST NATIONAL BALK Or ANN ARBOR, MICHi. R. t.. KINNE, tHARRgISON SOUILE Pees. Vice-Pres. S. . V lLAliKSON, Castiter. ilipilat. O$100'M0ti;'turtlus anid Pefts.$65.000t 'lier ettirti if winiter itw iite alilt Io t'oor,.1,.I.S oN i1T 011. 1111-i. tihit tractice'mtiy le resieitd. If pit - c hooitit tuu bo th competid thit ieltt itond i eitionsco tnue etforts i itwibe w rk1- tilten i-e-r-- utl-ittt maite to re-icihedule .the Ca itint i'i tri 1a don os1)Chccigi, antiti lter- unfivorable weather- Piiicittetis called for tis ttcrning citt10o'loilck. llIclii c li itti II it - xaca- i c CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 11if IIi i ) t t i utttiif-O II Ittl itttter ini it ai cit titt l 1111t tic (Coied ra mtia rtace 1II 12:30 ;7-8 :30 p. III- t 1w \ li ift1,2Ilbit Sitwri , t(~ od WANTEDNe )r, jonAkn(1 ,Studfentst Wanted-Totacttas I iii tsfriti it , 80iSl.Z , ale ot very____salable____toilet____articles._____No__ilfi-t I I( it itCh li:Vlt t LOST. fily. lt ft~-IIC~en~oorC1 e ttiigsin iifttertittty tna111clii lesIi ol a.l 5ill. N' ~nt. o day. J I. Lppi1cotitt ft - ci fttit11, ( i), i1X 11)1Pes f iut d e Nl i itG a u t on lat pg , -trit, <) lesNtrlt.' i llm n 1 - Liii ic-co it ;ectllitativertilt ti~t fi-igimi harles t.tles Nect 'tetiiit FOURNT i otsk. itt nti ,riiedi ais 91 it-ird-Il s ui- to e ad tttttl ir I rlii o.i~ ~ ~ kO L w e, hcaY,194- tilt tilceet. I e_________ 11._ C._ Snlith,__ 90;-E______ Ullersi&y Coiat ,Tai nlrst ag eantt i I St ecu, ~ ~ Go, 61hEaWiriasei. H.' leN spot e w tu orte x ALE The (Greatest lBargains Ever i )fies;d 01oClothing IBuyrs- Every Maun's Suit and Overccoat we. have is- now at 1-3< Sale Commenicing Sat urd s,1 1 1d w'ill continue for the o Wt I, di $30.00 Suits asud Overtcoats $21.00 ' - $25.00 " - $22.00 - - $20.00 $18.00 - - $15.00 $12.00 " - $10.00 " - $ 20.00 18.6t7 16.67P 1u4lt7 3.314 it.f00 10 1 61.b7 !tiuLS ILL1-4 0FF s/Ot liu ties - a.25 $lttO - 4.50 $t~l - - 3.75 S 10 - - 3.00 Itot- 2.25 iii ticYtiti - $1.00 3_tf.f ittwu - 75cr f~l I il tct ci tNetcierl38t I.ii 1 $2.00 Shirts $1.50 $1.00) Shirts 75c $1.90 Shia Muartini Guitars are concedced to tie lie test ini the world, come iniantryic tt-it. Sehaebierle & Sotns,(tittesic I lothe. itmS.hiaint itreet. 67-if. essailyi-be ipottced trite HUSTON BR0S. Men's Stot and f i li WADHAMS & COMPANY t21-123 Sc7,7::,M- t;-S re I Spring S uitings We teg to announce the'amri valol oI spring suitings and overcoat itai We tic showing tittny ext'cuivet noveltiie at ppualar prites that ean noltthe had late and awill not bc found t Isleu Ieit' W agner & Co. Importing Tailors Stale Slate i now PHOTO SHOP Corn r of Stale and Liberty LOOK FOR THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT Special Price on Post-Card Photos 3 for 25c or 75c per dozen Satisfaction guaranteed on all sittings made in evenings COME UP AND SEE THE WORK Open 9to12 A. M. lto 5:30 P.M. Evenings: Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat., 7 to 10 May Festival Reserved Seat Tickets Sale Begins AT School of Music Mon., Feb.20 DETROIT UN TED LINES Between Detr;It, Ann Ar bor anti Jackson Limitled Cars East B iSutan a it., i1;:.0 2:2i 1) 4:''O >. till aP :,u P. Ini. Limited Cars West Busind-1.t>4 ti5tip. ti.,i3:5p. ittilitip.Im_,,:517 Il. Local Cars East Bouad--'L")ticirui 4i Ia-i pt. iToYpilatit, 5:5ac. tn.attrtta!1111 ! ly itoi1151 iltn., alto tttit i. ol a i Local Cars West nound-i :5.' ti. :15 . tn. anideeretwoostat 11:1511 -- Majestic - Mft Inee Today3P.M.I L.ADIES' SOUVENIRS All Seals Reserved " CAFE ii C li ltAfter lParty Club S andwiches Fried Oysters Choice Steaks Chops, etc. SL VED AS YOU LIKE THEM Dinners and Suppers $3.50 per week Dlt MWillits, Prop. N 315 South Stale Portrait Studio - 'j ast fu'ona Street wmmlfm