_... .. . _..y... , ,. ... ,.a.4,_ ._ _ , ._ _..,.e-, - - _ _.R ,__ ._.. Trouser Sale 4 Eare rxakisg a re- $1.00 oni each winter - weight Troxaser in ioxr shop, re- gavdless of the price. An early selection counts Our.. Sprineg Ltse I. No-' Redy I Karl Malcolm, 1 18 E. Libery CALL AND SITE THlE Styles Hery and Comnp y 711 . University Ave. Granger's School of Dancing Se,dadnIsie bls-i itT daet-, iFob. i Cases orLadiesand Gntlmen Tsday andThursday Evnins,700 to 8:6 o'oick Titon X53. For Prticlarscall at Academy or Phone 246-Office fours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP CHARLII S BARBER HSOP lopsi t t waitng Rooe Under Huton Billiard Parlors GL O. V. STOLL6, Proprietor 4 Doors From "Freddie's" Charlie Weigand, Prop. The strength to throw off tacklers, th mental quickness to see an opening and eo through it, the stamina to run A'be ' length of the field for a touchdown"sbe.I long to the man who trains on Whole Wheat containing all the elements w liceh build muscle, brain and hone. In the prepare,- tion of Shredded Wheat none of these f elements are lost. The most palatable, ~i digestible form of whole wheat is Shred- is ded Wheat Biscuit ready- cooked and ready tc) serve. The Shredded Wheat Company4 t r g ppph e',,, Nigar Fals, N. Y. a Sl Podeur N .e:k A i i h1 ti t f k <, ,t - :i 7 ,. . , ' ~ 1, i .,. >, j m - : , ' , UJNVERSI TV NOTICES Ill I i I.M rc 11 11llC1t stllw l ecti +- cas lkl I i t{l l ill 111tr,;1 tt all oIsil l~l r tII i al .t I I-ick I NI+ 1 tw I tr I II , K N \ N-i 'R~t iti 'lnt N ) tit M c 11 11 ltil )'i{ 'tlrl i\ IN N~l CGa-Os.ta 4ts P5. '0-& ,,ut satied npromsptly. RETURN ENGAGEMENT THE SEASON'S BIGGEST MUSICAL SUCCESS J(OS. M.GAITTS PSMASHING HIT Cecil Lean- anid klr keHolbirook The Ortdtnst NewYrk (Zom p;:asy ard Prodmec- tiorny In Ac i °I '-'' ON 1 F GIRLS Prices Matinee 25-5t-4541p.00 Prices N4ig-ht: 35-50-75-$1-$1.50 SI:lN NOW ;1tl.tI«r: S W Cor. Blroadway, at 5Sith Si., NEW YORK NI ari~i II NI O tl I -a . t;;Ir.% H,,:' ,/tl lot 11 Ill <,L -G l\\'\ KEPT IBY A COLLEGE MAN Collage Wien Alw. y, Welcome special Fierms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, M-Nodern, Absolutely Fireproo Transient Dates, $2.50, with Bath, and lip. All outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. 1 - 11t) IFTV T Hiarry P. St oinsos, formrlti tO IlliMtOImpelriaIt It. J. a g ; r l frmlerly with Htotel Woodlward l-l . iil t Te .. fr>. h-a111 - 3I I - ~ 1 i f '1 - 1 Nl i)tthi , I soIll' bits It 151. Nc-w -c;1 S l j 1 t 10 li ;I ' t A t Ni l I ) 1-ie 1 tilli - 8iNit ii dry l c a rS. U 'Repauiring.( 1 g h.1 " 1 il "i 110 St.-tf. WE A Scuit or {Overcoat, 75e Suits Pressed, 25c ! Trousers, t0c REPAIRING fFuller &OCobnor Taitors, 6t9 E. Wiltiam St. Typ-writing and Shorthand T'ypewriters for sale or rent. 'type= writing supplies, R-itbtons, Carbon, etc. 0 . ieDiYA. M RR l L 1 Ladies' Hair Dressing, Shampsoin, x Mancusring, Face iNlassago i Rain-Water Shampoo-; aSpuaii a Mt-s. J. P.. 'r-nt..a! it 11105 si,'3 $3.50 Par Week Three Weesiv, e. dvsa Ce$3.00 BR N . tei I i -V ANNOUNCES It's'Sioking Reon will bet opI t ihe PublicCon Monday, Feb. 20 ONLY 401 EATS 0k e . .iNw R ..Best tBo:rL -$4.00 ePer Jeek 612 E IET Farmerly Proprie'tor of Cuting Cate NUTWOOD 2 for 25c Sesk Made Maria in every Thread -EndFar e Detroit and Return Michigan Central tP Aq 7aitrt Fi aysmdSt ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES M714WARD, T-H E TII:]' BEST OF EVERY TIIINtl IN TAILORING