THE MICHIGAN DAILY The precise fabrics yousd observe on News-Y orlb's smartS-t men these Autunmn sday s wlu-islifltsAsvenec's promenade resounds swiths the swish of silksussd tise shug o(f mos, seare - (5fon parasdse fer(. tos-dsy. We ihave laid the(m osst iti be- ,. ~~~~~~~witcbissg assray fosr yosurcritical in pci.\Vaigths mos 14144 matsesiasfisiosned fausltl esly in r1style asnd it, sss'll Ise a factssr in bsssines-ssissadsciaslsrealsss. Shsadsansd paterns are esiried enossgh to suit thsosssost s'ssting, Ans-s-equalsimssposstInssstths lsics swill ast yossssr s. Ws'll let sssssaIsis dss sll:bs A M srgsngsif ssu'll drlinsoon sosrssay J. KARL MALCOLM 118 E. Liberty Gragers5chool of Dancing OprenOctoberr11th to l3th--Classes fnrLadies and (sentlemns * Tuesday and Thuraday Esrenigss, 7:00 Ino 8:00 o'closck FolPriculars call at Academy or Phone 246 Ofice flsurs: if-12 a. s., 2-4 p. m. H e m T e i l o r s a n d . Furnishers 4o Meni 711 N4. University Ave. Apra Arbor, MicIL. A NEW RATE Huron Cor. William and Maynard Streets One Block from Campus No Better Meals in Ann Arbor at Any Price EASE UP ON THE PROF'S briefinsg onssyourosnessss writsrss5s. Wshasve mcieatalpis, $s~25.00 anups. The Studlents' Typewriter Supply Co. Roaom 4 Press Building. Opposite Majestics Cariage and Baggage h-sr'ses(Iouls-ts-ssssfrssomprties beur mcleeS, 01.50. after s1s'cluck lecds Trussitosso rsssss dssor, ctse riesil be 25 Cea. [I carrissdtso tseup-stairs, thse uriscs sill 5be n et. lsrsare requsired tou collect cash urariuaisslndbangcageservice. WA1s-tEl's- LIVERlY 1l51518N & Cos. X17. l1. STARs 1101s111:e LIVERY UNIVERSITY NOTICES TC'rcss Csstsstry- club ssill have their picture taksess at 4:5 . is. at te gymnassscsiumss. iAll1scs. Meeting sf Ossega Phi liearsoes- cietySat-usissysat :00 i. I Friesdas Kleisstiick, Presisdesst. Pro. Stanlsey- ssill he at te Scooss of Msussic ''hsursslass -sssl l'islcssfrms :sssstoss2:00ss sssdfrsssss4:00to 5 :3ss Is ry voscsfrs sthle Csssal 1siss.'Thosse idesirissgpsires iss lbs cosrssssshld coesssatsiosnce as te lisi mstbsclo Iseds ina fesssday s. 1913 engbieers swill smeset 'sMssssda nighti at 7:1j Iss elect t-mposrrfsss- hal ssmagr. Roomsss3s1. All csngisserinsg sassslitsrasrfreshsssess reiste s soonsse ssssssslc-s-sssssssss I Isisclslslfso ssl p hsssc s-sssaminastin Oteshlding lockiesemayrepsrsssscss It ssssc is ir5ectsrsosfie lfr te cosis pusryssys assssssmsssclsses sswhichis a Meetsssgsof thes 913 lits trisla si 3:00 s'cssck ssIisssi ssapanhltss csssside he flagrushs.s l's-tise Cssssssttse. Sale sf Sale tens cssntinuess at Slis- 5(5r'. Dpins. 9. icsi us- es Grill. Chascoac-ssl grilled porserhoss-seak. 13 W'. SumI S. upstsairs,sisi. Is-erssrbast astsisss. 7-edit. Tuoig iss'Fresschssssss (Gsrssan.s Madesm-sssisele G. lressssst, 81s6 S. Sate. 5- 7, 9, 11. We v e ssc lssne the typscwriting issr s-ighty perect f the lassss tse astc four55 years. Laness-& Iselle, 310 55o. Stasis St.Liss MUSICAl. ART STORE. Tuhe popuslar Sasis St. Music loses is sofs-risg l lscelest ssog shetsI19 ce-nts. A'ithIle Opteratiie slssic st 25 cesstsr copsy. sMssicalssuppsilies ssi l kinades at stsristyose-psrice 1-tf CLIFTON, 2 in high BEDFORD, 2ji. high The~e. .AR:ROW 7'ftch COLLARS Sitsnouglyfothe neck the tops meet an front and there is ample space for the cravat. 15., 2for25c. Claterabody & C.,Makers DetroitLlaundssry lBrasschsoffice.Cal IHIfl, 1247-. 5Iit. Get Ile bset gsarasseecsl$soo Founs- tains Pessat Cssslssg'e Pharascy. -ti. THE LINDA VISTA One-half block narth of the Caupus (216 S. Ingalls) Coffee and Rolls served till 10:30 a. mn Board, $4.00 per week C. J. SESSIONS DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor andt Jackson Limited Cars East, 10:20 a. m., 12:20ip. mus 2ts2(p. us., 4:20, 6:20 s. us. imited Cars West Bound-9s54 an .. 11:53 1:54 p.m., 3s54p. m.,5:54p. mnI7:54p. m Loeat Cars East Bound-'lcs Detroit, 5:45 a m., 6:45 a. m., and every two hours to 10:41 p. us. To Ypsilanti, a:45 a. m,. and half hoar- i v to 12s15a. um., 1t:30 a. us - 12,50 a. us. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti L~ocai Cars West Bound-;45 a. m., 7I15S us.. and every two hosurs to 11:15p. us. New inyTheatre THU wS !I AY, OCTOBER 27 CHALESFROHMAN Presents The Musical Comedy Bunk by WIs INLI ad sslILINBAUM Maia by LEO FALL As Presented one Year at the Knickerbocker Tlieatre, New York City cute :NIY-ONE BIG MUSICAL ACTS Hear--"5 A Becat Salts on Wednesday " Scale o Prices Announced Later Thuarsday, I , iy, Sitasxrday, Matinee and Might Triumphant Return of "A wit Poets" Pis - an 5 i 5is c elss f s pssl~Issusn eatussing "1h e l'u I inasShs g s"ss ' din on, and ss l i 51 - '55555tue O riginal DAVIS and WALKER Lew Wells ,aain I .r. Burt And jitgter "IN CATTLE LAND" Conming next We~uek Inclc'ithelss's rsssl 5 5 si rIRsbet }Iil i d isow estringin~~ I i i sk," P Sa "S) .,<{ : FdP:ACE TOEXGO" STARTING MATI NEE TODAY GY~MNA.ST Se ag t oval - uiib rtst THE SINGING BOY Tin' Ssmewha DifersmsSogs BOARD $3.00 per week BURBANK P. STUART, 513 South Division CHAS. E. MISNER, Stneward A. G. SPA LDING & BROS.' T nlBnw o g re thlss I'stsiusae Trade-Msark osOFICIALisQUIP- MENT,forallathletica 1,s0ING sparts and pastims. tI. TRADEg~ 5se V~ nYL in Athslstic Spes-it5ysu MoARK - ssldlas.-auesspss ef 4 'r© ' I ss - tre 5'aissblg suiso- R'tUs ts.PSon' lessise. Ie' s sco ilets is now thougoutesseseoissoisf hewostrsl satWhat's New in Sport Gt8aisaee of anousentufreconre- Qae Iity qist. A. 0. SPALDING CA . ROIS. 254 Woodtward Ave. Detroit, Vi~chn. R. E. Jolly's Grand Opening Lunches, Cigars Cigarettes, Tobacco and Pipes. Agents 3-B Pipes CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Under Huston Billiard Parlors (Fosrmserly ssiths issry & Churliel' Ladiess Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Mancurisg, Face Massage Womesss andslchldsreni sresdfrnros Rain-Watsn Shampoos A Speiaty1r I pess rlyis andl ssrvousdefet s y sesial using Ma-s. J. RL. Tra-jaowski MISS HARTMAN 1 1 10S. University Roomrs 535 Packard Phon 778-L (Bel THE OLD PLACE B6AILEY & EDMUNDS REINGER. £A CO. isEALESINi We have a fresh stock of Prince Rey fitinsg a specialty Albert and Tuxedo in i pound and 1 . Lberty SI. Ansi Arbor, Michiga pound cans and jars. CL ' o h Gsssndy-sInging Dons ii 1 sissattd Doas Bri te c-Dhalsi-n to the Saturday Matie, Ktds 5c COMyING MONDAY The Hart a s,'Teddy and Aice ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL ARD, THET - L TIM BEST OF EVERY Tli1l iIN TAILORING