G. II. WILD CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS . He WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S. STATE STEE lypcwritcrs ALL PRICES The Students' 'typewriter Supply Co. Rom 4 Press Bilding. Opposite MaistiC Text Books New and Second Hand All Departments DRAWING INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 With Leather Case $7.50 SHEEHAN & CO. STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE G. E. BARIN[LL Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books ['aw Jsinsd Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, etc. sp011 lete line New and Sec- ond-hand. ")Id books taken in Exchange ~C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET 'econd Floor Tel. 761 THlE MIC HIlAN DAILY. Managing iiditoi-Txi: A W'itsc Business Manager-NRNia IL . Iss.. EDITORS. News 1Edito r ........ Harod Titus Assistant ............l arry Z3. Polo. Athletic Editor ...... Walter- K. Tlowers Assistant.. ,......... J. Fred LvtIi Music and Drama...Earl V. Moorel Exchanges and Files.... Dior 'S. 3 racyE EDITORIAt. Arthur J. Abbott. 1G S Lasher. Paul ILeidy. NIGHT EDIcuRS, A. J. Wohigeusuth. IHscold McGee. Harry G. Myser. Maurice TI~uiue.} Frank Pennell. Edwsard Rubic. REPRuTERS. Lo.ren Robinson. ' IRobert cGillett. Joins L. Cux. F. E. Slhasv, Jr. Ernest Burton. E. 1. Wakefelc. Jolhn 11. Townley. Wallace \bce. Gerald J. May. Emusett Taylor C. Hlarotl lippler. 1. Selig yelle;. 3Wislijaim 1. Daughierti. BUSINESS STrAFF C. A. Bowman. A.13Iilley., Mye Rabin. Kenueti: Osborn. 1E. Ray Johnuson. Elimer l'. Gricrsoln. C. IH. Kleiinstucki. JosephliFoiuchard,. Address: tMICIGlANa DAIi, Prees ldg., Maynard Street. Officeclhours : tManagiig PEditor, I-2a1) in. ansd i i:ou-s s :3oIi). iii. Daiily. Btusinss Manager, I-5, 7-81)n).. I"t- cept Sunday. Bolls 'phonelis obo. Night Iitac-1 sure G.k ME. FNIVEI3SI'1'Y C F'N,1313R. leliricir: 2,.S1.orlit 1iii 331 il san Aliistole ' Fra'nii'i ''Siraht ,i 3'.a-el1l X -ell H ll c(l cisari 22 Sri i ii 'a lancli, I(ran; l~lrar iriilciiiVashiii'ilirhlt ' e~c a l t~iiiiiii ii t ] l iiir i 2 ..-- 111,t S tn r l, lrt Ch l 1 1 oilsreLnicst 11 Feruryi iietiieV~cicAso 830 ..ll. Februarx. 2- iolit blii 1 iiiqi i ii ,I . 1 cMIC AN .DAILY Il w (r:iii 1- n astiisa nd Prii ? he t'Itci t its ;ldc. )I alil- iitill the ' a in a th l ral hs',C'' Fh VpICii I 1 aiiiinic liii iii i ceccl " t'atlreA e 1lyn( , . an Doen l7 PckrdS.Dais & l olPak dstJ ., -.-- RANDAL d -PACK, Photographers Phone 598