Am ------ -- ---- -- Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN; '1 '1? +[ )iI \N I I: ('l\f.l ii . HUTCHINS VISITS IONIA TO TEST 'STRENGTH ISENIOLIITS WILL REVEL M INSTREL SHOW I President Aids in Forming; Alumni i Etnsv Program is Arranged Association in State , NEXT SAIUIIWIExeniv For Tonight GRANTED BY SENAT President I tutchins sas sIII lona last l Senior l'its wiil revel tt}]li i i I nigiht wthere he addtresseut a large soot- trifNlifgtataof iiogteedIPreliminary Indoor Athletic !lur vl 51lst ils ii s. i iadi.,)ll-OliTm BaciaciMniW l t,) foirintalirotent issoition.00This is 0 ls s ii i 01 u lc ae 'in W n ftite series of stieltassocitattons for ! Meet Expected to Reveal t iii il oor IIINI esfiiigt I iiit t ii I. Occupy Boards soon after st r ethe iza i if olli f Ptresidlentt O nafintafilits rcpsis ti is orli lii I ftitishiiis has, oiade severraltrtips through-l New Material ''orlni'thiisg {ii iiiri V theii. - sis it ISpring Recess on0 thes tate. i l- Therre fssin tunusiualty large tnttmberte ha ar ngd t ms dv-1sQ oalmi ilIofi for the size osf the CLASS RELAYS TO FEATURE ONLY GOOD STUDENTS ELIGIBLb ctoo a ant the prf oiti i onfii for itn associ- see i5 cs5IbsI~0 llWl ei ficnbt on ein agitated. Presf-j at /:30 aiofotiwi e h'o lwcd ibv iil iii 0:CN Por W i i < -11 iv a1111 detnt iiefto il p eeiuotetihtti- ltietlainissit Mehgatpectted tlioi it ii i ii 'i li iii i tois to-i fi IsStrael: streoii t rfil lie>c giventa i n tiett i t. rt N ssisii t i s it ii C i i -i iii i is is. 'liii~es ti.TI G R O ND B O asis the eominig[ irc ral itr "tt)t) ilift t ihe N I I i I ii S'TAiCKS RE PIlA CE PICTURES.ttottal ittretuittttiry mieat trill natiet ~ h~ wotiris lbiii I str51 ii iii Si ii ith otiettitg of the intdoor seasoni. Thts ltti"is vrius iulris ii1 Nit iii i i i ii iofs'ini i ttmtt Itteittsat eitr eittt5 fiwh ai trlhe hld itll "t ii mo t l( a lictl silti:. lsssper;isoe s c t)i ii ii tii , it sfie rlet i ts its ii tue ti, et rean Stlg ettlia-ejo leily tet iesil lii P iiiiiiiii destii twio u s i t1th ec t ats reco utr s y lIast il ex tie r dayhtnthe ttt eilt if- I keri its stitit it is ii \il fr!Ii} ii' i 'nlt.;til l l~t 1it')'t 5t1IS" t rseuifr e hksandits-eress sliill itr troirs theppitsisiti leo ttati hemuic1ad1111 titi i Arlr J~ soc111s 15 ivi' ,l il 1 it Il afrddthfe ue of t usli eintictrnsidte to ipl alyteirreene ~ lt=.1-11wlliii ~ Il,2lf11th 1til is(U :vtN!id roo w isch i ha fslcti he arsts r 111to e-ty.a rett seipee ttthh eset i eIsq iitsi 'WEsNLEX T A l KeScr ANARCHY lir, vct~n:;I111.1 t 1. .t sit' i-ititofi t the bay b it in Jut wl h willth s ere i a tt utas tiie itvtterans ilt ' Csf) h -'i 61 W s)c 1 elwil lc 51~ ,eflr 1troft til tit iiisst111ast-ltettlritet sesiftttstt ' 55 he i s Iil"'iii 11l. itas of i itets , u1adit tion sits thsit meis th, the eethritolthene m n.icltsleeatilh11111 rin i ls 1wSays s -111akeri to 1f ' it'I th ri e e ofsit s ingt new It rortm vartse tysiuattiis setiss illp er hi te lii} 11111 1ra tetlcq t>1i11.!m cii 1 lisl noti acii i~w t ifs n titee- l de i d; t sptiCa l5 tper- lifre use w ilt so a e a c a c o -____ .__d -- itfr nany wiiyiti ittc{,il iiol< il i si~n ileaht i nd i ivid ual ea s ir liti ll mesue i thi elete i ii s t it i t iltd rI rf r i);Ii n1~~ llt is l k l 1iii tltc STULE NT COUNCIL ELECTS Slater Wilil(Uiide Destinies iFor Conming Semester Iw- c-tI J. SC' Ns-Iit t Ni.tO'~ sl If i I' ye ritlt' vte lit 'the eeiit'sts i it s ii - '1 st in i ll piti l if bett hits cl< i . l 1h( ilc 11m iss. tifbyt he.11 55t55 loto i C r~ ;rrtrsinstilSuhiti leas. tl~ ft~iii iof ccrtar Sit. ei u d c t(vi t is th t utlsuratical11. c , li -. ilk avula lc l iie ic mpN .I'. ,l, _i 1 etilt Cub el'it1 rgu s ~ _ 1 i-ltl et I sI i i l 1 -00Ii1118104. I I ll k till sfiitt. eelo ttle'.st. liE3i('1 l.=t l , l i t I A fs st Iiy srge'a tiytaed .(ill c( ~n arv dlcai I isuser he si (Cii c 1 ~ bes th lu eld itu1 i al iiss-ie si ta 1id ( vlic r fist sts- w ue e ertv eis.ise t. ri:' o -s see fee seily ( t liles lts it scttefr s( 1''' -i N . i. 15e''- et i i''i 'i ie " s 1 etcsi Is the s-e1('t tlc ic1. I di s fWtih %ieis 0i tl , al :111d j stice." stiul cali ('d tiell ia ll lttl~i itit i I t itps il af515 fsit luisy fThespeakter t -e1 sitle ts il-rs;(Its 1ti'lt i 111> cr'I V 'ttl lS tit'fl il),tl ll tI i d suits wtl tthl f thetf :Aill i iI it iii tit i vu I. - (Odd5 Theel itit us t tii ii . uu whc i"+\ c1 t"i ll iii mutitist m Ithlte ss ishuttle hit is sudnt s aIll ntitnli'rs el it- I--t l - s 11101 sal org;ai, sity ight btt heir r -slsi ii its-setwated-i l ld itIlanf gil~ fte Yelowiand the1Il iattlliiiIlter - iithsetritli ntest. Oilier nttisses eg- --It hr elthismtste-r ictt li e suttig. Aress igcentits fir Ihel ito hatte retireettttises tlto eet sidi."thst aif it 'hi's' i s'tttlli sill tbe' ltttii ritieIisI tisnt 55w1 t i tit-vlipiiitill furce themi i'tit ll s li nt eu I i o -c-sItua Ife-eli is- ftuitctiles:\ DIit. ltiset-rapge h inhush IIi feout. lit" ith's11 till( si - Sfina l Date for M ichi anensian z Pictures and Copy is 8at#aday, 'Feb. 28th