_ . _ - -L _..... . ......,.,....,. _. ,. ._ _ r _ _ Tilt. 941SM1 IDEA L BA LO Our best seller in Tan :. StIOE ti A new 1ot just 1n $5.00 IELLAST WAGNER & CO. For a delightful Luncheon or satisfying Repast A Tea tDoom tha,' isl 'nfotut. ietr( Cx "different." JM A C K 'S( lauuiv' 1,t 1,01 Alt Home Cooking V ~ A trl'tuiiiv We serve well wrater, T EA ra t't pueoand healthful N t c Fresh Fruits and {.)petsrolien 7t, hi Vigetuaitirs only R O i. Se rvite a ta carte a si rcsilto i t '.M inners, Lnnches, Refreshments- -Anything you want,_ r x-6overnor Olenn To Speak in Ann Arbor Great Orator and ,. Great StatesmanI ASktrchfGovernr Glenn" Iohbert H. Glenn was born in Itockiosh tll ICoviiMiii tale croi.s Augrt15 94. is fattier was asinreal (d ciii ci ci oliv. t itttc OF :-,_otland. He was educated at the University o igi ri )4011 irent tow under Chief Justice Richiond Pe'arson. Iles et( rliiilii":in ~i 1874; was elected to the .legislature iiin018; i i cutud ltstt's 1litr t Attorney from 1893 to 1897; was State Senator in 189ti0,iwas cic 1 a ii lii erntor of North Carolina in 1l904, and served unitil 190, one' ~re't r suit sof his administration was the estoltlivhnicttnt of state,-%situ, ' li tiont iniNorth (Carotina. He has alsways liad ta latrge 11111Iracti ic tiit sted especially for his gpower hefore a ;jury. Bis i~a fou rr paeblevn httehadigo acsw1 od i oeci ~s intha eeeoune ei h raetPebyeii fte ~t[ nd and one of the greatest orators btetwseen two iioceanis. (",ov(:rii Gleut gives the taddress at the great;lolsttotptinicc. vs nulti it'l it the auspices of the Michigan Anti-Salootteit lee at AnntiArvior, :9 F, Church, Motnday evening, Feh. 21, 8 oclock. tilt' liii t~cmlok ("11)S A) A 1 1 VmO ew- hi cy heatr~e Cci.' tam 8,1!1'5f Pr . , M . c: