iN NICUGANDAILTY G. H. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. H. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S0. STATE STEET TiE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-Lti:J A WVtitc 1 Business Maoagr-Noiiuv, H III. 11fcc. \ . ]11001005. i t, News Editor ...... I toai-ud iTitus t r~ : Assistant.........l ary / 1Z . 1'z ,i t Athletic Editor .N.. Witer IK. Towers Assistant...:.... J.Fredll I oi r Music and Drama....,. Earl if. Nh ore Exchanges aiid Files. ..lDior . K rfle EI*DITORI.ioi1/s Arthur J. Abbott. GS S lI.otiioi Pau)l t id>,. NITc lc isu A. J. Wohlgemiutih. Harold 11 Harry G. Myser. Maurice 'iuiiiii. Vl Frank Peninettl. Etward Rorie. iuoticcas. tLoreii tRcbinonll. Robelirt Gillt. it liui joihnii . Cox. P. Ih'. Shaws, Ji. Erinest Burtont. tE. _N.tWNacti l tli;iti Jotiii i. 'Townlcy. NWalilac1. Ncli.til x Gecrald J. Msay. I iiiniit I iyl:)r C. I tarutit I itiller. J s l", . : .1 iUSiES5SIAFF C. A. Bowiman. ifA. t ll y.'k-%ri, Myer Rabi. tsisiotti iciso. >hlcctn E. Ray Johinsoi.. liiEilmr'.Giei . 211111< C. ItI. Kleiiistuck. Josepih I olmr. V,( :11n Address: iNitCHIGAN DAIiY, Pres Bldg., Mayinard Street. rr0t P t t ?t't 1 Itcj il inE t'3 1 i i1 ll1 -" I !(rIuSIC an Atl} Ina 1 New and Second Band 17cl~ltorecIltelr NoT te ok, LBoouplis 1 11110 Shp or lsDFountaimens, 3' 1 1/- ' al nlrle ja e f N I aly.4 1, fI to 111, t. ec, E er ril attlo 1l~jslctli5 t'cl: I Guranee t- 31e ill ill xis c- 111(l11. i l 111111 fil 1 l;ste iwrI N o\I t1(111rNi t1111 nI ' o 11111111 DRjtl- ot Bok, aING ples trl as1 111 I~r; 1 1r i rigi l illl 11 ; oial > li hi ll';s e INS t., E r ti cle 'itiltt~ :' itt. \ nc el " ouscrtl' K l ..:.11111aratee j1alr{r1 alii ci AND ENGINEER'S SUPPLIESt: 1, PRO 1RAMcii i AY1li1 iN 111 1 r1' )R 1TI1 41 I WA N 013 1 l liii 1111111t ill0 a11,d11I ..r 0>I S 10 the ')kJ~lo I<1 N(I ()pen .. Nil 11 11 v,, Si 2ll 0' lac I ll Ni 11111 0111.1 ..... ; 1 Imil to 11111III. I i1111 1111r ri 11:11 011101 111Last 1:°< 1 1 '10-i 11111 aisesall c,- %vcd th P~vMYPC~ r ffice ftours: Mauaging iEdiitor, 1-2 1) Bu17es 1Y C 7 fL d iManager,; 1-,78II.,F- ALL PRICES cpt Sundlay. lBothi 'phones0 1111 The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Roomo 4 Pressilding. Oppoie Majestil Text Boo s>12 o~~oks ~~Niht l.cSitarC[Nitotti AI4, New and Second Hand All Departments tll(l11lrN- ?l" >-111111' lit 1d 111111 DRAWING e1 '0I<1110 >.il INSTRUMENTS 12tIt ~ i i'c. L st 1;, I 12' Ii !i t ll1 ?I1 y ;ol will n P)A Utiversti ll, ill ii 011the 1011 il .. . . 11 1100iII The N 0 ilt Re11es,1 I. N 1.1011.1011I I I. ti. W K ar1ts11 an Al h .1 1?1110}1-I 11;1. T w 111, 11 li Zi \. ("dlls 11--1 tot f 1111cc1111{ 1al 00i-viii.5 ii. it Sto 1 11100 ito iii Nil Ni> (Ill Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 Ii< With Leather Case $7.50 You 1 ti>ney's Worth Always at Idis University Bookstore I4. AILEY & EDM UNDS ow 0 . titerty Si. Ain Arbor, Michigan Cm 1 AT TUTTLE & CO. 11 LunhRoom Rent a odak 10+c Per Day j ScraipBnokllSpecil iNo. 10 This Week Your Choic liri C oley De nI111Batest xx l- i1 Pe(, d Dean1111111 11111 111111ili to itbeoi liii your IN, xl : It, l;; ti ..r i SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 With Leather Case $7.50 SHEEHAN & CO. STUDENTS'BOOKSTORE i).i 1. 0 a, mi. sha1t, 2111, N I [.TF A iv'l 11 iii t mie 00 als t1eT c .1 1(1111 i t the , 0 (,fOur 1"z 1)1 11 1 \ic11 1 0 l1.1111 bill I hIl a C -lcl 11pa e1 f r t1111 cl iii 11 11of t1l a )iiii1 t h w 1 11 l ot 1111 1 i 1 111 1 ii 0.11111111111a 111 11111 11ard Ii -C -M "111a11 2 11'll fii llwi 11101' 1 ilil 1 01 1 1 Campu ill II 1e ( 111 111i11 ill~~a 1\1Ct' 111 ti1': LYNDON 4 Alt Fancy Cassirkerefr ard Worsted Sa~lts anid Ovrcoats at Great Reductonrs All $10.00 Suits - - $8.00 All $10.00 Overcoats- - $8.00 21 a ,Y4 All $12.0 (0 66 9.00 All $12.00 ff - - 9.00 0 ' All $15.00 " . - 12.00 All $15.00 f . - 12.00 ,r All $20.00 f - - 16.00 All $20.00 " ' 15.00 0 ti 3r} All $25.00 ii - 20.00 All $25.00 " .= - 20.00S* t ~ALL WIN1TER TROUSERS AT SAME REDUCTIONIc MainStretAfstoClothes S e Main Street GetourMICHIGAN BoeLne ~ ' ol' Pins, Fobs and Spoons Brokeiuc n LacoutitcotE Joiis K. IZ E HALLER S DalotGnaeipeo or.iOrand Opening COMPLETE We grind aleelsadsitpe.ii~ c-1115nIf l, i i u e su 1 y ctlt. and i3u ll lanin tce l tus Sin ou uuOE I on Cgar uiu iiuii+is LET'S GET TO9GETHER. Wi nll 01 - D p-Oitn -(ioI t unoIlctLunches, 111 00ill 1lulul rii and mu 5 1 i ily ha tu a Opt lDept Sliru t nR tiTiariouo Cgaretle's, Tobacco 0 u ,puieluIsiisu ' 00 Ess Et1-11. am.-- -.- d._and Pipes. Fie Wats ndte wruRplepairini OREERS WLDR SOR Universty SuitPressing Co. 216i South Matos St Jeweler 220 South MainSt: gents 313 Pipes t/09 N. Unersity Ae. 0 Both Phone, 266 121 washia t) t t. RANDAhL & P4KPhtgphr Phone 598