Trouser Sale i wE are makir-g a re- $10 on each WInter - weight Troiser' ins our shop, re- gar-dless of the pr-ice. An early selection counts Our 'Spring Linee is Novoeady J, Karl Malcolm, 118 E, Libery CALL AND SEE THE Styles c'_,nry a.nd Comnpacny 7111N. University Ave. i--anger's School of Dancing Second Semester begns Tesd y I'Ie. 141.11i Classes for Ladles and Gelmn Tuesday and Thursday Evrenins, 710 to 8:0 Oo'clock 'luition -300. fOr Particulars call at Academy or Phone 246-Office flours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p.m. IF. JAI ES HOTEL BARBER SHOP CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Opposite1E1lctic itin Hg Room Under Hiuston Billiard Parlors "OV. STOL.L, Proprietor 4 Doors From " Freddie's" Charlie Weigand, Prop. Beat Out the Play- The man who's never caught " off first" is the fellow whose keen brain and pliant muscles act together in- stantaneously. Muscle which respond like lightning to the will, and a quick mind-are the result of right dieting, in training and out. 'l ng o "t tI itA17I fiJat f IJbfVRSI r ('LII 41fr E~r~h-i ch a 11'' lltat3 i c -, 11is1 t \l l- d OF I 1'' 1 li t of 1)())l< )ti Ii 41, ~r i L LIL<( iti We Lt LIL Is P1ay II)S i!# 14 1)cmlv'-i III Li - c for 1111di iLL the1111 '<1t++ (0) t I hi; i ILL1(5 tL 1C''t Iof th m al 111 I (< 1-d w1 h 1 1 1 Is \V1 TRM11 IL TI I iI II-ll arc 11411 ~lL II'k lpIckc l-\ Ii ,o t t l Ls It111 LI I l (l, ) t141111. SPILL blI l ll I II, s ~ tt}el S iII1 lta ~ t()1 () t 17" : 11 11. A i) !il l t. [1 4 1 ., mot( r . !' 1 IC f. t , , w ri :f. i S .W Cor. Btroadlway, at 534th St., NEW YORK KEPT 1 Y A COLLEGE MAN Colkegc .men Always WVelcome Special IPerms for College Teams I I I Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops ~ ~ .and Central Park New, ;Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outsidle Rooms. Sendfo Booklet. Hairy P'. Mitroosox orm41110 t4> 111114111114 1114111 ia ,, J. formes~,IL1LPrly 0w411 1111101Woodwardt The Ort~tral ew0aork v.coompaonran rd Prod~uc- tiot, tIsgtnsa k FVF OOFGIRLS mberand C~xrsta. 155 4'.x4f ,a ,Lor t sai-e aed porxaoptly. WED S AY F~RUAKY 22nd Waatx~too'sBirthday RETURN ENGAGEMENT THE SEASON'S BIGGEST MUSICAL SUCCESS t)5. M. GAITF'S SMASHING tIlT Cci l e rand s orene Hlbook Detroit United Line s I4LLIL/i1 lt, theP 111111. 111141 Abor extra cars an, exraserlI will he promiptly suip1le $3.50 ?ees rWee TbseoY~okais~Adisof ( '41500t - rs4. .Lo r ___ jestic - II OOAN AND PARKS ,ywriting and Shorthand pvvoritelrs for sgale or rent. Type= wvriting Sunpplies, Ribbons, 0.Carhon, etc.y 0.BeDl 1:3R0,1 o the lath 141 l-; I i l s,I'I lIII st S11 11vr Ls at 151 Ne C. 111111 oi ArtIStIre ( 1111t, is the athletes food. It builds brain tissue and supplies muscle energy, because it con- tains all the nourishment of whole wvheat, in its most palatable and digestible fortm, un- like flour and most forms of wheat which loeas the most nourishing elements of the grain. Modeonoly by The Shredded Wheat Company Niagara Falls, N. Y. li Fulle1r & O'Conn~or, Stea1141a1144French dry cIleaner1.4411411144g. 61g17. Wil- 111111s St. 1-tf. WE Dy it {'Aeon A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suits Pressed, 25c Trousers, 10c REPAIRING .. s. ' RESAUR ANT::. ANNOUNCES ItsSmoking Room wilt be open to NUTWO~DMonday, Feb. 20 ONLY 40 SEATS Bad Make Reservations Now 2 for 5c I .: Best Board Best Made-Merit in every Thread 4.00 Per 'Week :Ladies' Hal Ordso, E. s jooin sa~~trhnpoApsly 62 E. LIBERTY Mi-a. J. It. ''rjaoorkt rnierty Proprietor of Cutting Cafe 11100. t0ivorst~y I Fuller &O'Conuor ITailors, 619 H. Witliam St. ,. " - ,mw. L lli r", ir" i ...::. . ',a.m.ra .,. aa.. r'o rar 4iiYi- 0 ; 4VII '°1 F_"., +' di rte' uil "'. ' ' i t, , ':M " "' nni+ nt 'rr°mr:,,mA e4 w:w m "!' ~an