T MICHIG'AN liA Y ,;... - t Gross ON Liberty A. G.SPALDING & BROS. facturers in the world Tr. ad-Mark of OFFICIAL EQUIP- Tn-~,d-Mwn-k MENT,forallathletic P'IC sports nod pastimes. Q SPLDN 0 I 00 eec ioreieresede MR itot Odi e opy('01f IN O . ant oc Ittoa mpe ettctpitp iloof th o sis hoownoldt satrot IWhat's New in Sport thwod t Guarnees oof and is snt ofreonre- A..CG. SPALDINYG e& . ROS. 254 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mich. THEiF ARMERS AND M[CHANICS BANK MAIN AND HRIVfON STREETS Capital $509000 Surplus and Prfits $00,000 General Bankilng Ifusiness. 3 percent paid on Tinte and 13avlopt Deposit. Safety De- 0001it Boxes to i ent at $2.00 and upwards Rt. KVNtoer, fret. 11. 0. POReTTYA, Vic-Prrs. 1(. A. Wtt,taMso.(tasitier IF. TTOWw, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitol Stttok $30000 Surplus 050,000 Rtesourtes $:,F00,000 A Oenneral Banking Buiness Trannacted Orrzcenot Chtas. E. li3seoch. Pres.; W. U. Barriman. Vice lres.:10. .J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK Capttal t$5t.00O Surpflus 75,0011 lRtso-es $1,25tt)000 Writ. J..Booth.Pret. Wttt. Arnotit, Vice irese (" .J. Walte, Cashier f ernlahvA erin S vngsB al Conrn~narcia.1 sank d sauvinigs Cov. Matn a nd Liberty Sitr-~t FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN ARBOoR, MIeH. E. I. KINNE01, liARISONSOIILE Prert. Vice-Pert. S. XW. tLALRiION, Cashier. tapital, $100,000 Sttetlus atttiPtrofits. $65.000 I "VlCIIGAN UNION NUMBE11R OF ALUM NNUS COMEIS OUT. The Alulollos for February uttder thie head of "The Michigant Union ?Nutmber" appeared yestertlay. With the exeeptiron of a few' totes 011 doings amontthle Alunti the entire hook it deeoted to thte A-lichigant Uniotnattd its nleedls. The proposed lubhtouse is deseribtetd ittte- tail atnd pictuiretdwith a anmer ttf its- trationts. Alanty prtom~inlett foctity me tate articletsttpott the pupaioes and1 idleals of tile uilonl while several alutttti gise their itleat atntiviewtsoftfhleIII- stitutfiot. 'tis itumtier ttf the Altumnuts isill fte sentl t every latll s twhttse adidrest cotttili e secuedtregardlless ttf wheltet hte is a retgular siubscribter tt or ttt. Int tis oar it is hopedl111111ettthLisiasttt for stirretl a1111the ati tttttirtttoght 1ttt Mr. [Herbtert M1,fBergam~fintittf Newn Forek is itt tott ithinterest ofth ie Re- veet of Reviews Co,ltfferitngaltett- It otttt It of $,23.00 calledth le Review ttf Revice College Workers' Ettdotttett. .1 r. ielgatmitlihas visitetdttanty ctlieges itt titecouttritnit regardl to titis ctttltW- Iett-l. IbIis hcad(tllartero lire it .\ichh ilitti ilteiit ttfficeitours frottmt10 ty12 t'ittck itt te the ett071i'1g 'tttdf1ttit1itt CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (ttid fcs- itt odtottr. ffiirt tottrs: 1-2:30; 7-9:30 p. itt. I Vihethocr ir 11t1tic11e ,1 sl ioul ado tt 1'1101 t1 l 11 1 tt . ' ) NOR iii Il ri- lt' 1' ltiItI- ki l fitt 1.1; AIMI TO it \ ciii 'timit aci a tica 1itt11eiicto t 1tl mcn. Al M l l oilt li; idiEiso i To ii t Pllroft ill rt . \V Olie stubject. "Ile 0 1 polic is titllit ii it s 1T ,If 1 i Th hFel-t s v% 1. 11i the.- 0iitic ti li I atill-, tilt. ill., I >l he o .s l 1. 0 d1 . l-a cinn~tittitier ii .;; I WANTED I1tit-i. tM or'N( 11 iited-Studet~s tdesiring a gooti 111- tintisits atitenlilt 11w 0 t c~ I ey-M~akinlg propotsitiont for text stttt- teSli d stit I I t;1 tttcr call onItt;. Sweetland, 211 S, Il- wi itashl ( - n '1 LOST. '1I Lott-AXLyttx Btoitetwteent 719 S. Itt- o h itillen thsoft 1 . iI gait atd Pi Bcla Phi Ihtouse. TatititniiIttitveningabntt was1001 1 a Road1. 318-1309. t941 is0 lb.11" . V1i tt 1i oti-Will thte studenlt wtoitorrowsetd 111 foutntainl let itttile Registrttr'sCI\1~_?1{),).o ' uoffice btefotre the exatms. kindly lieatve NiI sae ttte "i'(o1d Placte i 3;tt0IGeddes. 194 MISCELLANEOUS Tighfetva as ib-till N1 1 F:uller & O'Connor, Tailors attd("leant- Ya'sdy.Dcoaios, crs, 61g E. Wiliana St. i-Il. Itt 110t i ldti l i i er';t1t i ll altlt' Chittit 01 NN tilt tot in.194 011111 ssftil. of the -J11Hop -C STORES Ib.s.yeItPlayed --. & CO. -tlConfectionery Aimendeinger oc t i1eprehations N3SItt 0 it t . A jSilk Crochets 19 wear just in-50c to $1.5' IWAGNER & CO. * STATE 5STREET Anew line of this pfl 0® ice... , l y +I1 Gibson Mandolins and Guitars The best Instruments of the Flandolln and Guitar Family ever Manufactured Try Them Before Purchasing Any Other 1bke EXCLUSIVE AGENCY .AT University Music house Press Building Maynard St M ay F esti Reserve- Seat Ti1cket Sale Begins 4-tot yarn VAsse s A -b onr- 0_ lst< aser Bldgi. zgeb -Baggage 1111frotmoparttes So 0.5. after 120 o'cc it ootr frtiodotor, the -.euts, If arried to It y e te prtce will he r . t ttit c oilect cash _ iIcaceservice. Mexior_ , 1 -ii_ . School of Music I I t ', It~l.I'o t'N& L10 .l Olt . d I. s A l ,' Mon.,Febl itIifoILIVER Ata I at-oo ,PorraitS iion Stre hwmwmml -