lTIEMCHIGAN DAILY - -------- - G. IH. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. He WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S0. STATE STEET iypcwritcrs ALL PRICES The Students Typewriter Supply Co. Roome 4 Press Boidi. Opposite Majestic exut Books New nnd Second Hand All Departments DRAWNING INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 With Leather Case $7.50 SHEEHAN & CO. STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE C. E. OARIN[L[ BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock its Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law and Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, etc. Complete line New and Sec- ond-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY.Lt Managing Eiditor-Lne A Wt t Business Manager-NosstAN ll. 1111,L. ei News Editor ...... lareold'Titus Iltilli it Assistant.........IHarry 7.. ilz lhEIti-hliti 4 : Athletic Editor.. . V alter K. 'Towers i t(510c0ls I Assistant....:... J.lFed laisl mitt dit1 lc Music and Drama......IEarl V. 'Mlore fal;b is ,c Exchanges and Files. ... Dior ". il rney fouri s 4DtITOlIALS. tbi5ling, ha Arthur J. Abbott. G S Lasher, the sl c Paul Leidy. itoI Ois III( NIGH'T EnDErlin. ais iai,]i A. J. Wohlgenluth. Ilarold McGee. ii elI s ll c Ilarry G. Myser. Maurice 'loutloe. IThe ilet fII Frank Pennell. Edward Robie. tielti tcs REP'ORTERS5. 1'l I it Loreii Robinson. tRitlert (illett. ililiti ii i i JohnLtt. Cox. F. E. Shtaw, Jr,.l 1ontai Ernest Burton. E' 14. I.W(akefieldI. 1(1)fr Johnis11. Townley. W.ataee Weber. artm(S Gerald J. May. Emttlet Taytitr. Ithsc C. H arold Illler. J. Selig Velleti ~~ 5,cle Wl illimi I. DI 15 rt1 54ls.0I1 BUSINESS ST1AFF T~ nhst C. A. Bowman. A. t%. Diley. LItdc h Mye Robin. Kennsetit Osbornt. Ic1IeIat It. Ray John~sont. Utiter tP. Griers{I11tt. tlr' C. II. Kleinstuck. Jost itoeph U~hrd -t A~ddress: MICHIGAN DAIsY, tress Biilg., lIte h ManrU tee.t1 fice IHours: ManIaginig tsditill, 1-2 p. ; '1Isc{If . ut. anld 11:00-11 :30 ii. Iii. Daiy ;at c - c( Businless Mantager, 1-, 7-SPtI11.1 Isis tudtl Is at t cCIII Sunlday. Both 'phtottes c.,6. f,)1till, Is , tuo is ofL .11 ii ii Ihr t' 111 :'tND 1 714R .7 l' tt M1C'I~I ll.\.'N 1 '.7.lAt,\II I-A IIit 7N ol 71 11(OSPIT'lAtL. 'I() 1t?1' AISTRI tl'TI4 I) tI) 1.7. CY I l ar wad f t1ll 7.7.ttttill rori II c~lisle'r th titl i st sco tmtlo cinti - es 'ir. h 1:.w rtk '7 t: kin ill he it'te; 111(1 N\ ul lyt I ill'tl(n tl.;l l patie ts ha heel ad- his, owvcv 111 i 1evic l t i i t i ,, ck )t an11nn c ed w 011\ i W WI111111 3s1,ti (1 11, at nl iil ' ",h s h el p ill 111)1 Iot. ll{11111 he C'( t atit s 0 len II.'l~tn w ~is s fr er tit te ru e pro o l leii cl hav( 1 l instlled fu t rItlttiii lii r )l r ni I f-i ){r is (e old to101t a- f rs ' i l htt the ica riii t li w h.)1(( sitar t h ha etoc ntn ih Olt v llII them, ait ndli Thes111111 reords odavshadethen 1 il 101 eettl 011 d1 \t vl-V I 77.7.poit ao7.t7. allh 'id it'-acf u o eaig ill iwhich the record111 may be7.01 7. 151,.8' "1l~li~ rtmns ald scrllllil, c r 1m11for Jitittitti Ien lilt) {> i( isit cuspi t l is.1 t ilbe hld :It:1il(! 11w G i '! i ill ll h t :. I)(r~t it<'t lii ii 0i l -otis" I i'' andis iii'.'i tot' f l1 vl yiii l i c f 'c it.a td it i \ New and Second Hand 'lcx'rt Books ' For all Departments Note Books, Lab. Supplies, Shop Tools, Fountain Pens, etc., etc., Every Article Guaranteed DRAWING INSTRUMVENTS AND ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 Wtth L ealher Case $7.50 You hotney's Worth Always at University Bookstore cis. LiceIhave gotd cutes; lighit Ii icvy, tpli, cairded or !.ls 1 I oNyereserve it for you k1 lua~er withoutll HUSTON nROS. I aly: l lt.11 110111 r) S if/oce. ito il~ttl tt l' iti.t1 k l i I~ I Iirb t e I sit0f it i> c 1 l d t a a l ran i cti lai k till 11 itt 1S 1 t1 LINIVI',1481TY 4' 7.tF1)'.14:. I,. A, F eil Ii lf"i3f-. sit L's oielt t. M I eliil O hel I) Iitiltes '1.1 r l~ 1)l t;, i i 1 .1.stil. till 4 1 ilt t"ilnlll 7.tiii 7.111 a1\\ 1 l .'i) 1et' t alit re' Ita; il f "cabitsgi aroli Itd '(lellao r l4 It thu f iio e thin to seke ao11115 stit0 pesen111 are11 v ily i tel eth 1 mll ,11us 1111 it Isstth ial rp fte' pn a ill''me li li'1loslt ii onthellmatill Ill O~ llls th klthir t i arI ltat t1 silld be here1 ill .t r 15o1ljo Its11 11111 lil illI//l 11111' s 111111111 if10u1nd 1 t iolt-101 ... ThisIl 1100 1111faterioafillI ptt itlupt If1rt ltso Walrdiicall itI 1111 i slt- M ig anot isbe l l 01011 e/ ,pli all n tos,11 0 a ll r 11e11111««1111111\\11 Jl't v kii lnll a ctmfLerytle Lltey get 11n1e in1,a111107.111 howsall wefleaif the Ills and~s tllell otl]ill we11pleaeilic iman from1 1111II tsa 5 fselntll ifTtn los( it11 111111n55 10 1 11th1n, sftirhtsr t11ill(11 Whyt~ Iftill Slat tll sfrorIi\"cse l da111y le this.erlei . 7.1Sh tll e, l 01" the sle of tly hiesrmert lwhoialk tddin oclit stdens1 ad1 ct01111esiiI Luc~ las >> litil t i ttC<,i I. 'tlie' the ' Inecol t t t 1111 1 1 le~n it iollol iii oiiicrs ere l toi: t .11. l;dit t,pidenliit;iols \etin 't t. an i ,J. B I ' 1 M I1 1111 111 wr Itrd it1, ttitittiIl wa de ided lt hold nledittliw the lust and 1thir itritay tfcll hlouth.1 l HUYLJERS Bon Bone, Chocolates and Novelties OURS i1 tlte III '(I I 'Xlty ? ltee'itse it iste repretserttiti-stseof 11.1_ cily-- We we egivenl the exoltisive ig(itcy for Arttn Arbor beI valse Sze -ttc w ho1w to sell otis.111( ldte secret is lt sellII thin~g Drug Store, 1175S Ilatn St. A1lt forIIinlI i 5 GIM & S11 Loose Leaf NoeBok I.- ' 'o I Standard Size-Side andEnd opening d Take your notes "right" next semeg~tet' MAYER, SCHOETTLE' & SCH.AIRER CO. Manutacturers 112 S. Main St. OITYCt~0l F astl tl SI it i rntt tt ('c . 1''. t Intsia.Aye. Uiail i neoI, lon< A e lit fll c1 1 lItt I t 011 U~ IaclavdSt. 1 ft 5 1\-mo0 5'Pakid t R t I4 ,hy i~.y eady For Your Orders '''sio f1ivr i 15 it l'stltettto whlth tire e.11 Is's'. Iith lstllf 111k 1111t a eath or- maeiIIllt11111fortttsert tieliIc.e '' I t'elfIl i totake 1 1110 m asurt', net thet slit ill1t1e ttil I nl. Ieie i js 7.11 1II I ol sil ii~ltg i lls l ti' ' t I uof tt I't'ItIIlIli .5 11111111.: Win, B. Dieterle Varsity Tailors 117 E. Liberty Street Shirts and Neekwear Made to Order 'ystcr Bay CAFE OperlEverilhmgs 11111 luets intl Abter Party ltie Its Soliit ted Club Sandwiches=~ Fried Oysters Choice Steaks Chops, etc. SERVED AS YOU LIKE THEM Dinners and Suppers $3.50 per week 01 M. Willits, Prop 315 South State ._.._. ,,,- ,;. RAN JJALIL & PA KPw0~hr Phone -598