T-'~HE MICHIGAN" DAILY Y- __ .. Go H. WILD Co. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive S ty le s For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS SG. H. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 SO. STATE STEET 'Typcwritcrs ALL PRICES The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. R os 4 Press Batiding. opposite Majestic ext Books New nnd Second Hand AIll epartnments DRAWING I NSTRU MENTS SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 With Leather Case $7.50 HE,EHAN & CON 1 S'11)1 N'fS' lBOOKSTORE51 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-LEu A WHiTE Business Manager-NORMAN 11. IiIIC.- EDITORSs. News Editor ..... arols'l '1Itl Assistant ........I larry I.. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. 'foss rs Assistant........J. Fredl ~~ tos Music antd Drama...Eat rIV. XMoo re Exchanges and Files .... Ilios' ,., trote Arthur J. Abbott. GSl'se Pantltheidy. A. J. Wohlgemsuth. I larold Ms~.( Harry G. Myser. Manrie tIoaltsss Frank tPennetl., I swas 1 FobIt Lorcss Robiisss. Isobsesrt Iilt. Johtn F. Cox. F.I. liaw, Js. Johsts--1. Townley. Wallac e tel.r Gerald J. May. Fsstttttt Tsylors. C. Hlarold IHiptpler. J. Selig N slitll Willisams 1'. ltstts't. BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowman. A. I i DsIey. Mye Rabin. Kessnetit lOsborn. E. Ray Jottissoss. lttser F. GIrrssss C. H. Kleinstusck. Jseshjss I ssstlts Address: ICtIGsAN BAtt.Y, tress isdg - Maynard Street. Bfile HIours:t Masnagissg Editor, t-2 p. IIs. ansd tIt:0O-t1t:30P.Isntt. I ta-ly Bnsisness Mastager, t-5, 7-8p .,I I- cept Sutnday. Bots 'tslssses sl;so. Nighst Editnr-MAs srti 'los ste1M] V~'estsre y 7-Cls1srles It. tGoii, ' II .ltltisg 'If sa 'l's sI issisti l \lso ttit 5 , tvest slsh sit's russ n, 70 st s'cs i- I 'Iay to Icl m . 'tics It S' 1a.. . lts'ls'ttst'e23. list-IVs MIchlt 1 ntl nc,"SrhCst al. eel1ll IIisl sssal t eel ssss ofs],I sits ti 5 tsY qs at 1 :5" 0tlss .ti 111III I(sss'lbe l' s 'ts . It sit li Th a t si i d sit I nl l i , h ts S Nfi s :, t e 11 1 1 h e sl as I il \ s i t s I 1 'iel, is gm 5''he ce tcr'o attti on in slit t' y irce. hl te c neti 1a s i v stlis'ss I l 7ss' I''t'' m5 till,, C Mrs stamhrd prcxcc: d r 1lc has at t le laudable de"Ire tt7 pt )" ,lb1c tv1w f)ir_ 111c"1111 to, tn ltslssts the highsest liecd. The "VJillanielle" s a fitting eli- isa'11 e eses tttd is mt tttso ts' progratti.anil -te isetissitisa t sit cess irysdiottity hih 1, ittitilit stilt t s't'tsss-issa>- nli tllsi ie htse rcosl exId~ o mI 'thle tir-1stlsr ttsear'r''ssl ton-ls st(ss-is-itt lilt ''tl eput ton fist' hIs-ietlfiI theitsrtist "tIis o Sip~et te c ti lin ef l itt 55 tt'ils stlt '555's stsSlt ,i PH is Itsic I ' -sl~l llaitcc a 1lt}illd '".{ l . ttrr l t. ( i :I~lc l, ;1, 111 "RcI- hocrIr( tltt n (i W I '5 tuu stirtes s ' Mead 'soilse Pil~olh 'll fs ay t I Ii t -'l'.st ts stllu lit-s-i' te m itves sit '''l' ic '-t 11"".1sts' ('ssssss'iIII swie ier a letuire'onSlit- Stlt tSi's li snte((oi rl 55 Constt io snessi"it bet orei t heiitl' ii 51 s t' is S~1AItu s hesit e- ,-m' i nalist' iit 8 stil'locint o ri,'c - hs'sstsie anther of heo lthe clepobe ss e uslt M illcr sclind the str lti il l it o Its slits iquaSlit "uS itt e z a s J c - t he ( ctla s s t' s t il il i ts I.'1 n a l it is S l -lt-ei ts Sut, Si- lsvts litil'' o lss' tis \ltist'ts C to) te i6 -Is. Sh Rventa Kodak -10c Per Day Scrap i ks peilN .1 'Itmnis Wee t z W ii k i t1< It is it-Ii lros, A-i-sit5 S o .fl t o -( I s mc;iol } 5 L mc r) 1:1 i Mid Wie Cothing Sale 0 All Fancey Casstmrer arnd Worsted -tilts arid Overcoats at Great Reducetion All $10.00 Suits - - $8.00 All $10.00 Overcoats- ." $8.00x * ** All $12.00 I 9.00 All $12.00 - .9.00* , ;66All $15.00 . 12.00 All $15.00 r 12.00 - rAll $20.00 if . 16.00 All $20.00 66 -. 50 IAll $25.00 "i - 20.00 All $25.00 " - 20.00 w ALL WINTER TROUSERS AT SAME REDUCTION Mlain Street Allen's Good Clothes Store Ma inStreet Get your MICHIGAN Pinls, Fobs and Spoons Broken Lenses R. LE. Jolly's W E BOTH HALLER S Dutpicate itua coule otf hours. Grani'd Opening I yousdon'Stet s'sptessyu kteanitcsalouCaig COnnMPLET We grind alt eyglas andspeuse adt Reparntg LET'S GET TOGETHER. Witsit -' ~ale enss in o own soCiar N p Shur-onIHenadqoarterssgrtes oac ~~~~~~~adFine WatchSend Jewetery Repairing ystxmnda d Pp s o IlALLifR'S JEiWIILIRY STORE Win. ARNOL D iAgns79N University SuivPessngBth Phnes26 216 South Maln St eee 20SuhMain S..Aet3BPps 09.UnvityA. 121 4,oshin ti, t. RANDAL & PACK, Photographers Phone. 598