W E are mah 1g a re- $100 on~ each wfixter- weight Tro'iasser in oazr shop, r-e- gardless of the pt-ice. An early selection counts 0our sprlrasg L1rs, 1.Now Re.ade JI Karl Malcolm, 118. E. Libery CALL AND) SEE 'rHE New Enlish Styles Hentry a nd Com panry 711 N. Vodversity Ave. tt ,. 1 3 1';, tl- ll id 1'I(s1 11 11a111 , I 11 1c ill). z ]t Ni 1 I'C l1 1l llu ;i1tI ji 5110.1~si l it ;;iIt'{I Itypewitin. n hrhn lypewsriters for sale or rent. Type= woring!< Supplies, Ribbons, Carbon, etc. 0. D. MORRt,3i,,L L New W~hitne y Teatre Clsstalsz 8,15 P, M. Late comesser -ot seated promsptly. THURSDAYp FEBRVARWY 16 A Great Scene From a New York Boarding House Henry B. Harris Presents A PLAY OF CITY LIFE The IAikCoun Iitry Boy A No&w COMEY By EDGAR SELUWYN4 4 Mons. I ilurty Thleatre. N. V. City--! 111. lull-Il . '11eatre1 1 1 lou Original New York and Chicago Cast and Production Prices: 35c, 50c, 75c, $10, $1.50 Seats 1N0W Selling Hotel Cumbeland S. W. Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., NEiW YORK Near 5At11 t. Suba a n i cl- s'. N i t - c3- ) KEPT BY A COLLEGEMA ~dl I College Men Always Welcome f, g ;r Special Perms for College Teams tl Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shos P ,a ig lu and Central Park Granger's School of Dancing SeoondllSemester bedeins Tiiesdey eve. 1F-lu 14 Classes for Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday aad Thursday Evenints, 7:00 ta 8:00 o'clck Tulon ,- 300. For Particuars call at Academy ar Phone 246-Office flars 10 to 12 a. ia., 2 to 4 p. m, E I 1 New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Under IHuaton Billiard Parlors Opposie ltic Waitingy Room CEO. V. STOLLI, Proprietor Charlie Weigand, Prop. 4 Doors From " Freddie's " Transient Rates, $2.5 0, with lath. and Up1. B O A I ..D ;~~ All Outside Roms. Sensd for Bonoklet. $3.50 Per Week Th'ree Weeks Ibm Adsvasse $3.00 UNDER THlE MANAGEMENfT 0OF Mrs. E. Fi. Lowry Hiarry P. Stlsasoes, formerly witls H1)tel1Imlperial, :r;iI'cst Il A (c . N%( -lC~o l (fC~ll ipns K . J. Birvil e1aksi., ior lrlewithIhtel Woodwazrdl I 7 Iit The Last Fifty Ybards- tell what a runner is made of. The - stamina--the endurance of mind and '-~~ body shown in the final sprint,- indicates whether the athletes' bone, brawn, brain, and ner- __ r ..a- vows system have received full nourishment from his food. S E1ODDED WHEAT' is the food of all foods for the athlete, gymnast and student. Consisting of wvhole wheat shreds from which no noutrishinlg qualities have been , lost in milling, it is deliciously palatable, digestsIM ' quickly and is turned51 at once into bone, brain and muscular/ - tissue. d_ Made by The Shredded:Wheat Company _ .5 Niagaria Falls, N. Y. - °"'"S 1 sC l . - I - - - - -_________ II Detroit United Lines On informaItion to tDivision Superin tendent Allen, Ypilant i, of the D~etroit United Linen hyo olicers of Varsity or ganizations, the ;nogvesnlt, beyond the capacity of the re gular service, of anyl groupj) (f students to or frons Ann Arbor extra ears and extra service will be promptly supplied. --majetiN- TONIGHT ELAENOI{ OTIS & CO. Matinee ~~M Saturday 3' , r NUTWOOD 2for 25c Best Made Merit in every Thread Week-Enld Fare Detroit and Return Michigan Central Gifio ll t 11111ria.- a~ St I 11a !i 11, i 1 .", I t:~I~~~v FAMILY 010 ~ S tartimg Matinee Today- -.-3000 feet of Educational Moving Pictuxires Produced Under bhe Di. ccloll forttile Benefit of ti: e Anti-l~ubcrculosis Ass'n HIGH CLASS VOD)E=VIL IN CONNE~CTION loc No Increase in Prices lOc COMING MONDAY M. B. Streetcr-BryanrBlanche and Company of Six in "The Banker and the Lancer" 3-O0ther ]Feature Acts-3 Mott' Portic llor=" ci.ueyi . ALWAYS AHIEAD IN E% Tft--- IAILOR THE12BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING