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February 16, 1911 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1911-02-16

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___ ___ ___ ___-T Q 4 A, DAILY

_ . .:

t.. 55t SA e) a' i5 S ' l.t.1 ...

.5lCD iof tie Dii\ will be aId drs
ed next Sitllay ci Ciitlg' at6:30 at .Mc-
\,I illuauiiall, by I-eN=. S. XW. N\rialari. ID.
17., ofI(Graaid Raids. \\heii .l)r. XXsa
harit5spok' eier'at rear the aaditi'iats
was crowaied, anid lilaadd ress Siealiiig
.1 Mall's leligio ll.'' wheii irlited, had a
lresle aiiioig itie atidetis. IHis subi-
jea tiesyear lhas noti leeiinon~~d
I)r. X. (x. Ptttlilx-aai iwhoseaddress
lasi year teas also CCII' Iwell allteadell.
will speak iii l e l illaii lIfall ltelrtarx'
Gros ONLiberty I lII llli111111
Tvo dMrk ofOFFICI AL EQUIP- ey-iiakiiig propiion)f)lerli c sn
1iEN I,forallathletic iieee'Cill 011 1". S«'cCI 111111.211 S. Iit
p1N sportsad pastimes. ltla ) /
e 0ADE iiilatilcli'eCllllirtlCiiLOST.
25 W ndwtdA e etotofMic in d crIlca a lir l C2Cilii2r 11. 3.
Getira iaiieiiOftanit ;s 3 percesni e- paD -1ctwcci~pi at otole
aD T se.itii filC ittet.iL-. S f 511' lil atch111 ll ol d wt
allis hootat ,j i(). i aS is.D( at.,uandar(-
uH AM R N EHNC AK Cili- WIC, tel11. 9)- 1-92
Theitann000 rprusavdPigs$1Bank 311 11AJ I.S
AGeneral iaskig Iusies pcentad ltle' ~to, alr idila
Ureiteei t il t en t a tisel.00an tuwres.;W ,61 t ~ iit I f
11 A. C11. 51Mi' taier F.. .Steta., Ast. r<ree tin es t. l a , lcnr 2
\10 11170 1 B l al i f 11- 111111 02
STApTE SAVING-MO,00 SBANK 11) l00 aJ1SC iitil',IiSeliC 1 11))1
A SInri "niB usinsra ranactd 111le, &1O'111)11 rda iSSiosa l eaSI.
if; a n Ve li.. es.. lad U lce tCaseta
STAERST ATIONALBANK ii1 Iil (inlllit'at S1 CaiCed'S iI 11li
j.hi NI 12itta N Sal~ Itll d Shteitn tSia, Siii
C, tpi~r .OuO tieet~a 2

' lmlt i-IlIt. a'1 1. CMi'r 1151
Th ii ttlla S F,1). 1, l~tll U i leXl s l ii
daii tsa ll 111ich S ills s)1f C t s tnior I
tlire anible madelt. "itctiurestakenitafter
Sthis late Ci ~ Cannotbe prin1telld ite 1boo.
Sei' r brlanklls ICll hl ie strlibutedltlis
IIittweek1and ihouli e linessoutit h lat:i
S Orgalflizatiials matitasend11 1ill ei r lopy
toi tie oi ce till IalltIll) to itheir lpaymen11ts
V or apes at 0:1cc.
Xi lie-tlgall Ines residlenll t ar OIl
_ r t\-ill mileetat lIl Itli tgsl lii'gtii
loa llniast-ocitlat. 'I'llrstkv, ei'
' cuing, lFeb. 6. Judg1e Leiae andt X. 1It.
Shit 111 w i e peset'las11replresenltatives
lbctal assattliin iitll tiall lie ior-
-l I tillamongtle atamniillof Ilirtle
iea ity, iwhao11wilimeItNo n
Ieb, '22. SRepIreseintativesa troll theuni-
.\Tl:AT.\;4i': sli\CiONI ,1-Aiti
WXhitse imarbl ide (l-m i l. ad i
the fi fill stoI, o11111 librr tcs hc
h r r ( 1111' til~sl) r Ac al
cnll iit

Creat January:
Inventory Sl -C
of Men's Boy's and Chrlldrena,
kA t 2 0 /1( ' O ISc wufl
$10 uit r Ovrcoa
$15 Suit or Overcoat
$20 Suit or Overcoat $1t
$25 Suit or Overcoat$1('X
All Trousers 20%/C olf--Sbine t' idU!-
derwear 20,I off Hats, C-inpz, tilev
Sweaters 201, off-"Trunks, 1Bagsi,,
Suit Cases 20a/a off.
211 S. Main St.
II The Sorgi' 11101he -J1Hop


CM' ND ' ti I ~ >I C i~sT ttlii.
iar Ial iiistudcIsawaere' arreasted IC
ilt in a snow eb allee far 15lrst1Sundae.
Feeick iliais, lila if lie fouri'
is atil hstirged iatillres iitiillaItofficr.
h111. Iita ineceessarly'i tilali t t
alit 'a in I trer t eeplithi tuadentsa
CfrlmIri'lc lmt le iliradiesafrill the

1,:\\\e, C 'l\' iC iliCt' :A Sill SleFi.
athe IiCaslili fir tie elebratiion iof
the i lit-ecat' d all ilC trstii's'tf the tlai
dearinn 'IIC ii) I pril lieS.4'1 IC I'iiiuitte e
ill Chariige Ihala it tililill Iiinitpisailie iii
I ecre aspeakier'. I It illBates,.ceirl-
11l o111f ithe1'Cliiiiit itt'. saei htiC s1111ev erlt
me ae eninit edbrit n()fvral
ti ltisarith th11elii'regititti' XXashiii;-
Satirt a, 2221' St'itc'. 12

St ra wberries
At the
Calkill's Pharmfacy
324 S. State St.
Men's, Women's,
and Children's Fooiwear
Street and Dresst Shes Athirtie iiiiia
E. R. Frost, .302 -. State St.

Ask ITc, i It Played
1IJ ilt.' I ) Ill)).~
ill' fit l I L c it
You eai Mat a fine lineof Co11ectiotnery
Helene llmendeinger
Terasher ofi Sieging
Voice Platigcing lAterpretationi
s tx{ri~i ii irtl I"' ! .) cIi
lit I ': I11'. t iC r 11) u ' c i4 tt a)' fit.A

Silk Crochets
A new line of this popular neck-
wear just in-50c to $1.50
WAGNER & CO. See Our Window

Gibson Mlandolinfs and
The best Instruments of the Ilandolin and Guitar
Family ever Manufactured
Trv Them Before; Purchasing
Any Other Make
Univer sity Music House
Press Building Maynard St.


Eighteenth Annual
May 10-13
Four Days--Five Concerts
Th fol aloingsololisshave already
been engagedt, wlile.,negtiatios ae
pedOintgewith othlers o taels-noued,
Bernice De Psquali, Prinma Donna
Soprano. Metropoalitan Opera Co.
Clarence Whitehille" Bosa, Melero-
polilan Opera Company
Florence MotleerdMezzo
Hosratio Connell, Baritone
Reed Miller, l oor
Sybil Sammis-MacDermid, Soprano
The Choral Union, under Professor
The Theodore Thomas Orcheatra,
under M~r. Steak
The sal eof resrerd teat tickets fee
the tFesiitial illbegia Mod~aay morne-
inig, F~ebrusary .0, at tieUeevereilty
Stchool ot Musc, atdtilliciontinuapt I
to andidinsesgtthe rstival.

4tat yan- DtCTIONaRDL. - 41sat yeae-
ArisaAn-bor LEGAL MISCU' .LAN'Y A""eoAror-r
Arim An-ban- Bnaacat, Sttat c neD teesat an l

Mexican : Indian: Blankets
'.x:loet t~aest Cat'yoiua'('iiie e tiriil. Olk"11,
Lilraryor MutsiceMot); fto tr 'alw is a.>
Couceli l ar aslortieresand,11Wa~ll Ii'elacrt iai-
llt-ad-mtae bynaivs;altlssiil,taa I'-l a a
The Mast Acceptable Hoallitay Gift!I
Seejcer your ItAlORatei iactsroundiI 0)i-m, :
Cimeason, lubeDed, Greitn,- Whiter, }31:i'ii
711. Sia. x S1t.10l1nta............. .... $ 5.00
Set1a3 three(onae at each sae) 10.00
thole? his ity. Mon~ey liack .if you111i ant it
Aguascaientes, Mexico

Cragand aggage
pwi-i eIl lei25 Cense.I Iteariedl to
ir fraii liii astais, the prilie will lie
50 Cent.
tiles 'e reqireditoulcoieillecte easlh
foireaeriagettlandlbag -geaserei-e.
itatt ()a & C(i.
Ca I[ ki.11:SIV tER

_..., ..

Portrait -Studio- - - Xg9IFast Hurontre

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