I.IE MICHIGAN DAILY __________ G. LI. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS TilE MICHIGAN DAILY. av is s llr ManagingEdtor-La A Winti (tiiiiits Business-Manager-NORMAN 11, llltte. EDITORS Word rn News Editor .......If areoid Titus I th . neiVs Assistant ............hairy IZ. Fl,i '[c--I I st'' Athletic Editor...Walter K. 'lowers iirtlc"~cld Assistant ...........J. Fred Laos lt 1 nIll) tIpnsit Music and Drama...Earl V. Mogore I N cs Exchanges and Files....Doe. Id IBtAiyl EITRIlALS. Arthur J. Abbott. G SI tidier Paul Leidy3 J1C NIGHT EDITORS. A. J. Wohigensuth. IhIarold Mc{.,ee. Harry G. Myser. Maurice Tu e 'e otlaFakPne l. Ewroe. ite Nliii York' REOTR.h adaLorens tobintsont. Issbert tills II l larristwill r John L. Cox. IF. IF.. Shaw, jr.ete lillnit. Ernest Burton. IE. M. Wakefiell. p-c " rt telit John HI. Townley. Wallace Weber. cae ;u-s cnti Gerald J. May. Emmeittt Taylor. fr~trlc 'Ills BUSINESS STAFF - Al l f h cs C. A. IBowman. A. IRi lilley. tdtileliplay i Myer Rabin. Kennisti. Osborn.i.r~cn~1irr E. Ray Johntsont. IEbnesr F. ILriersoni. C. It. Kleinstuck. Josephl Fotteltur i. Address: MICHIGAN DAILs, Press Bldg., trr I ] Mlaynard Street. ^+anInon Office Ilours: Managing IEditor, 1-2 p. A h t Ii ii i us. and 11:00-11:30 p. In. Dasly. 11dlsh telin ( Business Maisager, 1-5, 7-8 1) it., I thtLx eha ) cept Sunday. Both 'phonies ohbo. Ia°I tthc UNNIRION L I)S {. i sp 1, G. He. WILD CO.* The Leading Merchant Tailors 31 C.STATE STEET Typewriters, ALL PRICES The Students' Typewriter Supply Ca. Rnaom 4 Prss. Baliding. Oppasite MalestiO eU-xt Books New and Second Hand All Departments DRAWING I mll i i 1. ie is 1 ,tlh aci-ses-1Isl i tlths lie isiti. Nashl lie i' tothslife ct iii~11i theSuisic-ise (Cousrt ai ll c(-its i i lt tisog t lit anZ) Dramia l cm e y ltii(f i eisit l s - Iss i is iis \\ listrys - l- CIsVlichisis snlu sIll 'eeltit UC e \ Ill siTh -111<~ y ll ich w l f5tes-i Isli5clss 15 sie s n hi hals isisr ee hi i sty i isss isis i i1 t(1 55 1 s srai is i ssitnllc is c iill si n is h ili ss t is t i It 1 c I( 1i l u n h -iller is te cises w ih la" b e c l ff lI )ti( Saciii 5 s To isiisssi ' .li li~ Iire tie' (lists s atiss {1n 11t ])1(1tri111, i s siss'1 SAV!ii sit si)NtsTHAIicts R s site sYou 'Inney's Worth Dit papii 'es bi.'laz (uniot'l'tussiyiAlways at wi 11a54 l-abutsisi ll s i s llsk tanti usalr i ie t leii on i oil' hi liftth t its isasssid a'sl i s its' t si5 10 W b prsnte d toi- thsi s issis sit MWb gusntsroputshle e-stt s if JiltG arise University Bookstore 'lit- stre iiss'sis'i sisitin era s intg ______________________________ Isis- lsl is utth i r ss -t-sew"; lste' m ir spr ;ittsl tits 1 was g tlt io )s-ls lorveItGrnd Rais ss-'t S g ist° sit i ftis s sbcissts' it llitsiastis'cis \iii. 4 i h sith is, islsatile- ommittsllee his 'e -en-liin (I ' read ii t aer s ,~ it' aitd t qs tilisiof t'e gillsf t s its- beii iiti iil sit Ic of li-itt 5155t5(i t tissd b- t . (Univertsity ssliciasat1 is n, s ' tiy r ntig t. die t o issty sith iisg abti lthes'mit e an apart h ltlefit n h iSONBgOn. HULER S Bun Bonn. Chocolates and 1. leiu- ti's'Ltisii, lhut, esceit fliii ariii' -si' iiis s, it is a titlpitiisiilitas tuini red~~ asit is inigeis nfit nely'itmadie.Th Dsorak F major Sota sitichielloisseii is "isiottis iiielietts illparits, hisis iiicksslits sistite indii Isistll (f conce-i tion. It is a sshits mp itsnsidtesit played i illts e liii l uti t sp'irsIit s sis-sitild iii sitit. lii sissait sitsplein onctinits oitu sitthosis works whichtus ntush the deei s i i n l siu stitli iiSittely ntliist ils wasnse isiso5resute teiol acuaionlii tha is hiils t isl 1e us hssla iii 'a iii hSsissata s its tlisiit l i set Isst titld n elth thie most i hi ls and sititlt inet isislstyiisuppotedisiby.'thei ri ishtiand I raviiiig hsmitethitlist- irs ' shuts .it Thi list issleisi lusts 1it yesit terayenureisnhusyits its spiit ofi stlevta isti adserity.i New and Second Hand Text Books For all Department Note Books, Lab. Supplies, Shop Tools, Fountain Pens, etc., etc., Evecry Article Guaranteed DRAWING INSTRUMENTS AND ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES Log ILog Slide Rule $7111) With lent her Case $7.50) INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 With Leather Case $7.50 SHEEHAN &CO] C. [. BARIN[LL BoOOKS Lawe Medical Dental Largest Stock tn Michigan Second-Hiand Law Books Law anid Medical Dictionaries Qutiz Books, etc. Complete line New and Sec- ond-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 i Fe-lirusity i6.- atilts ocrIli stest ithyssiessom,7i sits lW "ebruryit sit s Iii sT.u Provetssss olls sis' I,. '. gill Hll.i liF eruairy 24-flie s L.sssurssf-P.stsi1 Chouals-si ssieits. LtuvsistyHallh Lists tselistvi. i.K' t i s.aTtts5,s iststs. - ''" Isin'tiil erstiuusl ites' if licisus- cit" sitay usi encllosr'11.-sisf SLias-sse "They usedsithiroll tiltsugarlin iilosits nd gisve' t it to sibab itessuit- ites sits t cualmtihteir tie rves. Tsesise ofit s- licco byyoung mt-siis pisica5 lls harm st- 1 ill setssd fir theisttlelovIei t ~ ~ ic-ess if Its'estds bu.lit slts' ig I will Io ta d fist.'' IsF 's-irsnsigh !Ahi ngustsha twill itsell toi keep'tisislst'eathltic v igorusof st helmiulisis is autaltoilis 'lt it i Buti at least ie~nvl i osssIsr mit havlie 'sites'ds-si stitiutes tusthise- isli- ihite ihee'rs's ''hutsoisthei Clist-sit as thrert-t ere'if "buttegrgs" forle'i ma piroteins, sitrssmthlinsg tithaitl effectfor thes metiea hteri-siua'sismit inumbe- foue tutitissfist-tssitweels sitlifs. tcttsasts sill lighs t tonstir msisaigt of is-i- usiloffr setis-ubssssstiesst'f gte-us virte. IFirss,ltri-s l t'e i'sesiof isissi ii sitiiligos's very ste11ll cshen sIsslcs lii a stripstoint friotsa n555555 Ic. I isi miess tacet'riedlthas ts i tirlusysnd slitnuited s tirdsck will re-ciommend -iti htigly.s The-isthere's l t'e inside,-ofilCedar brtetd i htisame= sil-nneursiC- Acorntiiipile's55raylie'useis tead-lof 'sll- ig s cigarettee. AhushstIis ligs tfilltii tie sedutivepelii-'r uifa iteceofsit ctant liBut itommeid silisto sitiseis ! - stilse swill i-rusts'worry frisml t'stitsIminofa studse like lie hincs if a '"J" I issgutest. It nill simplly re-shie himtto hisstalte sit otriesstal unonsiscioiusnesss. IIt wll relievs tiht speedlily Milenitsuirfeihted; itstilldo toasyts- inlgs tha1 ire' le-tie rimin-.ed thndsusd;bthslf hno esires lie lprisvacy is1his rioomtit istil' Sglee istIso tint, thounghs le ight usguins I i i I' Ic nGti c _) . !I si i ii s 5 1111 11ists II 'shi'so ...:s ilt h isisrr s-sillr 1? il 11i tile Nadler 'hA 5 ess l's its h o. Hal At- s talitlitis bis ii iiR y -4 ry Novelties OURS is the I-IUX5LER Store Why ? Becauise it is the represenitative store of lie city-WVAe were given the excluisive ag c p toe Ann~ Arbor be csuse v e' kiow li-sw to sell candty ande the secret is to sell niohing btut .ftesh/cav'asi flafs. hl ia~iitrc°Illwt,,rt~aire f he Drug Store, 117S. fMain St. 5 h ittsA ajsoIw Thttrecital tea th lith f te eris, nd .,i gien Age i -or tH yler's. ttiibtrt's, Slut" Rthutu s Sus 'No 1,0) 13 c'M & 5"1 Loose Leaf Note Books 1 Staadard Sizes-Sidaead-lEad Openingj Take your notes "right" next semester l tisase s Iered ii i t tusc r 'h tlt itdisisrit her lshestie s. Oeortis on siisues 5boll f r aege t ege. BLUE 1BOOKS MAYJER SCHOETTLE & SCHAIRER CO. eManufactuirers 112S Main St. 11 C11Y AGt Ne-IFS last 'i sss ii y li Cl(" site 0 St Uivts Ass. Charless1. Bncrftisitt hnrse Ave. 't ititti 5 5.l V i" Dilcisis :) tla St. Davlstte Koutod, ti PaardSt. ti1\ lts ot b.5S -iil Wb i Ready For Your Orders O~nsSpringye 'sitse-ofCI iu'ttiiiu hiutu Kintl tttstlue't.-'- Dteadttlist'soiiticlt lush ai''.stWhsis e sr exc(5 lcusiw th t (slu i lt11c-aesuthori'01 sisaie it lp ttd V Vluisnt-htser i isI 5 Is-ail't essY u rs mi e a-siuvei.gci lie' suit ho the ss'ks-sandstuditlive t iust whensoutu u-atit. N-o 0 ai W Z -cu t0 Mtii ig iioft11 re d nesX ztvm . E . D i ete r le Varsity Tailors 117 E. Liberty Street Shirts and Neckwear Made to Order (yster B ay, CAFE Opea Everixns hinet anhs ftXlei s1ails Li stiss Stlitls Club Sandwiches Fried Oysters Choice Steaks Chops. etc. SERVED AS YOU LIKR THEM Dinners'-and Suppers $3.50 per week 0. M. Willits, Prop. 315 South State ,. 121 Wasbht i t' RANDALL & PACK, Photographers Phone. 598