TIsM Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclifiekl r e ... .rAnn Arbors Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron Si. Opp. Court house J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Dutly Guaranteed Watch Repairnng a Specialty THE[ FAlRMERS ANDI MECHIANICS SANKI MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Sorplus and Profits $10,000 G~eneral Btanking Business. 3 per cent pals' on Timne and Savings Peoposits. Safety De- posit loxes to oct at $2.00 and upwards Vi. KEMPF, Pros, 13. (G. lizr''5'CANVic-Ps'O. li. A. WIscIAMS. Cushier F. 'P. SeOWE Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Banh Capitil Stock $300,000 Surpius $,50,000 Resources $2,140,00 A General Banking B~usiness 'Transanted lOlric~ttst Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres.; W. is. Harimn. Vice Pres.: M0. J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK a~ii~0,00i "Surplus 5,s0005 itt 'ous s$i,25.000 SWet. J. Booth, ires. W~in. Arnolii, V~ice Pros. C% . W tc.iuCashir jenla -4rme icanrf s d8ankI Conrms rcn..l aared Sa.vlrxLga Car. Mnals arid Ltbne-tv Ste.ats FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANs AROR, MICHi E~. D. KINNE, iHAIIiSON SOULE Pres. VicePres. S. W. CiLARKiSON, Cushier. Caupital,$0.0i00i Surpius and Prollt'. $t0.000 C s ti s c q c r S t t i - THUE Off f NS -DAILY CONF1OiPA)CABl IT iAl) II' '1I'isAl'I' -E'IlSA ()1i - NOT171 ER GUESS CO)11N NI; SN N ,NRl\)II N HCi t EE A heavsily veiled ssomansouo tetthie (Contiiiueiifroms.Coge2.2 slops of the loss lidiiip [rubs 'ai- pelledlto1perforimi sblyiacit O~lscientijou teroonoi, aid, approachinig a group of Is lhe idutie's if citizenship.iTo1e0letll sensior lawswshIo swere Iteisurely suitokirngto dotthis, its ihese days, it stoietislics cigarettos inia0corneiioPf ihejioritio, i-petits ntes stry to itlk ipolitis and ca ll tiireil,'Caonscsitell swhicli room is the isismes. 'Theeftoe, ltheipposrtuinitis if office of Dr. Conieel?" the'stg'unviersities, wischtitreifor- Oeof the 'sidents ptolitely directesd Iidded, byis aniiounder'staninstronger her to the otice if ithe piysicians. iliati1caiii'ittcii senactmeti, tolienigaie itt "Buct, isi't this the hosiill 1I askeilpar tisa titif , ,'.or ts lendilpart i'saitciltr us'- cilaisants takce iie to te Voicer-to tieirt' eachitngs,.ain ircutmstribed sity hospital. aniite lelt tme dowtn oter thuilt'eiprivelyeoedYiiiis 1institittt there iinitheesriner." aei tfreei nr ltopraiecriocoden _________ ____________a'itthuisitsto tetichimiiiiebi " exaiml.t I'. S\Ii lis, ufste Petnissylvnitiiswim- ''Still. lie'prof ofi toe uding its silteams madetilt iiteitstaiic resolrd ittiro isab l i e'fouiiiiii is ii se. F1i if i3 ifeet iin hpunge itt eutil. te tutmbir'sof ugraiutesii oseitiit _______________________________ iit i d tcii'acter itate comtmaindedt for CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING tiveun high dsgrees iof stili tist. OIi , iir rtv ties i s l II 11ttitit 111ti1t0 1it'0tt thist' apaitytis iii it t ftr 'uhcf f")'inii i Otff Ili iI-rs's' tsh forth it's stittt t s wiithi te I trsitn 1 i-, 5 ;- " ;o h ~itht maks ets fori'effetivesttizeshipiiis ________________________________________. tso itb'see-sinitsthe lisi t suivsit y sis d- WANETED htes nowitisservingi i-felwuiizn "-W11tissls Sisisisid'sltesiringaittodsu i isin congret'ss. - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'T'ii'e ti re' iMtregln11Cirs t- ro iuukiltipropori'sttion sir nit 55 m c"c l nI"V. Swst'etas, 1 1 S 5. In-i sit s erin tg lc ar cto t C v - galls. ~~sits f ichlsligathantoan oteri ______________________________ siisuils orI'highs' istaim il h LO~STP. sitd. itsficte. use sldschit1sit iAmits _ . risir his tieari l ssiuile us e cpi e'seits.- is 's4's is lissisismpu s d stof ii tieansunlhcstastionait lisltur tataiy a555o 55ach fl 5'l c wt th niesiy h siT e re 'ssscsscs -1 rev e ad.(,-10 lie- seaids ttesii llsir is\litugiiit'' s'riiie Si s I.ttiliand s ' is, n Sat. 1e Ilarvardii tilto. Y le a d h U1 tiirin it o 2 C silts isis ii sitciyo ve sititof Virgiti ae t eclt ward.555 i to, \Ws'scotsii su (isinland ii situ s it'ac Isit A goldcis ati h isi , titis wich iltwas C ics ii seseni tatd sit sis dawnst -'' tsiThe iifo tis n offritmiii iii 55s iltsd its i tual tasueoll itsiv servc: thoe litain.t sets i l ltis t sJ. of ts their till iii siensin a ll w sss fi ilie FOR suits iii]issesiotr's