G. IU. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive S ty le s For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS Gs II. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S0. STATE STEET lypcwr itcrs' ALL PRICES The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Rom 4 Press B.lidlng. Opposite Majestic Text Books New and Second Hand All Departments DRA WING 1 INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 With Leather Case $7.50 SHEEHAN & Co. STUIDENTS' BOOKSTORE r0131d MICHIGAN DAILY T IlE MICIG AN DAILYa. wlw li 1 xs at~fct,,I him i1e' toteif eseetiotal merit. \la tr( Rill ______ - 1(11 lit i':t f1311 t ipon tcrel- 0 iptattaiit her qtetItte of pieh,'tttttatte Managing Jd lor--L.,a A WHxtI'z. r1lt (1 It o t wi a loan cuts himae' I. is n akinga greatIhit twithlthte atttc 1 to Busioss MsagrrNnas~o II oioseh t' tttp a osttriags. and makes his Eleanor Otis & Co., present "DeVere of toy to alintttiont of learning, to the Chorus," a clever enoagh sk1. t EITORS. i I lw an 1indeendttte nttrnmhcr of 't re- which :Miss Otis acts, Miss Shcothr News Editor .......IF-lat tld 'i'ttts to1(1(1 til~rst 'rtittl1151 ttttt .it sintgs, atttltwotmettapattr rlargelystlto Assistant............arry 7.. Itoz I tW1 tt hill)wt t111:111. It w i- "causerfor trttltt.''\\'itt's frlit, in Athletic Editor...Walter K. 'Towcts a it thIti tret him1w ttitolata let Meltoy Patte" sitg, ecredl ltlyowtll a Assistant........ J. treed Laton- eilltt' 'arefoolly arrtttgetlporm.t Music and Drama...Earl V. ItI toreO Itt iOly l a1, 'ItrcSiet l thit' TI theopen~ttittg at'otffet'.olttt.'tta'wt Exchanges and Files . ... Dior'}13.13rtltY -ttalilrc= ln oe,atuttttsthe IPark,"'thle twtotecccelltries."'' 'ii." - Arthur J. Abbott. G S. Laslier,1 th'ir c I i wt ltttltltt'-. the at sty gtttatll l nd ttrks' clothe's. CtttgattIto Paul Leidy. ta a la c "tud t " t 'a Itt tt'r' foI tt' eltc hltttst' tltootn, h b ig ittretolit a: Oll A. J. Wohlgemuth. IHarold Macce. heit th le thtt'ttrelttts fetttredthl1', er H'arry G. Myser. Maurice Tloulttt. __________ Frank Pennell. Edward Rohle. ~ a~~a'a IITOTP111RSt'.3S(1 REPORTERS.V A 1CRI 1G ilS Lorett Rohinson. Robert illett. _________________________ 177 iII N1111t1101 Johni L. Cox. F.13. Slam, JIt-lS t It tot te I_ Thet'Ittllottintg isallttetitrilwc Ernest Idurtona. 13. M~. \Vakeftil . 1 'ti' ,'ttttd Ilrttts 'Ice applearecdin tt recetnt isstue ot tlte It( William T. Daugherty. Oscar B.eckmtan.ttil t 1,ttUo he itudttietiby ahI ro It..trttit New's. It shtts te ltattttdeofthe1 John IH. Townley. Wallace OWebte.I ~a 11 1. V o 1,1(11thtis Ii' tress ttwrth e Utti-ersilo: Gerald J. *May. Etmmtt Tt ay lor.tcri itttt the 61 111 t re cit'lli '1 '(f tt tttt t tttitta t'tct 1. C. Hlarold Hippler. J. Selig Y13 t-iittt I;chorl al. lTe totrks . l iis."t ate ltts fottoleed,fostet'etd and 1detc' BUSINESS STAFF t atil I at he110t\\<1arct' t.rttt t opod,111.tere is Itonte that htts celledtoi~ C. A. Bowman. A. 1R Dule7, 1wit toi oner{ ]iteItr, btitttt tepotlsill ttatitttatlIftttte. tatttlet't'ntorldt-toitde ha 13. Ray Johtostont. ElmterP. tlrteesttttllc,11 ' scvca eit ttt1lte pse. ItIte uivertIsit0 at AttttArhtor. The' lico C. H. Kleittstuek. Joaepht Booeit'td. I I il'srNt sf'is a("rak ftetetttttlgrotwintg' ittstittittt Addreaa:MIIGattuAN DAILY, tress Bldg.,I)I 'ct t'n tOit olasit wth>t lI 1 a tttttthe ptat-er in co-educratioatl 51 tlt Mtaynard Street. tcdati i tlist ttce ttl n tclmtwi tte leatdet it offerittg rettl.atnd ctolete Dffier Hours: Mataagittg Edttor, I-2 p. hlt111; ecr n tl itttt- 1-itt t ai tt11universityttr'aitnintgittthe wasatteo01 m,. attd II oo0t 1 Jop. Itt Dildy. t iplt trll 1oc wtrn 1ttt ofthta'tnt)lic Ittrtttttttesttf te Utniseraityo'ftI irl' Busittess Mattager, I-5, 7-8 Ittt. ln.t ittlla ttttttgavett' a l l a vIo ette tatany'. Iltttw tweli ltte eept Sunaday. Both 'phtottes tho. mli cs ital atopheret. lthat-elteettrtealized is attestetd ttto bytl.r uri n ae I It 110 it 1 ; 0 a 11111 ,i s o ' i s: f'citity, its ttradttles antttt itsstttdents- 1 1a~ti. i. i tiit r, 1op..13....... t t restge twhiclt tas inttulrntreflectetd c~t Nig t ;dto1--?n A1\i l.R0111'. Si iect 1 ctt ll Ictriz i;Schri-t Jttst wahtthe test ttf a it ttiersita 'a -, _____________________/t: nttrtht ts or shttll Iteis sotmethtinog-trol' I.NIV13RSITY C I' 1117. Ii 4ltitdctaIttLStti; tlgit oly ittossihle of tdeterttittationt. There I 3 t New and Second Hand lc,,xt Books Fotr .all Departments Note Books, Lab. Supplies, Shop Toots, Fountain Pens, etc., etc., Every Article Guaranteed DRAWING INSTRUMENTS AND ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 With Leather Case $7.50 You nntney's Worth Always at WAHR'S University Bookstore St1iltictto t cs ttlttays anel' I t 11 1 t.0 o strtes. Read e p wr, ttse I'phones, 1 t 1 tttto r friettds. tS Irvt-o'tt Irea't you right. IUtO/ON BROS. RetaKodak 10c Per Dlay ScraptBoo, preciat No.It) This Week Yourotetlice Tet cc (fo ttrteingi altt vedellSkl tetncedto ttt illfoItt halt tr sa lt thirdostlt aboutt t ear ral I rsaltc ittumma rtiIt ti-- ttittcn t Is,1 k,1 a poticte c'tnd ttjudicitary tt pu1sue1T11111 x atttivtt lieslt hat 1 r11 mo11dItt 111 11 ll It to ando rk tt i njury t o t -prtiipats1 is ttta rlI t ale to I th rec e lf ie g t y arttiest. St 1' Mtodera'11to ctil~t-c'oI.t t' to. lit-'l' 11jo 110 1.77 t.. ........... Cyom onStittlt.; trt \1l i It ttts ieg ttliol I it I tt IiIitcti ktttao Itta toI 1 i I-CH tot NJIlCH'itt' tttttHN Wilit ?;01 t 'i 'ktl ittt-I aer satot tt u 'ttttsmof licIco -tl tac'.a )' encdilthe .1"i tt =ite soloMe are it-eas atttiidelsi. 'Ati tere ore statttdtrcds.(Itlate there lot teen ptot-l t, teintite a greettettatotttgtttriecit\ ttrrsitdetts awl oiler leaders itt dceet') mct11cif lipicr edc'tionitthalt a 11010cr'" alto can do tno tolert' t-orkthan to bttildtierchatractersof ts tgra-ateo alotttt uchtitnues that thtey till ite]Ia- (Continued on Paie 3.) You can pay the price of FOWNES GLOVES and aot get Fownes style, I fit nor service. 1 llatltGutitars tore cotcedledti olbe te heat io inte world,,romot-'in aodttryi- thoemt. Sha.eberle & Soods, hNotir IlIootoc, Oto S. Alain street. G7-tif. I'ttt Det'altlOBate:o 0 tttt'tmhl iThese. to a i IttI Sxato itaoloin D t i Ito gLa , ft ti. e o r' tt' our01 LYNDON " Mid sWinter Clothing Sale, e All Faricy Cassmere arnd Worsted Suits anid Overcoats at Great Reductonrst rAll $10.00 Suits - _$8.00 All $10.00 Overcoats- - $8.00 * *, All $12.00 L - - 9.00 All $12.00 ' - - 9.00 All $15.00 - - 12.00 All $15.00 " - - 12.00+' All $20.00 " - - 16.00 All $20.00 is - - 15.00 All $25.00 I - - 20.00 All $25.00 is - - 20.00O ALL WINTER TROUSERS AT SAME REDUCTION" Main Street Allen's Good Clothes Store Main Street Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons Broken Lenses R1nd.Ei. Jolly's W E BOT L OSE HALLER 5 Dplicate in aeoupeaofIotrs. G a d Opening-Ilyaudntlt us Presa yor Clthettos ad otialttl1ytttCleaanttg COMPLETE We grind all eyeglass anti sp1cc-idRpiig E'SG TT G T E .W tace enesin-u on -itp. Lunches, Cigars d your wrk ceeaper. better, sitSmoretaro mpttotly tieatoitewaso p+L.p+ptal ~ Dp. Oulsts Prescriptions Filled CiarttsTobacco att ' Shr eaqatrsee onuie lbetre. =-Eyes ExaminedanPie.UiestSutrssgCo Fne welch and inertery ReariaW n R ~~i~ ..~ HAILlER'S JEWEL~RY STOREI m.A NO DAgents 3BaPipes' 70 ivesiBothitPheeeingaCo 210 South Matn tat Jeweler 220 South Main St1 N. Uiverity Ave. Bl.Poe 6 121 Wasbta kii t. RANDAh4.& PACK, Photographers Phone 598