The Michian ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN, Nt -IDiNI SD Il) 11. R\ aa r.i;ii Vol. XXI. N.or g SPRING ATHLETIC TRAINING BEGINS Track Men Met Last Night and Baseball Candidates Will Start Work Today TO PRACTICE DAILY IN CAGE blatntfort candidultesn fog-'track lan r (luing the sei-an )tonenedti atocr presentia thencmeting heli inthroh romof WaI \a'tman gimatonnin'TU,.. clpeein. 'TheIcgratir ipart f lic 11111 lprsent we r' cnidaiiite foraliitill'vr-' siyeiiiliut a lagc axnxxxbc rtr vicrnl 11 ltrtitintIll-tcA, Cat in JoeIlon ale thel mee Directoxrlaxthuaind nMainagr Goeti as ellasthechirman xsokec. (atain eess~ll in the Corxelli ndxxxi tixitcl 111001'.a1gleat deal of xx w t ax iteiriali tuit ,.tat n ahltis noitxxbolrnixbut imiade clmae tplcexfxxxims'it fx" cxTaier Kcx x xx lc i atlined hewot: for th lilt/iloming ear axxhowedtiati ther are placin in alm xtiver e i ed. Il as n worki ing wxill)so o the nett men111 bllis n xii liiiain iit iito lmakl and pixixlitix in ii g'a' xiittaposisibleli Nici si i mbexair. Hillis alo ditiandxoi he paix'ninitaiing aclexiiivn iicthe ax'xilgc' Dictor 11111 lmcarsphkex ixc =illyo 1,heytill meetiDeritii Celnt. Iir ltarix'ia hasalsx receveda tiniaici if arangemntsixi a n 1be1 mai e he first yermnwll lmeetxiheirepresenxtaies' Manageir xcGuitz'inain, "At at imthere- mt x for xe\innrnlas thecistisVeto' the -canidatealshouxaldalso coidrta I xisiwork underti rli. ltraxioi'ina ndcxi xxxcaxxxxx xxxiii xxnll: xxix o ''lxxx11:4 bahalcage thxiis ~afternn o greatihi pup is n te it xxegarixrati-ceof (Cntinued oln aPag 4.1 CRIMl'aSON C'lFST' A "UTHORlS NOT'' ''ll('()1 I ISNI;AGIN Genearal cairman He111rerax-rixn, of tl'hi Michigaan Unxioniiiopercommxaiite 1 aotedlatightl thai'Fal V. 'Motr "'Ilix'CrimsanChest"[havea d'elciaeal not IDiR. 'ANGI II TI(IJRNS FROT AIl EE 'INi IN NbASHINII ON. IUr. JcameaAcnItNagll aeturnedxastFri ilac fromaa kcxxas ilaxxil 1. C. ., iihare'l xc went tolxiattda etini-hg iof ith'eargnt ofxax-the Sic' ha'nlx''x'ia aaInsiutecan hilc c cly againstlilt'ha'a-call1prov iiinillthi prpsdconsiittionixofirizoni'ihich x will xlii rt l ax'e u ittedxa toi thel presi-c decnt. Ial 'e c'a lutha tiea tono tham causaxcould aakae thlc iwacnaleax' ic- Dr. Anaga-i lsom1cxplrs'edithe in ion thataleihaer Dr. John a Iimlaaa- o tr r. Iliarri' l'Garieclxciasucced ('oa. NWood- naw ilon lxxixr1eidexntcllofiPrictn NOTED READER ON S. L. A. Leland T. Powers Appears Here Next Saturday Night Next atmcxiailaavxening citi c ala'oc,. -xxiii '.I' lixaxo thin elx-aa'l-nownu da - i ma c'ad 'r'.ofxlotnx.iill tacut'hi-eii S-. 1, . upatformi ra th i agit 'altin alti e in aout a ail nyxxiS cars'. T'11 a r cx Mr. I'xxxxxirns tiill gtill araatcic' r'adiig of Shxakesparxeax''n" h''' x'''a'mingii of 'i l Shreawx'aand cxif thex uopiin of a \cxx- mo i f culy a n111 ii rhan x i lx 'lau'chter liwilie oingbohi t of lthelilmnosal carmingxMr, lwrha tic-i'ga iven ix Ax A rbaitr. 'aastr.I xleIcixa l m xnv imiaos l snlltc' fllpi rpo1111 and te xxiii hi igtitohu a1r1aciier Ihesen lix '' lift'a iais a n aatli Ihumoaxr traitb- lx r M t adxis lain .:;1(1 'ru at hosl~x.Cl'+i - caure'''isneveix'a' lxxIxl t-t axial ol i ilaic' effeca'in thexlistniiry a c 'etcI-r i f iiia'x. Ile is ice-ae'' \7 NNIUALaIaiS'I'1 SN Fbi I1' i' c. laborac v'ala to decox''xra is a-I Itia t ic'the aittiaial lI' cTamipaltxof lt s lx-i xxii' gtlasc inlt a s t a'ite iax i rt - ~ Iy c 0'it ir n wear'givent-ax a'ach iiga' _ mem'iaaers ofta heiii Iaclta lax'rc' presem'i it' Ragi saar 'axialMa. Artur'G.IIi. ll a Ii ie p1ieceocheta'x wxc a s t '1cc' c'i ia a' e ahiveimenltindr taeltoea'cearsh iptiltxi\F s . Iir of lta'elUnieriy1..C A f till cncall sr i esx ofl' eti'x nex Fiay, a Scatract, adalainix xxR at Raids Onaln (i Fritla tr illxbe nilst ldett n axheachightscnalaxa l t ialtax a adloniSat'uIda1 itoeimen liltelguest t x liarhe cii. I aiixa xcixics wlill b ldxc aicax arlnawh a-ill makea thetli 111reI nut taaaalC'a'xixntxca, lxxall IFo'('aJ aix f ailao Wndta ea bcalx'i l 'l, TI a axGIuxise iad\N IL.'Tikr. R 11 II l 'O'llzia WATKINS OBTAINS ___O N A COVETED PRIZE lainalc laes B trI ix axtIbal xi Ibtiit, I tic i ci' b ax, iti xi Well-Known Michigan Student gin a a t I ixxii I'i 0 tit In (oi 'I xI Ii axcal\ItgNlagoaa" i-i the ni t liel n a Is Successful in Rhodes liturilxtlai i; n11.I Scholarship Exams tailGlin, sxn t x s~1 1 lladhspbishdinbx l ,hM\s~ Ic - o h anaax poa emix lx in the ls x' te- LEAVES FOR OXFORD IN FALL He tlx i xiisbgto hereii 011'yxtheI a il il' aill ctiaxax at7a )cldx JamesanKeir NN akitix. 'cal, wasx;mmx-cl'l Mar. olixg xwilhefl "ue t f ch a\I, thea Rhodes schoxxlacrnhipiat xi fordlaxai t nitaff tcia t a lc' tihi LMii at' mtcin giofItha' jaadges'yet rdxa'rx lc t utret. xasing lt'eacexainaatioant ix9o, Ito PRESENT STORY AND MORAL as lc te fr'o'' m'h l aa Igroup fla inem, all otail- whomi tooktx fie x cnaicxlaf'atcelr ItoAntiTuberculosis Filmsn at 11-ou didi. ThI rca' oflthie c e110 ab'cllace' Vixc-Prove of In erest Ihe , llotHe nela' i i Nt'xc, thoalla tl Colilx'ge, adalC' N 'aiaa'a' eI' 'axxo'b Al -Ni Whiat tlila lxx amxi - ' ' -'1 b1 uau, i who tatnaxthelix amutii a la ty ha aopedxal xix t im l all ill xhe eligiblae i te xt lt-n t ion of'a' pealing its c ,',ito'ItinAim a-i xx inx 19131. 'Tilex'jaudgxens xiiho ii ae lthe xxai i s n it ithe lio x li lice- of ta' suprmeortaat oxxx f xM ichigan, 'iIr b iiig'' l toull ustatxtx c11 '.~ Presidnicat iH. 1i"tIiatchiuuxnPrIid heia N liitihrlxai pet' T~e n .e l 1 r F.B eskox l mblax Coxl"a I 'x'Pres i t'speciallyxhix (hin t o'I prieta nt i itax b .icll e 'u'rnofHobeCil ale, atd Ua xl ial uarm. a sx>,rian ai malt I' Reeaxal 'b ooraxi pxix fits Iarciargl h ot pc~d of 3::0 pounds xto yearattuitiis ole t telca ni tbrcdii \r: for Jtree I iears.iaii n h Cul l, 'o;.11h ii These r ills t ' \ c iid it\I i' i ii ii illeit il 'n t I'll'n I ilala"d . lai I ''''x he p -ol l dr ; xi' ii n x ' ua Hf ilo'' ots a . taaaaofaThoman l iixtatxtheyiuinimad 'Jix \attihx i C nt erx thei'i 1 xix for the t at xi' 1- ii al ed ros .xiii''toi 'l i ti t t ndg N11 hut hulk lxx courtii i n lg icltd aond te r~ ,1 Dei t xacx n i f ba'sx t sat . xx - itita xhisiihe bx hitiofxtteu. tt 11Ix at ie'yar! titi c l ch a a l (xi~ei xxx ofxs(rIlt i, xlg i i tiii ira t in t ia11:mI t -t xxi V xast tt ' l' texaxaam, xteicl '.uofia siel ' 'itithetdnil, sat', ui ti olu- ic ISe AOSulCuclpiERtofeRxixi lthrpe i'a tntiti Ii ' ' opers. lic igeu a tod I~i11rc ir (thi, n e(' of Ill lilt ilmsI ela il: 1' wil iout lave Michautfo Spak see ~ cir airl, \hrxi ith a111110 l onimatle rn ce' fllriltx nc 1 rntaxuomets-.i ' ii naty i xi ii Ctlienexxenixi xxtlife. In''x'' mi' t -Il, c'\ --ii ilhihia xx \llifnetofNthxiitiit xi 1x'.a onaxagx "xAtanaalo ilx x leiF' '"a' oix hr s eai nIx i xxx xx h xi. Nsaita ia iauiIilatnthinfes lxif iNesu xaatpic wninii 1ar'' xc~ ta liii'c liter xxatriltx h ex uivaurua tyaxfxle ' fii'theiafflictedax ,- i~Mted Pais, i ll lth t uixre l a theoax isube t A M-. N la e f a or" ;ltr i xxax anclax'illaraaxx h a I xxx xxxi lc eiaxtt xxutnt. 1 te xxi twate i ( xi xi\, x lit fall ioi l ebrularxx hit cntthae ii iita in xaxrich a I ''ax or ITis uilo"Ifluilti- ofg t lli crxi ttit\ ' ' tind innhexgiatiI'ht It n lain lxxxrc 'NI a Mx' iarae lanf irG xxixaie l iii al- ls a le a p- s he ,a1 lhuhpr apsunaliar t thaxaaluaxialxaaa flls xinImc xix lxi'. ir''. d tie highastin itll cal tai nmenlua ,lforIa ci e aillo t ntp ic o;a\I ai xiii tutu ai the n 10t1 lxiii r. xx a-u ith at St -at-ax hi i BIG MEETING P-08TONED B oisho Chos. 0. 1 Of Detroit, Speaks in the Auditorium of Newberry Hall Today, February 15, 5 P. M. Sharp All College Girls Invited _ .. - f - . . .._