THEMICHIYGAN DAILY Trouser Sale are rrakhn~ a re- $100 on~ each WirkteF - weilght Trouzser ina ou.r shop, re- gacd~ess of the parice. An early selection counts ouer Sprting Lima. Is Now Rsaedy I Karl Malcolm, 118 E, ibery GALL AND SEE THlE New English Styles 7enryaendl.Compa ny 71 .Uriversfty Ave. Hotel Cumberland UNIVERSITY NOTICES \11 i t 'c' X M i rP. 1[ 11;+i i r: t4, . \ a en \1 n "P 11a Ilc , ,1 r in inn 1111ti iiii nlplc.> 1 i ' 1 ~~tl l il e nalc itt t1.h,\i'(1 that r i t , 1'c h i 11 tine1.(a-1 o al 1 1~ it1 i cr 1 1 n it t il' 1t111111 l rt I lt 1 i'iw 111:x: 1;ltsc ii an d 1 .A k( 11 J\ HA 1 ' rtiii c :C1 1 tag . 1 1 . li ;il , f 1 ( 1111 r111 I t I C'" !: i y l 1ii i t t(i nun tr1 ci ; t l 1-i l )1 , it n l of1i11 'I'1 1 1 11 - 7"i,1li 111 it lG 'i 11111) 1 1l ".,rc' iii1", th ill lnt h )I\" "11 ;1111it1 II '' c1 :t11ill 1C Ii II 11 11 - 111]1c 1'"t\' - lu istI 111t lls 1c c tl ii K I *l t In: 11 111 11 "jI ll. 1 1., t K ic I 1 II lat II i s 1:1'1 11),)d n il,(tI 11 1 t 1 o. P 1-D iI nll ct n r ttJnn , 11c cinlc sa th t wN. 1i c } Ill . 1)11c'r~-. ~ a i ilt Ne'w'-Whiney Theatre Cxxrtala 8.15 P, M. Lae arverzatri seated epraerptly. THURSD AY, IFEBRUARE..Y 16 A Great Scene From a New York Boardig House Henry B. HarrisPr ets A PLAY OF CITY LIFE A NM I W ", Jr M DY 4 ilion. ,lp tI' IlzlrtIN. Y. Iil t .i i 11 1 C .icago Original Newv York atnd C hictigo Cotst a d IProcutimi Prvices: 35c, 50c, c i 5 e4 $.50 Seats Now elti%, come on in they Reading-s Fine! The Mimchi n Fily01 For th Second Semesterso 0 $, 150 Subscribe NOW and get Januiary "'ssues Free FEATURES: ".J" Hop Numbers, May Festival Stories, Base Ball and Track Dope, Saturday Calendar Supplement, and all Campus News. WINTER SALE oF MEN'S FURNISHIGS Red~zctlirs of from 251'( to 331I MFikr(sCo Fiteor M c r& e iart I< S. W Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., Neal' 50th1:SL. Subway add 8tt St. Ited. NEiW YORK s 4 ,, . KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome , Special terms for College Teams Ideal Locattion. Near Theatres, Shops 1 and Gentral Park 3New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Ratea, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. ;I11' 11 'N S ( 11 111 [)''S lakcll 1 1 ,.1" s ;t 111 tm altun )t I'( ia "111 Cotttto \ t1tl., '1111Fri- S t.,l & 'Connor, rttgm(od Frec 1"\ at :l ullc' } 11 It. UNIDER THE MANAGEMENTr OF Harry P. Stlmasort, formerly with Hotel Ilmperial. K. J. Bin Eaah., formerly willh Hotel Ws~odwartd AT TUTTLE & CO. CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Lunch Room Under Hluston Billiard Parlors You cat fiad a fine liar at Confectoery_ Charlie W~/eigand, Prop. I \' lisn .1 tlin L'nin'nnnity 1 -J. C'' } it t In n innnnnn ) 1311 )'i4ll \ il~l~l n r~il~s. IF) t hI Mexican :Indian :Blankets I'lls: 1 or EST onr your College lisor:, 1Den, IA gr oar t in ittom ; for Causes, Iugs, Cnoutchn lCov ,Portieres andIWatllIDecorations tORGtEOS COLOR EFFECTS BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS! llttii nunl:'lbnyaies; all wool, fast colors The Most Acneptable Hoalliday Gift! pyour IAVORI1'Tl background Cololun 7ft. tie. x 31t1 int......... $ S.00 it8Sn. xatt.31......... .4.00 S1t. S41n. x 21t. Sint.......... 3.00 Set at three ioeeoa each size) 10.00 t Aslnlln Crag rlnItltlcjf'aidlln :receipt otf price. truterllay .: Al otney Iback if yousan~t it MEXICAN BLANKET CO. Aguascalientee, Mexico The Blue lea Room Olpen laity fromnn,:30 a. nto 7;30 P. t. Sunday from 3 to 7:30 P. M. Orders taken for special parties 1221 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Phone 1696 Wee-k-End Fare Detroit and Return Michigan Central' Gon;o ltril t trdaty'It nd tSal,- fo l ti- 14 1 11:1 . WE French Dry Clean A Sutt or Overcoat,75 Suits Pressed, 25c Trousera, fl0c REPAIRING Fuller & O' Conllor Tailors, 619 E. William St. onae696-2. ILadles' Hair Dressing, $hampoaing, Manicuring, Faaa Massaga Rain-Watar Shampaos A Spatialy Altlfat Tos adfowela Sterilized before Mrs. J. R.. Troamonsewkt O 0S.Uniersity NUTWOOD 2 for 25c Best Made-Merit in every Thread --Majesticam 'ONI1iHT Melody Lane Girls Souvenir Matinee Wednesday 3 P. Mr We are Headquarters for Engineer's Supplies Drawing Instruments Drawing Boards 7 :Squares Pefls, 'Pencils, etc. Student's Supply Store 1 1 11 S. University Carriage and Baggage FurecrtCouaple to aad from parties before lts'clsck $1.50, after 12 oclok $2.00. For each Trunks to or froma door, te price wilt be 25 Cents. If cacried Io ore from usp-Stairs, the price will br SO Cents. Drivers are required toscstlec tcai: torecarri age ad baggage servtne. WALKIERt'StLIVERtY ROBINSON & CO. W. It. STARK~ HOLMIES LTVEL~Y For llorficvi(v ., Coll"1111 Agents i ALWAYS AHEAD IN M LVtJ T THF TAILOR, Tli i BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAILORING