'- T 4$ I 1A 14 AIL Gross ONLiberty A. G.SPALDING & BROS. The Spalding ouer the world7 PtpING sptsandpsiiiis. MARK ,* ,ectl hwlc acoepy of eclclpia. ofe is knoowni ttrugott 'N the werldi as a WhtsNe nSport Qsa..lity ;ce t. A. ex. SPALDINIG t~. BROS. 2514 Woodward Ave. Dletroit, Mich. THEFt ARMEIRS AND MECHIANICS BANKI MAIN AND HURUON STREETS Captal $50,000 Surplus and Protis$100,000 General Bathing Businets. 3 peercent paid ot Time and iaeings tDeposits. Safety De- posit ko'enos to t ent at $2.00 and upwards Rt. Recipea, tre-. C.. (1 ttesrYeas.Vice-Pies. [I. A. W1ViAitoo, Casiee P. T. STOWE, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitol Stock $300,000)Suepius $50,iii iResores't$2,S000 A GeneralBnaking Business Traansated UrcFIeLS:t Chat. E. Hiscock, Prenn.; W. D. Barrimatn, Vice Prees.: M. J. Frito. Canhier STATE SAVINGS BANK Caitl $50..0)0 sot i/us 75000 Resotutccs $1.20i1,010 Wint. . Booith,Pres. Witn. Arnoeld. Vice lies. C. J0. Watzi,iCshier B ma~mrica sains dank Cormserialek.1 grind Sa~vins Cov-. Malmo, and Liber-ty Strviata FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or :ANN Anlttet, MICItL E1. It. KtNNE. HIARtISOrN SOUCLE Pres. Vice-tees. S. \V. CLAiiI(OCN, Cashtie. (Sipitli.X$100,001) Sur1piusoanttlProfeIts, $0001 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING , 0/tttilsrlfroejPage 2. XV.N.I~l~iL) I per 66 liclicofIC a il l"twaito bte .40 ir,71r) b! his ,-) I tst be itt t!. I u t Ipn d h r asn n titliht loltany who is tipt intt thepat. i id 'it :o t trt. :find te Ii t ti tae cccl i~t a a l s t f"a te -t udnted. siin < Igc mll lthe N w itit iNThtt rel T hursda11 y.1 ev-making_____________ for_ textSam-_F_)._t_,__________lc v I 6newttc edvi ()- m rC alS..tl t I,. Sweetlad, 2SC i n-ct i a n S.L usvstn e I~itiler O~ontioraToiletscittithelttheatr, chotwasta ott ceno) tq 1.tlat iCs St11. Un ias h ll)tt ic al o te i ttt it Sill ph nC . J.Lttiry ldat1> c a ll 1 t11S))) i tt itt) 1 ltltecre tto l ay t thel iarit. I cst-1 g ld atc fo, i whch as cd erslft it h rditt .hl . S a ittlt NilItOili iittl dg t~sii Sc N w N i litiit rgte e sa uotheitic tet tirt) SitheChinc. Rewil. ttit;IcI" )o eitt ccl cdi up ot ofitc "ivn I reat Ja ismr Inventory of AY ,a s Boy's a11l Ch i:rti At 20> ISC~l SALE BEGINS Al ONC f $10 Suit or Osercoat - - i $15 Suit or Overcoat . il $20) Suit or Overcioat , I $25 Suit or Overcoat w All Trousers 20(/,off Iiels ci td t U derwear 20,1 off Oats, Cop,Gofsc Sweaters 201/;off-Trunk-s, lats, cod Suit Cases 20/ off. 211 S. Main St. Fresh St r awberries At the Soda, Foxusitnis Calkin's Pharlllacy 324 S. IState 2$t. 4eoru United Lines C )r i t t d i llto Livtciln cp ri I 1. c ttttti , e~otot I'illEi ci ottct:i lt 'tI i c I) it ic rze tutu Ann °trti as and extra service Its-pot Jyspplied. Relene lnendeinger tI;i ii 110 ittejrt ctation 5 t 9YWomen's" :.:Ae lfc LIld Is Footwear t . t1 t e ;tt;ts Athleicp Heods ,t [ . I ro- , 302:. ,State St. ~P A1LY &EDMUNDS nr i t5tI Ant Atbor, SMichigan . G.:ndsdcoetstcoodtImeireair- ittat I222 M.teic. o cttticcscftil operteictu. NatintiGeitars tccceccdtort Ile ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOl ite becst intIhe w-cdI coe inaitt tttt y1/ pptcit Ci. Cct ,ic Witili, -)o1 themct. Sciticitetic&- Sotic, NuIttc Ilue lltS. Nlttin treetcciGEO. V. STOLL, Pcopinifn 67-t1E 4 Doors From" Freddin's" j SilkA new line of this popular neck- wear just in-50c to $1.50 IWAGNER & CO. !See Our Window pSTATE STREET Gibson Mandolins anl The best Instruments of the f'landolin and Guitar Familly ever Manufactured Try Them Before Purchasing Any Other Make EXCLUSIVE AGENCY AT UniversityMsic ous Press Building Maynard St. l Eighteenth Annual MAY FESTIVAL May 1A-13 Four Days-Five Concerts Thtefallowing soloits have-aredy brrtn enigagedt, wihienegtleiatn are pestlitigwith notr. i in- uc iater; Bernice Dr Pasqunli, Prima Donna Saipran. Metropolitan Opera Cs. Clarence Whitehill,_ Base, Metrs- palinanOpera Company Florence Malford, Mezzo Hoeratio Connell, Baritone Recd Miller,,'Ienor Sybil Sammis-MacDermild, Soprono The Choral Union, under Professor Stanley The Theodore Thomas Orchestra, unaderrr, Sleek' lie salr af teserved eeat ttcketi foe ihe Fes-iva ill hegtoinotdaymon ing, Ftehbtiaryp2o, at Ike University Sctol o10Musie, anditltllecontinue til io anitdutingte festival, 41st yevs-r L I OONA41st yeas- Arans As-bor-Bsnrah Snt Nie c O t s a-Arbd The . s One-half block north of it - 5 IngaS. lls1 Coffi eIandtiti li I T I II L .t it, Boe*,.rd, - $4.0 per week 4 weeks 'Ixr~va~c 35 C. J. SESSONS IL r .,.,._- a 5