lIE M'ihIGAN 7DAILY ~~-I~TE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. II. WILD CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. HI. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S. STATE STEET iypcawritcrs, ALL PRICES The Studets' Typewriter Sppy Co. Rooms 4 Press Bilding. Opposite Majestic Text Books New and Second Hand All Departments DRAWING INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 With Leather Case $7.50 SHEEHAN & CO. STUDE) NTS' BOOKSTORE C. E. BARIN[L[ BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law and Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, etc. Complete line New and Sec- ond-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE. STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Managing Editor-Let A WHITE,. Business Manager-NORMsA I..HLLc. EtITOS. News Editor ........ Iarod Titus Assistant .............IHarry Z.. I-sD Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant ............. . Fred ~awt: Music and Drama...Earl V. Aloore Exchanges and Files.... Din ',. B ray EDITOInAiLS. Arthur J. Abbott. G. S basher Paul Leisy. NIGHT EDIT0RS. A. J. Wohlgemnuth. Harold Msc~e. Harry G. Myser. Maurice Touln. Frank Pennell. Edward Rllie. RtPORTERS. Luores.ii :sobinsn. tRo iri(ill: i. John t. Cox. F. E. Sliaw, Jr. Ernest Burton. E,. M. Waeiel. Wiliams T1'.Daugherty. Osa Blekman. John H-. Townley. Wallace Webe Gerald J. May. Emmitet Taylr. C Harold IHippler. J Selig Ylln. BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowman. A. R lDilley Myer Rabin. Kenet Osrn E. Ray Johiison. Eliier P. Grierso C. HI. Kiesstuck Jseph loucslari. Address: MICIGANs DAtY, Press Bd., Maynard Street. Office Hours: Managing Editr, -a p. so.aid1is:o-si1:3o p. il. Daly. Business Manager, I-5, 7-8 p. ., lIx- ct Suiday. Bols 'phones yh. UNVERhSITlY CA\LlND1)AR Pebruatry 14- Vs Ins i age P- examiinatiun Party hitchbou and Wsatermian tgymniasumst s Fetbrsary13-Classs rsime. Michigan owschothc i lunits::if the ciy of NessYorkchems ch toumni k ~e arltibt n Cad as rod ndtiasie.teoucii te\irit sit sTotcosie elt ctili. itieged to lt- tend lithsetfbanquette ew lii:sitia:lumn itsale aitiinewiiii meaingin iiitil t::rm' uniesiy itizeshiliipan iSA.concept::f ih dty o umns- i,: ewsnsecttof t the fcniroomes tic rospelt. uphI ilic frie tsthttmusteicoe ofthe s ic lii,\- it hase tc-it ltoAihgn I l noi tttisto hr I iii tisili i that:: the)alumEXAMfNVk t bNI IT Ti hubsrtiniin:t advanctte oftisrtic lustte feent'eicit M :titiiRttheyire k i::si inciting.lIaitt:etisit kitimighi teot::cc thssfr esrgti \vesl latid, issue thingts ate.It ftcisiltapitalt'' il, m ~ rs , I The latiec silt he iii theiina ture-ofii viteitltis- prCstyunda inetitiei-sce- Cic-ti- ira utinder the leadership of lIce icel ee has several features itoioffer. l);mitit wiltt O tigt it8:30. Ttsetttlierittisn fur tie psicy see to ibe Mrs. 1 Iarrs- I. IIntttuesiiand le. Arthur CG.Hllt. Pickets at $icto sre itw iti-itsaiti Sheehasboorkthshore. CLONEl. TALKS FROM CAR _-----___(t11tc ant' Ewamia Roosevelt Makes Short Speech While________________ Train Waits at Station -tIii ERCctii s 5 sIUN i: Iii i h i Iiin \ h- hi i i Col-'(it litsic hot-cs itill haves txt ratcs-:si i- i( ]i ili - 1 i-, o - Ctice. Ile arriediii ig i:- ccithe icc-c-twee . (i:O -ti e --aId'i: far ie.1- ad ( espeich, hearl-dinI 4S ismuel i :P. Is-ii-:iiii silt give the Iifthi -ii:: I