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October 13, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-10-13

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The Mic;higaDll
ANN ARBOD AMNIIT( ANP T I ) 1 DA C'DlI k 3, 1)10.

Vol. XXI.

No. ij.

Varsity Work Though Improved
is Still Marred by Much
Mi chilgll's Ifinet shoed t1emslve~s C
on1 t1he'gridiron 11 eChilcsdy 1or the first
tim 1sice tie Case guzeI, (1001111 two
Me1r 1 in a111 hoirl of11ha1r111payAler-
te iradtilld quarter 111( il 11Is wie1111the
11111111teiliiisquadllppos18edi theis
illote l~tIi1.o periods.1Thelinah1l count111
1111g iltmandefets11111re11sills Cr8
parnt TIheilCI attaclio'1theireulars llis-s
wha 1 flil 11were 1aboutl 1111 1a11complisied
someth1'ing o1 onsquece. Sevra
iltrlsi. h11111 111111811118of to Var
s1it 111hacks idropilil theibill I when1 11tie oil
I Iet' ollline was but a11. few81fee1
Pill Varsity'sIlltack wasvariedl ut
nothlingIl"sarlin111111 hs' wa11 of iesof
the 111181 1111ods eeih5 lelt tidfrh
co11111Shift formtions11aflld1)18litlos.
Ielarel used anI d were111ii111 il.1 generally
Wrenitolet", 1n8111111ehtsforltis ssmeits
o sill1t 1111a111 1111l1d11i11on fhe 11111 11111
at 1f1lbaci thii 1 111 111th e stiuleIar
h1 opig gill, e1111d"h (len prlehethe
Hispitingan asigee tex - es
celleht 11111'eral 1o1111islilcseven. t eir
gad lo h lta vleofatil rh
i''opposing hacksi often115miesse isle
111i111 1 lI'llld1in 1ubstntialgins1whe
heViyends eVrsionth es'leiitoiiel
11IntI g red giseres amginstwithe R-
Isalpwesnd oindginPg fo ln.) im


_ _ _ __

By the action of the Senate Conciil
Monday evening a committee nas ap-
pointed composed of Deai Reet,[Dan
Bales, and Professor Hutiber to at as
a permanent ody to co-operate sith
the Sudeit Council. It is thought that
this committee will sork as ai iter-
nediary eweeii the Concileneiandi
the Seiate aiitl sas devisei so that the
Council ight have a sronliger 111111 over
the sndent ody.
Diean Reed stated iTesa in r egrd~
to this, "The facly is heartily i sm-
pathiy willh the wok of the Stdeiit
Coiiiiil. This csiomsmittee is 111 assist
it in keeping good order in every way
possihle. It was appointed siniply to
advise with the Sudeiit Coiicil."
Thiroughi 1n11 rror ii Tesday's
DAILY i was iiferred that this com-
mitee was but temporary aid fomed
fior the prpose of naiig pais forsa
night rush.
Director St. John Enthusiastic Over
Material at Nand
Thlat (le idiicatiois foe astronlli
Mic'higanssUniouiso018111thiswineiiiale is
of the brigtes, will le gtsherel Ironts
iirector St. Joitisiswiods atlle loCsse
f the tryouto last eeninig.
"TPhe miaerialsipresetedliis ee ~tc
thans lst51ea1," ill.sa'"iso a
1119111r c11888 Till.voicels forlte lcho1111us
areisnusiuai'yiivoo111111 so much111capahlc111
1111e111Isissisiownu thtie will hile ii
1O11r 8aihundsredlc8111i111t11(8till iir
lsst ight for till. drmalticlandidscing1111
parts Till.manag1e(111811assitp11f1111111s
iill st'rlrk v efois~re tirls of the1
aI prodution asli 5polssile
"Wear wllsaisi iths te 111
.tihingsare going," saiCai srmnsssp15. 11
Block. "Tihl. wori s lien1811srted
erlier 1111111eer before '1111 iheelwil
le (((lre tlle Ifsr deails."
A poster contiest folr the iws'1op1era
iill ie saredi us a sseek.Als n'ne
Inil 1f whas~t is s anted viwi 118'eilmadel
att tlissm111.
The 'aw fac'sltylhassa 518e'wlmemible
this year us AssI Pof. Vi. Ml(18 Ii
forerl il(eof teUscvCuss(1111of 8(111a18
ka. 118essillssegi holding11"casses thiss
wee lthoughiii ia8 1551pa'r'tivsey'yi'll
man11, 118 5 issig thue pla181 of1PIof.
11. Bresi1 tr whoismov11d8tisB1ou811118
Coliorasdiilast sls'pring 18111cco1unt 111111r
heslh.Itis15expecedl thati IProf Me
Luces ssill le a1 permanens.It 111m1111(1of
the law faculty.
Asst Prof. Es'ansHlbokl ha11 i s takeni
Prosf. Brewsster's iplee as editr f till
(ROs. R1111TA51S'1N51.155(15 I 11111i 8(11
Abont eighty were tpresesst at the miee
'ing f the tForesry' clbla stsiven''ig
After a businsiess meeting, Prfes1881
Roth spokle oii'Iis trill to 1Esr(ie.dslr
1119g the ast sumer. Hill.estss-Ct(
pecialy on the conidiionso111till fune818
ill the cdiffereit count11res8, isisirngsli
ismiressesd 11)011the stden~lts till.n((8(-
si' of arry'nlg 0111thewsvisr81el.fors

Adoption of New Constitution
Necessary Before Polls
Are Opened
proval of 1118 Comiii in1111 111 tis
1(111' D i''iii''tiiii 1 s ;sir wnui a u i
,adopt11 tils year 1 t it h 118 slsuhtely'
.118888 iii li it te ati. e.1 s i s 11 r1111
-ram Ihe ifollowedini ll o il- cls

ALl, f1iAIl! I IOill1).IT'ES.
At 111t 1isseasn1her )ae 5awas
greatiersir 11essiiniimiir ofiflilictinig
111188 'rra''nged.'h Toli 111111till.resiulting
confuilsionl liiiCo11111111e11oniiNoi-Aith-
'stil 81r11a1izaion.; hste issus d111h11 li-
Ahl 1hlllsde 1111giii tis iust1111]oins
lsti tcomtilleeiliat1ltloficeh ofshe'
C ill isitci n i tseii oldsiri i iii ii til's me
if 'nS ort'iesi om'Isleis eeigsi-
cided1iuponiiindii obviouslyti thisill i ll-
Itireditolciaige theeiridates' lie toigive
1u1 till. ii 811 iiilihits li that 8'v 118111
of tue ofittiseiiareiithe8follingtutu'

Annual Clash Arrives Saturday
in Form of Triple Pole
Flag Rush
'The fes hshh' ush will h11 held
I' hiiishouneme'iwsi'ii ade bysis t he i' 18
Stets C uiit ls'' full ssii g thei.ples nt
in 1o ne8w rues(1 1's I'CC uiii'hi I
1111 isp i (ml. Till.' w 118 11' i 5sis <i re-
v isi(flast vears nestlis.


I I.CIliI ,i,. «sit. .sit iiF I FD 11.iiiV], 811 8 11(11 1111 III a (11111 ely111 1~
Thei port io heiss 11 itituti 1111 liili _____ - __from-' lit he18siiihomores.il 88 Iiisiicindii 18
deaiils i i111 ihihui .'iiii ehos nd eetillsis. NEW COUJRSE IS PRACTICAL 1111n imust aIproach theI edi polesiIII iii
;II slhhsh 1185 lii he lhwil11 ,..iiiiie fr ops 1111 13181ite sills of thl i eld
N ili ihi llhi 8 shiali Ihe 11a11e11 m11 tlei I. i i nts s will Ihe iiiiiiii Iliforthei ck811
t idid sit n 1Is iiiiier. Prominent Newusspaper Msien wlliiLec- hint iihellihle flag at the11111ofi
I flth his siat ake pa1 111ce thl e condih I ture to Classes in Journualism tseisontlist sumt 1111 ishis carpi fo th
Saturda after the no intioinis s'c roinsh'it 11new saps'er (ii is if the uthuser los fla's. "Islie tli'e u is ii
8111' 1151isss I l. toi h iith N i i r1(15 mite ss is oul Irstr iin is
'hihihihi hai h an ciii ts 1h oad - s'a'e'have 'sen1sf 1 '''' ii 118r1181111811.
lIiii stii 81188 ilsil s ''I ptlsilii s h ul 118 o t hist' d ofd fe seto b
I_ il hlluiil.sedhi ii ths 55by'''I 111 ti hl f sh i iii liiitit11e1cl st
eah 1pliii atlasihridasbelsrifth silore n Jorals . f ther s h u itermsilss inoi i fteenii i
fr elci . li bo r sh l cns t IhoCgil im ril y its ndd h thitsuCesCwIsishe1-1%,c 111111 sit h h i-
1811tsr stiju sitsit a iditwosclirs t i situh ° liiis11881 it' i t(1588 wsit aper, tiomeshyf iii's\'ih list i f tit -cstills pri e."
Iiii isucf tsi s s uu ith is Isla hllyil is sse ssIsal)-i T~t5 hss 11 fh i cae s s isuse iss heus fo
pl . (18. Iiies.the istsus isti ssFO sumiuuwd]('hiis chillsi
No 111d111 (111111list sha'iheiliii' idl il hts sll 85111ic.s m5ah5ofthe ll s s aI i red offill
1111's fullisheds i m by's sthssI lv is I 'us'ce f ie fr te fouriet 1181 s jur isi t ic ''' 'hilt bj's tisis h co s tss t i s tol whilst
the class. co~~th iu se te sicihom tei'oets rIp
'L '30 1,111sisseaoflssote111 111181 ttli sslass11m11T1e ('''; tis M sI W 1i18 l hspeiiiIn 'stheI uss(ss-
whichhe hs th majoity-of hs- wo s. Noeffthis wuill ae 1h'ii's yet ehh~ile d ie. C 1118(1. tsh titliste 11osin 1r1we1
Thepols hal b o81(11the u alag ei thdepar tl 'iitmetof turisl in l ovesI I it 111tir l hits. Ifa m n als
jugsNI oOR'NU lock nEdcsiVe N is the l 5lriptitl l iii till issose1585ati a hi118111 nenhits usuuussuts)uus tit ustilst
11 s3uit 188fwelq aife e wl e 1 s uitega in is 5fe shllsoreis tiil li
Tryou .tstra nboh lStfshaviiihe useld. 1118u 11(d81 ihin h et etfwtas te tg t oel 11 Iiwho18( S i li i1118 iis tt s clitti wn i sis yhi
il.55W Ct i th 81e 11881fma ig Nth cou1re his remtitn h eust iii th11us tsh is t cu e
strosngias' possible,' tsuitupple18entarys \Vllsits itsetus11118,Chasf secured(1thesesve
SE I R A NU L N E SME1 etre1ypat 85mn aepe a-Ih 111 i 1 5'. eotto te101
hi_ sss hi raingCed i it uiitus ts u thleutsties:uilssut hlts 's'ne 11po itiifor
Trit s farii 18 i Bo hIS afs il e el seust1111 ehtuhr111 n th'e' corse' xiiill si i"l s uitti' tuu'uissusu il
88 i 'uit'5'e tau iiisI lii sil esel lit 5555 usC slts (1 i~esi (tihh t he til. Cr's i dihe.' T'iryeinsses h
IX ii s ull Iii11 11 11151 usiii 11111 S~ishllsNiCi~1 lstsst~s~( I 8Suihil til11111118l ifte lulsfor iithey 15s t le l lac-
ill. i hitllill 111 ile _ I exaus r Ilt Cthiun III I i uvit s iss srase ith e s endui' s f thi
"It w illsbige15 nd8 ettrsh an1151815 grduatean ust e cisieeiorase te r
beoe Tis slush uues 'wa 'y C t h iii' [(Isi( 111(8Ica1neiihie . s11 plte" .XC ~l f1

1118 tryouits wisstch wsill ie118heliions tile-
itvmonn ati tenttht9 iI 'itcilock in ithisPress
buiiing, Juiosi wihosimsuitgCo11111 tis
vC ( swtilbei inesCfull thu s ition of
buine118 5ss'anager' 11881 15111'Thss sit'rk
sil shiosisht 11handllilgtshts'orres'pon1-
1111(1andtushs titsiult
Plce ol he sitalsifsf1wsillie
dldin tfles sume situ 1sthose In hul eis
buin'te ss8111ff.QCandidattes frlo istioshl
shutl 'ld sc l.' Nast'i ius' ?ithii' Cecslt Imo.
IA u onsSuitSsutsayits
tR'iSh I(I ASi' TOill I, t1'Oi 'u i ii's' i's.
Bii sssuuu Mitsui si Octoberss7,Mr.
Rogsleer X. Coolclee usiv"'easenses o
111(88 lecture~s lilttil (SCse ft heiss1 1
librry 1 he cils'ss wichinl'tudes a151
1118 hursht 51yerla sstill b i.' nt
8se lse5c1tions

__________ ________ I It N'S N EX I 1,EiI) (iiiSly5.
818 11 i I 1 1'511 '5 iIC~iO1 1A ti(allfgni full' the cou5lltion ofii
Thss Natussio 't " Muni iallit ts u slt I funs foiii'till', t'wome''s Ltlti'hfC
men iof 'roliihl 118 ialliver til lCini ll;tte eucehi me il a
Irv as its nuilbiii's is i ofeingiaus pize/ ben st redu 'siutg' hss' omesnus f Ithis
of too to all- n1dr1111tc tu entunve 1it. hsiss, . Hills 'hs itilr, usisu is
esavo lsstan io.oo wod (i s"i t e is'sug' lu hf Caiiii'sto makhulsa.e hs
:Adminietration ofiitcl Po58'e Depart- inseath class
meat i Sm ityu' n te 5C. (S1with 1
P u t~i on sls f ii Iiis'0'0,000."tu It is inam-~
si th his \llts 11.I Balwssin ruz fes' 8 jON APPIT T I't1('1)'Ci iiI sA .s\xl's.
1118 donor. WIernesr S.IAlilsoin wsapinhiu ted
Thsslast ItitmesitIsis graisletd8w18 in correspoingthi 8sectarys if the Studentts'
18o6),iiwhil thelisubjctft'C heil.'185savs sb Lctulrl. assocattin hi til.hesBoard 15
m it ISwas I raihi T ram sus tou Gas Conutrosl if Pttus 'thhslue oganuizat1ions1
<Il I leI iii ii hut C m a 1Cii atisui (hills I uSsl.y. Its'soI
thtl i me111 ul iisls onlytweve tmanscrips ts were inow 1occupiesl. tile posittilt left vacanlit
sent ill. iiiiti lnittnti is Iswitu ptu ti by hDuunaIC. Joneis 1tusChe sl.gimsi tg Of
asaeb ingps test 'abouut tile camuis.jthis semeste.

JOHN T. McCUTCHEON, Cartoonist 5 Students'
SEN. DOLLIVER, Iowa Insurgent Lcue soito
SEN. GORE, Blind StatesmanLetrAsoiin
REP. VICTOR MURDOCK, Kansas "Cyclone"
LELAND T. POWERS, Dramatic Reader
Best Course Ever DONALD ROBERTSON PLAYERS (two numbers)
SOUSA AND HIS BAND, Known the World Over

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